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Created February 18, 2013 16:05
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Convert GeMTC posterior samples for the log odds-ratio to samples for the log risk-ratio using an assumed baseline probability. The baseline could also be a vector of samples from a distribution for the baseline probability. For the given example probability (p = 0.3), the LRR and LOR differ substantially. For p = 0.01 they are nearly identical.
network <- ... # wherever your network comes from
model <- mtc.model(network)
result <-
result <- relative.effect(result, t1="A") # make sure everything is relative to the same reference
# transform the LOR to the LRR using an assumed probability for the reference treatment A <- function(lor, p.A) {
lo.A <- log(p.A / (1 - p.A))
lo.B <- lo.A + lor # absolute log-odds of B
p.B <- exp(lo.B) / (1 + exp(lo.B)) # inverse logit: absolute probability of B
log(p.B / p.A) # the log-RR
p <- 0.3 # assume a 30% probability of treatment response with A
# Calculate the log-RR
lrr.samples <- as.mcmc.list(lapply(result$samples, function(chain) {
cols <- grep("^d\\.", colnames(chain)) # find the "difference (d.X.Y)" parameters
chain[, cols] <-[, cols], p)
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