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Created May 7, 2020 22:45
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#IfWinActive ahk_class Age3 ; Hotkeys above will works only if age of empires 3 (re/ep) is open
Send {Shift down}{XButton2}{Shift up} ; select all idle vills (side button on mouse (side/bottom)) . Change `XButton2` with whatever you setup idle villagers in hotkeys
CapsLock::+a ; select all military (select all military button is set to `shift+a` in my hotkeys)
~Tab::Send, /^w/ ; switch and focus between your heros with tab (`shift+w` : remove from groups, `/`: find hero in my hotkeys) (this removes hero from group and selects it)
a::Send a^q ; select all TCs (`a` : select TC, `q` select all same type of in hotkeys) (this is useful when you have 3 TCs and create vills with 2 key press (`a+s` for me))
:*:aa::a^f ; since `a` is select all TC above, pressing `a` 2 times wont focus on TC, this will make it work (`a`: TC, `f`: focus)
startRandomGame() modeEnter("Pregame") doMPSetup(true)
// Agra(wonder) hotkeys (sepoy with key "s" etc )
map("u", "game", "uiFindType(\"ypWIAgraFort2\") uiFindType(\"ypWIAgraFort3\") uiFindType(\"ypWIAgraFort4\") uiFindType(\"ypWIAgraFort5\")")
map("s", "WonderAccel", "tis(\"ypSepoy\", 5)")
map("d", "WonderAccel", "tis(\"ypNatMercGurkha\", 5)")
map("x", "WonderAccel", "tis(\"ypRajput\", 5)")
// Flair shortcut (ctrl + space)
map ("control-space", "game", "editMode(\"flare\")uiSetProtoCursor(\"WaypointFlag\")")
//Gate (g)
map ("shift-g", "game", "uiTransformSelectedUnit(\"CWallGate\")")
// Stealth
map ("shift-s", "game", "unitSetTactic(\"Stealth\")")
// Delete unit without confirm
map ("shift-q", "game", "uiDeleteAllSelectedUnits")
// Set military gather points from tc and agra
map ("n", "TownCenterAccel", "editMode(\"GatherPointMilitary\") uiSetProtoCursor(\"WaypointFlag\", false)")
map ("n", "WonderAccel", "editMode(\"GatherPointMilitary\") uiSetProtoCursor(\"WaypointFlag\", false)")
// select all infantry (muskets, skirms..)
map("1", "game", "uiFindAllOfType(\"AbstractRangedInfantry\") ")
// select hand cav (huss, cuirs, cossaks..)
map("2", "game", "uiFindAllOfType(\"AbstractHandCavalry\") ")
// select all light cav (dragoon, bow riders...)
map("3", "game", "uiFindAllOfType(\"AbstractLightCavalry\") ")
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