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Last active July 5, 2018 09:34
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Fun with epigenetic oscillations.
"""Fun with oscillations"""
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.optimize import broyden1
def dXdt(X, t):
"""Calculate derivatives dX/dt, [t] ~ 3-4 days"""
G, S, RNA = X
d_G = 1/10
d_RNA = 10
def act(X, K): return X**2/(X**2 + K**2)
def inh(X, K): return K**2/(X**2 + K**2)
dGdt = act(RNA, 0.1) - ((t > -1)*(t < 0)*3 + d_G)*G
dSdt = 0
dRNAdt = inh(S, 0.5) - d_RNA*RNA
return [dGdt, dSdt, dRNAdt]
"""Integrate ODE"""
n_generations = 15
steps_per_generation = 50
# Find steady solution
G_0, S_0, RNA_0 = 1, 1, 1
for _ in range(50):
solution = odeint(dXdt, [G_0, G_0, RNA_0],
np.linspace(0, 1, steps_per_generation))
G_0, RNA_0 = solution[-1,0], solution[-1,2]
# Apply heat and solve relaxation
G = np.array([G_0])
S = np.empty(0)
RNA = np.array([RNA_0])
for generation in range(-1, n_generations):
solution = odeint(dXdt, [G[-1], G[-1], RNA[-1]],
np.linspace(generation, generation+1, steps_per_generation+1))
G = np.concatenate((G[:-1], solution[:,0]))
S = np.concatenate((S, solution[:,1]))
RNA = np.concatenate((RNA[:-1], solution[:,2]))
"""Plot solution"""
print('Max. G: ', G.max(), '\nMax. RNA: ', RNA.max(), '\nMax. S: ', S.max())
plt.ylim(0, 1.02)
# plt.gca().set_yscale('log')
t = np.linspace(-1, n_generations, steps_per_generation*(n_generations+1) + 1)
plt.plot(t, G/G.max(), color=sns.color_palette()[0], label='G')
plt.plot(t, RNA/RNA.max(), color=sns.color_palette()[2], label='RNA')
S = S.reshape((n_generations+1, -1)).T
t = np.concatenate((t[:-1].reshape((n_generations+1, -1)).T,
plt.plot(t, S/S.max(), color=sns.color_palette()[1], label='S')
handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels()
plt.legend(handles[:2] + [handles[-1]], labels[:2] + [labels[-1]])
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