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Last active May 9, 2024 10:50
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type Elem = int
/*** Specification ***/
trait SpecSet {
ghost var content: set<Elem>
method insert(x: Elem)
modifies this
ensures content == old(content) + {x}
method erase(x: Elem)
modifies this
ensures content == old(content) - {x}
method hasElement(x: Elem)
returns (result: bool)
ensures result == (x in content)
/*** Implementation based on Lists (possibly with duplicates) ***/
datatype list<T>
= nil | cons(head: T, tail: list<T>)
function contains(xs: list<Elem>, x: Elem): bool {
match xs {
case nil =>
case cons(y, ys) =>
x == y || contains(ys, x)
function remove(xs: list<Elem>, x: Elem): list<Elem> {
match xs {
case nil =>
case cons(y, ys) =>
if x == y then
remove(ys, x)
cons(y, remove(ys, x))
class ListSet {
var xs: list<Elem>
ghost var content: set<Elem>
ghost predicate Valid()
reads this
// predicate representing the inductive invariant
// (i.e., a forward simulation relation)
forall x: Elem ::
contains(xs, x) <==> x in content
constructor init()
ensures content == {}
ensures Valid()
xs := nil;
content := {};
method hasElement(x: Elem)
returns (result: bool)
requires Valid()
ensures result <==> (x in content)
assert contains(xs, x) <==> (x in content);
result := contains(xs, x);
// our goal: copied from the postcondition,
// this is what required us to establish an inductive class invariant
// in the first place (cf. precondition Valid())
assert result <==> (x in content);
return result;
method insert(x: Elem)
modifies this
requires Valid()
ensures Valid()
ensures content == old(content) + {x}
xs := cons(x, xs);
content := content + {x};
lemma contains_remove_with_explicit_proof(xs: list<Elem>, x: Elem)
// make inductive measure explicit
decreases xs
ensures forall z ::
contains(remove(xs, x), z) <==> contains(xs, z) && x != z
// explicit proof
match xs {
case nil =>
// nothing to do
case cons(y,ys) =>
// appeal to the inductive hypothesis,
// which is encoded as a recursive call to ys
contains_remove_with_explicit_proof(ys, x);
// now we have
assert forall z ::
contains(remove(ys, x), z) <==> contains(ys, z) && x != z;
lemma contains_remove(xs: list<Elem>, x: Elem)
ensures forall y ::
contains(remove(xs, x), y) <==> contains(xs, y) && x != y
// proved automatically by Dafny using induction on xs
method erase(x: Elem)
modifies this
requires Valid()
ensures Valid()
ensures content == old(content) - {x}
// the assertions below are *not* necessary to conclude the proof,
// they just make explicit the respective conditions that are established there
// invocation of the lemma above for the correct parameters xs, x
contains_remove(xs, x);
// unfolding of the predicate valid
assert forall y :: (y in content && y != x) <==> contains(remove(xs, x), y);
xs := remove(xs, x);
// backwards substitution of the assignment below (cf. Hoare Logic)
assert content - {x} == old(content) - {x};
content := content - {x};
// our goal: copied from the postcondition
assert content == old(content) - {x};
type Elem(==)
class SpecSet {
ghost var content: set<Elem>
constructor init()
ensures content == {}
method insert(x: Elem)
modifies this
ensures content == old(content) + {x}
method erase(x: Elem)
modifies this
ensures content == old(content) - {x}
method hasElement(x: Elem)
returns (result: bool)
ensures result == (x in content)
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