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Created June 18, 2013 17:06
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Clojure functions for dealing with ftp or sftp server using the commons vfs2 library. from
(ns pseidon.core.ds.ftp
(:require [pseidon.core.conf :refer [get-conf get-conf2] ]
'(org.apache.commons.vfs2 FileContent FileObject FileSystemManager FileSystemOptions VFS Selectors)
'(org.apache.commons.vfs2.auth StaticUserAuthenticator)
'(org.apache.commons.vfs2.impl DefaultFileSystemConfigBuilder)
(defn ftp-connect [^String host ^String uid ^String pwd]
"save this connection to a global value.
returns a map with :fs file-manager :host host-string :auth StatusUserAuthenticator :opts FileSystemOptions
(let [fs-manager (VFS/getManager)
auth (StaticUserAuthenticator. nil uid pwd)
opts (FileSystemOptions.)
(doto (DefaultFileSystemConfigBuilder/getInstance) (.setUserAuthenticator opts auth))
{:fs fs-manager :host host :auth auth :opts opts}
(defn ftp-put [{:keys [fs host opts] } ^String file ^String dest]
"Performs a FTP/SFTP put"
(let [url (clojure.string/join "/" [host dest]) ]
(with-open [remote-fs-obj (-> fs (.resolveFile url opts)) ;remote file object
local-fs-obj (-> fs (.resolveFile (-> ( file) .getAbsolutePath ) )) ] ;local file object
(-> remote-fs-obj (.copyFrom local-fs-obj (Selectors/SELECT_SELF)))
(defn ftp-get [{:keys [fs host opts] } ^String remote ^String local]
"Performs a FTP/SFTP get"
(let [url (clojure.string/join "/" [host remote]) local-file ( local)]
(with-open [
remote-fs-obj (-> fs (.resolveFile url opts)) ;remote file object
local-fs-obj (-> fs (.resolveFile (-> local-file .getAbsolutePath ) )) ] ;local file object
(.mkdirs (.getParentFile local-file)) ;ensure that the parent directories exist
(-> local-fs-obj (.copyFrom remote-fs-obj (Selectors/SELECT_SELF)))
(defn ftp-mv [{:keys [fs host opts] } ^String f1 ^String f2]
"Performs a FTP/SFTP move/rename"
(let [url1 (clojure.string/join "/" [host f1]) url2 (clojure.string/join "/" [host f2]) ]
(with-open [f1-obj (-> fs (.resolveFile url1 opts)) ;remote file object
f2-obj (-> fs (.resolveFile url2 opts))] ;local file object
(-> f1-obj (.moveTo f2-obj))
(defn ftp-details [ {:keys [fs host opts] } ^String remote ]
"Returns a map with :size on ftp server, :last-modified-time :attributes"
(let [url (clojure.string/join "/" [host remote]) ]
(with-open [f-obj (-> fs (.resolveFile url opts))]
(let [cnt (.getContent f-obj)]
{:size (.getSize cnt) :last-modified-time (.getLastModifiedTime cnt) :attributes (.getAttributes cnt) }
(defn ftp-inputstream [ {:keys [fs host opts] } ^String remote ]
"Returns an inputstream for the file"
(let [url (clojure.string/join "/" [host remote])
f-obj (-> fs (.resolveFile url opts))
in (-> f-obj .getContent .getInputStream)]
(proxy [] []
(available [] (.available in))
(mark [limit] (.mark in))
(markSupported [] (.markSupported in))
(read ([] (.read in))
([bts] (.read in bts))
([bts off len] (.read in bts off len))
(reset [] (.reset in))
(skip [n] (.skip n in))
(close [] ;we need to close obht the f-obj and the inputstream
(.close in)
(.close f-obj)
(defn ftp-mkdirs [{:keys [fs host opts] :as m } ^String remote]
"Performs a FTP/SFTP mkdir on all parent directories of remote before calling mkdir on the remote directories"
(def _mkdir (fn [parent dir]
(let [abs_dir (clojure.string/join "/" [parent dir]) url (clojure.string/join "/" [host abs_dir]) ]
(with-open [remote-fs-obj (-> fs (.resolveFile url opts))]
(if (not (.exists remote-fs-obj) )
(.createFolder remote-fs-obj)
(clojure.string/join "/" [parent dir])
;we apply the mkdir function to each subdirectory
(reduce _mkdir (clojure.string/split remote #"/") )
(defn ftp-exists? [{:keys [fs host opts] } ^String remote]
"Performs a FTP/SFTP exists"
(let [url (clojure.string/join "/" [host remote])]
(with-open [
remote-fs-obj (-> fs (.resolveFile url opts)) ;remote file object
(.exists remote-fs-obj)
(defn ftp-rm [{:keys [fs host opts] } ^String remote]
"Performs a FTP/SFTP rmdir"
(let [url (clojure.string/join "/" [host remote])]
(with-open [
remote-fs-obj (-> fs (.resolveFile url opts)) ;remote file object
(if (.exists remote-fs-obj) (.delete remote-fs-obj))
(defn ftp-ls [{:keys [fs host opts] } ^String remote]
"Performs a FTP/SFTP list on the remote dir"
(let [url (clojure.string/join "/" [host remote])]
(with-open [remote-fs-obj (-> fs (.resolveFile url opts)) ]
(map #(let [name (-> % .getName .getPathDecoded)] (.close %) name) (.getChildren remote-fs-obj))
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