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Last active September 1, 2017 00:43
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param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet('Install', 'Uninstall', 'Start', 'Stop', 'Status', 'Info', 'Open', 'Deploy', 'Upgrade', 'Help')]
function Download-File{[CmdletBinding()]param($url, $targetFile, $proxy)
Write-Verbose "Downloading '${url}' to '${targetFile}'"
$uri = New-Object "System.Uri" "$url"
$request = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create($uri)
if($proxy -ne $null)
$request.Proxy = $proxy
$request.set_Timeout(15000) #15 second timeout
$response = $request.GetResponse()
$totalLength = [System.Math]::Floor($response.get_ContentLength()/1024)
$responseStream = $response.GetResponseStream()
$targetStream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.FileStream -ArgumentList $targetFile, Create
$buffer = new-object byte[] 10KB
$count = $responseStream.Read($buffer,0,$buffer.length)
$downloadedBytes = $count
$sw = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
while ($count -gt 0)
$targetStream.Write($buffer, 0, $count)
$count = $responseStream.Read($buffer,0,$buffer.length)
$downloadedBytes = $downloadedBytes + $count
if ($sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds -ge 500) {
$activity = "Downloading file '$($url.split('/') | Select -Last 1)'"
$status = "Downloaded ($([System.Math]::Floor($downloadedBytes/1024))K of $($totalLength)K): "
$percentComplete = ((([System.Math]::Floor($downloadedBytes/1024)) / $totalLength) * 100)
Write-Progress -activity $activity -status $status -PercentComplete $percentComplete
Write-Progress -activity "Finished downloading file '$($url.split('/') | Select -Last 1)'" -Completed -status "Done"
function Install-Puppet-Discovery($pd) {
Write-Output 'puppet-discovery install'
Write-Output "temp location = $pd"
if (-Not (Test-Path (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "vbox.exe"))) {
Write-Output 'downloading virtualbox ...'
Download-File -url "" -targetFile (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "vbox.exe")
if (-Not (Test-Path (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "minikube.exe"))) {
Write-Output 'downloading minikube ...'
Download-File -url "" -targetFile (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "minikube.exe")
if (-Not (Test-Path (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "kubectl.exe"))) {
Write-Output 'downloading kubectl ...'
Download-File -url "" -targetFile (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "kubectl.exe")
Write-Output 'register minikube alias ...'
New-Alias minikube (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "minikube.exe") -Force
Write-Output 'register kubectl alias ...'
New-Alias kubectl (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "kubectl.exe") -Force
if (-Not (Test-Path $env:TEMP\VirtualBox\*amd64.msi -Type Leaf)) {
Write-Output 'expand virtualbox ...'
$cmd = (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "vbox.exe") + " --extract --silent";
Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "vbox.exe") -ArgumentList "--extract --silent" -Wait -NoNewWindow
if (-Not (Test-Path $env:ProgramFiles\Oracle\\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe -Type Leaf)) {
Write-Output 'install virtualbox ...'
$msi = Get-Item -Path $env:TEMP\VirtualBox\*amd64.msi
$arg = "/i " + $msi.FullName + " /passive";
Start-Process -FilePath $env:windir\system32\msiexec.exe -ArgumentList $arg -Wait -NoNewWindow
Write-Output 'configure minikube cluster ...'
Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "minikube.exe") -ArgumentList 'config set cpus 1' -Wait -NoNewWindow
Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "minikube.exe") -ArgumentList 'config set memory 4096' -Wait -NoNewWindow
Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "minikube.exe") -ArgumentList 'config set kubernetes-version v1.7.2' -Wait -NoNewWindow
Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "minikube.exe") -ArgumentList 'config view' -Wait -NoNewWindow
Write-Output 'start minikube cluster ...'
Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "minikube.exe") -ArgumentList 'start' -Wait -NoNewWindow
Write-Output 'wait till cluster is in Running state ...'
$i = 1
Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "minikube.exe") -ArgumentList 'status --format "{{.MinikubeStatus}}"' -Wait -NoNewWindow -RedirectStandardOutput $pd\status.txt
$status = Get-Content $pd\status.txt
if ($status -eq "Running") {
Start-Sleep -Seconds $i
if ($i -ge 10) {
Write-Error -Message "Status retrieval timedout" -Category QuotaExceeded -ErrorId 1001
Write-Output 'configure kubectl for minikube ...'
Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "minikube.exe") -ArgumentList 'update-context' -Wait -NoNewWindow
Write-Output 'reconfigure minikube vm ...'
Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "minikube.exe") -ArgumentList 'ssh "sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144"' -Wait -NoNewWindow
Write-Output 'deploy services ...'
Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "kubectl.exe") -ArgumentList 'run hello-minikube --image=gertd/node-env:v0.01 --port=8080' -Wait -NoNewWindow
Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "kubectl.exe") -ArgumentList 'expose deployment hello-minikube --type=NodePort' -Wait -NoNewWindow
function Uninstall-Puppet-Discovery($pd) {
Write-Output 'puppet-discovery uninstall'
Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "minikube.exe") -ArgumentList 'stop' -Wait -NoNewWindow
Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "minikube.exe") -ArgumentList 'delete' -Wait -NoNewWindow
$msi = Get-Item -Path $env:TEMP\VirtualBox\*amd64.msi
if ($msi.Exist) {
$arg = "/uninstall " + $f.FullName + " /passive"
Start-Process -FilePath $env:windir\system32\msiexec.exe -ArgumentList $arg -Wait
if (Test-Path $env:TEMP\puppet-discovery -Type Container) {
Write-Output 'cleanup puppet-discovery installation location ...'
Remove-Item -Path $env:TEMP\puppet-discovery -Recurse -Force
if (Test-Path $env:TEMP\VirtualBox -Type Container) {
Write-Output 'cleanup VirtualBox installation location ...'
Remove-Item -Path $env:TEMP\VirtualBox -Recurse -Force
function Start-Puppet-Discovery($pd) {
Write-Output 'puppet-discovery start'
Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "minikube.exe") -ArgumentList 'start' -Wait -NoNewWindow
function Stop-Puppet-Discovery($pd) {
Write-Output 'puppet-discovery stop'
Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "minikube.exe") -ArgumentList 'stop' -Wait -NoNewWindow
function Status-Puppet-Discovery($pd) {
Write-Output 'puppet-discovery status'
Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "minikube.exe") -ArgumentList 'status --format "{{.MinikubeStatus}}"' -Wait -NoNewWindow -RedirectStandardOutput $pd\status.txt
$status = Get-Content $pd\status.txt
Write-Output $status
function Info-Puppet-Discovery {
Write-Output 'puppet-discovery info'
### minikube service mini-nginx-ingress-controller --url --https
function Open-Puppet-Discovery($pd) {
Write-Output 'puppet-discovery open'
### TODO need retry logic on failure
Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "minikube.exe") -ArgumentList 'service hello-minikube --url' -Wait -NoNewWindow -RedirectStandardOutput $pd\url.txt
Write-Output 'open browser ...'
$url = Get-Content $pd\url.txt
Start-Process -FilePath $url
function Deploy-Puppet-Discovery($pd) {
Write-Output 'puppet-discovery deploy'
Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "kubectl.exe") -ArgumentList 'run hello-minikube --image=gertd/node-env:v0.01 --port=8080' -Wait -NoNewWindow
Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "kubectl.exe") -ArgumentList 'expose deployment hello-minikube --type=NodePort' -Wait -NoNewWindow
function Upgrade-Puppet-Discovery($pd) {
Write-Output 'puppet-discovery upgrade'
Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $pd -ChildPath "kubectl.exe") -ArgumentList 'set image deployments/hello-minikube hello-minikube=gertd/node-env:v0.02' -Wait -NoNewWindow
function Help-Puppet-Discovery {
Write-Output 'puppet-discovery help'
Write-Output ''
Write-Output 'Commands: [Install | Uninstall | Start | Stop | Status | Info | Open | Upgrade | Help ] '
Write-Output ''
Write-Output ' Install - Install the puppet-discovery control-plane and services'
Write-Output ' Uninstall - Remove the puppet-discovery control-plane and services (removes all collected !!!)'
Write-Output ' Start - Start the puppet-discovery services'
Write-Output ' Stop - Stop the puppet-discovery services'
Write-Output ' Status - Show puppet-discovery service status'
Write-Output ' Info - List all puppet-discovery service endpoints'
Write-Output ' Open - Open puppet-discovery dashboard inside browser'
Write-Output ' Deploy - Deploy puppet-discovery services'
Write-Output ' Upgrade - Upgrade puppet-discovery to new latest version'
Write-Output ' Help - This help screen'
$pd = New-Item $env:TEMP\puppet-discovery -Type Directory -Force
{($_ -eq "install")} { Install-Puppet-Discovery $pd }
{($_ -eq "uninstall")} { Uninstall-Puppet-Discovery $pd }
{($_ -eq "start")} { Start-Puppet-Discovery $pd }
{($_ -eq "stop")} { Stop-Puppet-Discovery $pd }
{($_ -eq "status")} { Status-Puppet-Discovery $pd }
{($_ -eq "info")} { Info-Puppet-Discovery $pd }
{($_ -eq "open")} { Open-Puppet-Discovery $pd }
{($_ -eq "deploy")} { Deploy-Puppet-Discovery $pd }
{($_ -eq "upgrade")} { Upgrade-Puppet-Discovery $pd }
{($_ -eq "help")} { Help-Puppet-Discovery }
default { Help-Puppet-Discovery }
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