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Created February 25, 2019 22:01
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Balanced Structure Graph Test (Game of Thorns)
from collections import namedtuple
''' Linear time complete graph check for structural balance checker as per
Algorithm. Since it is a complete graph that has every possible edge between nodes. We don't need a graph.
As we read edges, store edge in dictionary with key as tuple of the two nodes names,
normalized so the first node in the tuple is less than second
Also as we read in the edges, make a list of all the node names
now just form a path though the node names n1 ++ n2 -- n3 ++ n4 ++ n5
and assign them to two groups 1 and 2 based edge value of ++ or --
now for all the rest of edges, just check if any of them are in conflict with the two groups.
Edge = namedtuple('Edge', "n1 n2 friends")
def input_graph(n, m): # -> dict[(n1,n2)] : Edge, Set() of node names
edges = {}
nodes = {}
for _ in range(m):
s = input()
divider = " -- " if " -- " in s else " ++ "
n1, n2 = s.split(divider)
if n1 > n2:
n1, n2 = n2, n1 # normalize
edges[(n1, n2)] = Edge(n1, n2, divider == ' ++ ')
if len(nodes) < n: # collect node names
nodes[n1] = 0
nodes[n2] = 0
return edges, nodes
def bad_edge(nodes, e):
g1 = nodes[e.n1]
g2 = nodes[e.n2]
if e.friends:
if g1 != g2:
return True
if g1 == g2:
return True
return False # a good edge
def main():
n, m = map(int, input().split())
edges, nodes = input_graph(n, m)
# process path of all nodes to form groups 1 and 2
keys = iter(nodes.keys())
from_node = next(keys)
current_group = 1
nodes[from_node] = 1 # place first node in group 1
for n2 in keys: # rest of path through all nodes
key = (from_node, n2) if from_node < n2 else (n2, from_node)
e = edges[key]
if not e.friends:
current_group = 3 - current_group # toggle 1>2 2>1
nodes[n2] = current_group
from_node = n2
del edges[key]
for e in edges.values():
if bad_edge(nodes, e):
print("Not Balanced")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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