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Last active August 22, 2022 23:06
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(ns lcm.core)
;; Finding the least common multiplier for a list of numbers
;; Reference material
(defn bigint-gcd ^long [^long a ^long b]
(.longValue (.gcd (BigInteger/valueOf a) (BigInteger/valueOf b))))
(defn euclid-gcd [^long a ^long b]
"Simple eclidean gcd"
(loop [a' (long (max a b)) b' (long (min a b))]
(if (zero? b')
(recur b' (mod a' b')))))
(def ^:dynamic *gcd* euclid-gcd)
(defn lcm
([^long a ^long b]
(* a (/ b (*gcd* a b))))
(reduce lcm ls)))
;; Incomplete Proof of LCM applies to a list
;; if P = lcm(a, b)
;; then if we factorise a into a_1 * a_2 = a
;; a_1 and a_2 are both multiples of a and therefore a multiple of P [basic number theory]
;; The same can be said for b
;; If P is the LCM for a and b, then it is also the LCM for [a_1, a_2, a, b]
;; If a new list is made [a_1, a_2, a, b, c] then P may not be the LCM for this list
;; if a new LCM is calculated P2 then [a_1, a_2, a, b, c] are by definition a multiple of P2.
(lcm []) ;=> nil
(lcm [10]) ;=> 10
(lcm [2 4]) ;=> 4
(lcm [3 7]) ;=> 21
(lcm [2 4 10]) ;=> 20
(lcm [15 2 4]) ;=> 60
(binding [*gcd* bigint-gcd]
(lcm [10 11 3 4 5]))
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