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//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Foundation
// this is either a third party SDK interface or your own analytics client implementation
// that actually sends JSON across the wire to deliver tracked analytics events
protocol AnalyticsClient {
func sendAnalyticsDataToTheBackend(_ eventJSON: [String: Any])

CocoaPods only supports Swift on OS X 10.9 and newer, and iOS 8 and newer.

Here's why:

  • Swift is supported on OS X 10.9 / iOS 7 and newer, as stated by Apple numerous times.
  • There is no support for building static archives with Swift.
  • Dynamic frameworks are supported on all versions of OS X.
  • Dynamic frameworks are unsupported on iOS versions prior to 8:

> ld: warning: embedded dylibs/frameworks only run on iOS 8 or later.

typealias BOOLAEN = Bool
typealias LIKEON68K = UInt16
typealias STRING = String
typealias STRINGINDEX = String.Index
typealias BOOL = Bool
typealias UNICODESCALER = UnicodeScalar
typealias GONADS = String
typealias NUMBERSWITHDOTS = Double
typealias CH = Character
typealias AMANA = Range<STRINGINDEX>