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Created July 21, 2022 19:14
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LPC code for graphing
// /adm/daemons/global_graphing.c
// Plugin to the globals daemon for graphing ([ string label : int value ])
// can also take an array of strings in the form of: label|value
// or a string with lines in the same string form as above
// Created: 2010/09/07: Gesslar
// Last Change: 2010/09/07: Gesslar
// 2010/09/07: Gesslar - Created
class Bar {
string label ;
int value ;
int percent ;
string color ;
string value_string ;
string percent_string ;
string display ;
varargs string graph_lines(mixed data, string delimiter, string sort, int descending, function colorfunc)
string *lines, mess ;
class Bar *bars ;
int total, len, label_len, max_percent ;
if(pointerp(data)) lines = data;
else if(stringp(data)) lines = explode(data, "\n");
else return 0;
// Filter out lines which are comments, beginning with #
lines = filter(lines, (: $1[0] != '#' :)) ;
if(!undefinedp(delimiter)) delimiter = "|";
if(!undefinedp(sort)) sort = "value";
if(!undefinedp(descending)) descending = 1;
// Build the initial array based on splitting the info
bars = map(lines, function(string line, string delimiter, function func) {
class Bar bar ;
string label ;
int value ;
sscanf(line, "%s"+delimiter+"%d", label, value) ;
bar = new(class Bar) ;
bar->label = label ;
bar->value = value ;
bar->value_string = add_commas(value) ;
if(functionp(func)) bar->color = (*func)(label, value) ;
else bar->color = "`<z07>`" ;
return bar ;
}, delimiter, colorfunc) ;
// Find the total of all the values passed
total = array_sum(map(bars, (: $1->value :))) ;
// Set the percent in each bar
bars = map(bars, function(class Bar bar, int total) {
bar->percent = percent(bar->value, total) ;
bar->percent_string = sprintf("(%d%%)", bar->percent) ;
return bar ;
}, total) ;
// Find the max label length
label_len = max(map(bars, (: strlen($1->label) :))) ;
// Find the length of label, value_string, and percent_string, so
// we know how long to make our bars,
len = max(map(bars, function(class Bar bar, int label_len) {
return 5 // " | " + 2 spaces
+ label_len
+ strlen(bar->value_string)
+ strlen(bar->percent_string) ;
}, label_len)) ;
// Find the max percent, this is to maximise the space used for bar
// sizes.
max_percent = max(map(bars, (: $1->percent :))) ;
case "value" :
if(descending) bars = sort_array(bars, (: $2->value - $1->value :)) ;
else bars = sort_array(bars, (: $1->value - $2->value :)) ;
break ;
case "label" :
if(descending) bars = sort_array(bars, (: strcmp($2->label, $1->label) :)) ;
else bars = sort_array(bars, (: strcmp($1->label, $2->label) :)) ;
break ;
// Set the display member to the printed bar
bars = map(bars, function(class Bar bar, int len, int label_len, int max_percent) {
int width = 80 - len ;
int bar_percent = percent(bar->percent, max_percent) ;
int num_dots = percent_of(bar_percent, width) ;
string dots = num_dots > 0 ? repeat_string("@", num_dots) : "|" ;
bar->display = sprintf("%s | %s%s`<res>` %s %s",
sprintf("%"+label_len+"s", bar->label),
) ;
return bar ;
}, len, label_len, max_percent) ;
// Get the printable message
mess = implode(map(bars, (: $1->display :)), "\n") ;
return mess + "\n" ;
varargs string graph_mapping(mapping data, string sort, int descending, function colorfunc)
int data_num, sz ;
string *labels, *lines;
if(!(sz = sizeof(data))) return 0;
if(!undefinedp(sort)) sort = "value";
if(!undefinedp(descending)) descending = 1;
lines = allocate(sz) ;
labels = keys(data);
lines[sz] = sprintf("%s|%d", labels[sz], data[labels[sz]]) ;
return graph_lines(lines, "|", sort, descending, colorfunc);
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gesslar commented Jul 21, 2022


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