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Created April 8, 2016 15:06
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PDKClient.H (with my edits)
// Copyright (c) 2015 Pinterest. All rights reserved.
// Created by Ricky Cancro on 1/28/15.
@import Foundation;
#import <AFNetworking/AFNetworking.h>
* Permissions that you can request a user to authorize.
extern NSString * const PDKClientReadPublicPermissions;
extern NSString * const PDKClientWritePublicPermissions;
extern NSString * const PDKClientReadPrivatePermissions;
extern NSString * const PDKClientWritePrivatePermissions;
extern NSString * const PDKClientReadRelationshipsPermissions;
extern NSString * const PDKClientWriteRelationshipsPermissions;
* The base string of all the SDK endpoints
extern NSString * const kPDKClientBaseURLString;
@class PDKBoard;
@class PDKPin;
@class PDKResponseObject;
@class PDKUser;
* The signature for the block that is called for all API requests that succeed
* @param responseObject The object that was returned from the API call
typedef void (^PDKClientSuccess)(PDKResponseObject *responseObject);
* The signature for the block that is called for all API requests that fail
* @param error The error that the API call encountered
typedef void (^PDKClientFailure)(NSError *error);
* The signature for the block that is periodically called while uploading a local image
* so the user can show some type of progress
* @param percentComplete The percent complete
typedef void (^PDKPinUploadProgress)(CGFloat percentComplete);
* Use the PDKClient to interact with the Pinterest SDK. Before making API calls
* the client must be configured with an appId. Once configured,
* authenticateWithPermissions:withSuccess:andFailure needs to be called to get the user's
* permission to access his/her account.
* Once authenticated, calls can be made by passing in endpoints directly (using
* methods like getPath:parameters:success:failure:) or by using convience methods
* (like getPinsForBoard:success:failure)
@interface PDKClient : AFHTTPRequestOperationManager
* The assigned appId that is used to make API requests
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *appId;
* The oauthToken returned from the server unpon authentication. If you store this in your
* app, please be sure to do so securely (in keychain) and be warned that it can expire
* at any time. If the token expires, you will need to reauthenticate and get a new token.
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *oauthToken;
* Set to YES when the client is authorized and requests can be made
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL authorized;
* PDKClient is a singleton. This will return the one instance of the client.
* @return A PDKClient object
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance;
* Before making API requests via the client, use this method to configure
* the client with an appId.
* @param appId appId needed to make API requests
+ (void)configureSharedInstanceWithAppId:(NSString *)appId;
#pragma mark - Authentication
* Called to ask for a Pinterest user's permission to access his/her account. This method
* will either redirect to the Pinterest app (if installed) or to a website to allow a
* user to authuorize his/her account.
* This method will try to use the cached token to authenticate if it is available. If not,
* then the user will be redirected to authenticate. If you wish to silently authenticate if
* a user's cached token is still valid, try silentlyAuthenticateWithSuccess:andFailure:.
* @param permissions List of permissions to request from the user's Pinterest account
* @param successBlock called when the API request succeeds
* @param failureBlock called when the API request fails
- (void)authenticateWithPermissions:(NSArray *)permissions
viewController: (UIViewController *)viewController
* This method will use the cached oauth token and permission to populate PDKClient's oauthToken
* property. If there is no cached oauth token this method will call the failure block and do
* nothing else (i.e., no app switching to authenticate).
* @param successBlock called if the cached token can be used to authenticate
* @param failureBlock called if there is no cached token
- (void)silentlyAuthenticateWithSuccess:(PDKClientSuccess)successBlock
* After the user authorizes his/her Pinterest account, control switches back to the
* calling application. Placing a call to this method in application:handleOpenURL: will
* parse the oauth token out of the URL and call the successBlock or failureBlock that were
* passed into authenticateWithPermissions:withSuccess:andFailure. This method will also
* store the user's oauth token in the keychain.
* @param url The URL that was passed into the application
* @return YES if the URL was handled by PDKClient
- (BOOL)handleCallbackURL:(NSURL *)url;
* Removes the saved oauth token for the currently authorized user.
+ (void)clearAuthorizedUser;
#pragma mark - Generic API access
* Makes a GET API request
* @param path The path to endpoint
* @param parameters Any parameters that need to be sent to the endpoint
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)getPath:(NSString *)path
parameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters
* Makes a DELETE API request
* @param path The path to the endpoint
* @param parameters Any parameters that need to be sent to the endpoint
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)deletePath:(NSString *)path
parameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters
* Makes a PUT API request
* @param path The path to the endpoint
* @param parameters Any parameters that need to be sent to the endpoint
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)putPath:(NSString *)path
parameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters
* Makes a POST API request
* @param path The path to the endpoint
* @param parameters Any parameters that need to be sent to the endpoint
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)postPath:(NSString *)path
parameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters
#pragma mark - User Endpoints
* Get a PDKUser object for the currently authorized user
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)getAuthorizedUserFields:(NSSet *)fields
* Get a PDKUser with the given username
* @param username username (or ID) of a Pinterest user
* @param fields The user fields that will be returned by the api
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)getUser:(NSString *)username
fields:(NSSet *)fields
* Get a list of the authorized user's pins. The response can be
* used to get the next page of pins.
* @param fields The pins fields that will be returned by the api
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)getAuthenticatedUserPinsWithFields:(NSSet *)fields
* Get a list of the authorized user's likes. The reponse can be used to get the
* next page of likes.
* @param fields The pin fields that will be returned by the api
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)getAuthenticatedUserLikesWithFields:(NSSet *)fields
* Get a list of the authorized user's boards. The reponse can be used to
* get the next page of boards.
* @param fields The board fields that will be returned by the api
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)getAuthenticatedUserBoardsWithFields:(NSSet *)fields
* Get a list of the authorized user's followers. The response can be used to
* get the next page of followers (PDKUsers)
* @param fields The user fields that will be returned by the api
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)getAuthorizedUserFollowersWithFields:(NSSet *)fields
* Get a list of the users the authorized user follows. The response can be used to
* get the next page of followers (PDKUsers)
* @param fields The user fields that will be returned by the api
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)getAuthorizedUserFollowedUsersWithFields:(NSSet *)fields
* Get a list of the boards the authorized user follows. The response can be used to
* get the next page of followers (PDKUsers)
* @param fields The board fields that will be returned by the api
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)getAuthorizedUserFollowedBoardsWithFields:(NSSet *)fields
* Get a list of the interests the authorized user follows. The response can be used to
* get the next page of followers (PDKUsers)
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)getAuthorizedUserFollowedInterestsWithSuccess:(PDKClientSuccess)successBlock
#pragma mark - Board endpoints
* Get a PDKBoard object for the given board ID
* @param boardId ID of the board to fetch
* @param fields The board fields that will be returned by the api
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)getBoardWithIdentifier:(NSString *)boardId
fields:(NSSet *)fields
* Get a list of pins for the given board. The response can be used to get
* the bext page of pins.
* @param boardId ID of the board
* @param fields The pin fields that will be returned by the api
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)getBoardPins:(NSString *)boardId
fields:(NSSet *)fields
* Delete the given board
* @param boardId ID of board to delete
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)deleteBoard:(NSString *)boardId
* Create a board. The reponse object will contain the new PDKBoard
* @param boardName Name of the new board
* @param description Description of the new board
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)createBoard:(NSString *)boardName
boardDescription:(NSString *)description
#pragma mark - Pins
* Get a PDKPin for the given pinID
* @param pinId ID of the pin to fetch
* @param fields The pin fields that will be returned by the api
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)getPinWithIdentifier:(NSString *)pinId
fields:(NSSet *)fields
* Creates a new pin from a URL
* @param imageURL The URL to the image to pin
* @param link A URL to the source page
* @param boardId ID of the board to pin to
* @param pinDescription Description for the pin
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)createPinWithImageURL:(NSURL *)imageURL
link:(NSURL *)link
onBoard:(NSString *)boardId
description:(NSString *)pinDescription
* Delete the given pin
* @param pinId ID of pin to delete
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)deletePin:(NSString *)pinId
* Creates a new pin from a UIImage
* @param image a UIImage to pin
* @param link A URL to the source page
* @param boardId Id of the board to pin to
* @param pinDescription Description of the pin
* @param progressBlock Block called periodically as the UIImage uploads
* @param successBlock Called when the API call succeeds
* @param failureBlock Called when the API call fails
- (void)createPinWithImage:(UIImage *)image
link:(NSURL *)link
onBoard:(NSString *)boardId
description:(NSString *)pinDescription
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