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Created November 24, 2014 14:07
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// Breakpoints
$breakpoint-to-ems: true;
$print-media: 'print';
$hidpi: min-resolution 143dppx;
// For use with max-width only:
//// +breakpoint(max-width: $tab-l)
$phone-p: 319px;
$phone-l: 479px;
$tab-p: 639px;
$tab-l: 769px;
$desk: 1020px;
$desk-full: 1079px;
// For use with min-width (default breakpoint mixin)
// +breakpoint($desktop)
$smartphone-portrait: 'screen' ($phone-p + 1px);
$smartphone-landscape: 'screen' ($phone-l + 1px);
$tablet-portrait: 'screen' ($tab-p + 1px);
$tablet-landscape: 'screen' ($tab-l + 1px);
$desktop: ($desk + 1px), 'no-query' '.lt-ie9';
// use // $breakpoint-no-queries: true
// $breakpoint-no-query-fallbacks: '.lt-ie9' !global // at the top of a panel layout sass file to
// re-render everything with .lt-ie9 for desktop media queries.
// Phones
$max-phone-p: 'screen' (max-width $phone-p);
$max-phone-l: 'screen' (max-width $phone-l);
$phone-p-phone-l: 'screen' ($phone-p + 1px) $phone-l;
// Tablets
$max-tab-p: 'screen' (max-width $tab-p);
$max-tab-l: 'screen' (max-width $tab-l);
$phone-l-tab-p: 'screen' ($phone-l + 1px) $tab-p;
$phone-l-tab-l: 'screen' ($phone-l + 1px) $tab-l;
$tab-p-tab-l: 'screen' ($tab-p + 1px) $tab-l;
$tab-p-desk: 'screen' ($tab-p + 1px) $desk;
$tab-l-desk: 'screen' ($tab-l + 1px) $desk;
// All mobile devices
$mobile-device: 'screen' max-width $desk;
// High Resolution Devices
$mobile-hi-res: 'screen' (max-width $desk) ($hidpi);
$desk-hi-res: 'screen' (min-width $desk) ($hidpi);
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