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Last active December 4, 2023 20:31
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JS vs Foi symbol count comparision: async IO
// note: this requires a JS library for the IO monad, for example Monio:
// letters, numbers, string-literal-chars (a-z A-Z 0-9 / < >): 273
// non-letters-non-whitespace: 78
// simple symbols (. ` " ( ) { } $ , =): 63
// compound symbols (=>): 4 (8 chars)
// optional semicolons: 6
// whitespace: 73
const getFavoriteMovies = userID => IO(function*(){
const movieIDs = yield fetch(`/movies/${userID}`);
const movieData = yield Promise.all( => fetch(`/movie/${movieID}`))
const itemsHTML = => v.title)
(html, title) => `${html}<li>${title}</li>`,
return setBodyHTML(`<ul>${itemsHTML}</ul>`);
// note: the .java on this filename is only for approx syntax highlighting on github
// letters, numbers, string-literal-chars (a-z A-Z 0-9 / < >): 231
// non-letters-non-whitespace: 86
// simple symbols (. " ` : ( ) { } , = ^ ~): 71
// compound symbols (:: ~<<): 4 (9 chars)
// optional semicolons: 6
// whitespace: 75
defn getFavoriteMovies(userID) ^(IO ~<< {
def movieIDs:: fetch(`"/movies/`userID`");
def movieData:: all(
movieIDs ~map (movieID) {
def itemsHTML: (~fold)(
movieData ~map (.)|, "title"|,
(html, title) { `"`html`<li>`title`</li>" }
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getify commented Dec 4, 2023

If you had never seen either JS or Foi before... and you were just making notes at a glance of what "syntax" you're seeing that you might not understand...

For JS:

  • => hmmm what is that? Oh, it's mathematical syntax for functions. umm, ok.
  • function* what the heck is that * for? generators? umm, sure. why?
  • what is yield all about? oh, ok, generators. great.
  • what are these ` around the strings? oh, cool, a third whole way of delimiting strings. sure.
  • and ${ }? oh, that's special for those ` strings. gotcha, yeah.

For Foi:

  • what's this ^ for? oh, returning values. ok.
  • And ~<< wtf? oh, ok, whatever "do syntax" is about. right.
  • :: huh? ok, monadic chaining, blah blah.
  • ` more of these special strings... but at least you keep using ` to delimit, instead of ${ }. sure.
  • ~map? is that just like .map? ok, cool, sure.
  • (.) wtf? umm, operators as functions, ok, that sounds useful I guess.
  • what is this | .. |!? umm, partial application, that sounds fancy. sure.

Does Foi have more syntax? Yes. But not a lot more. JS definitely has its syntax noise to sift through.

Moreover, Foi is also exposing a lot more functionality to you via its syntax, as opposed to having to use external libraries to accomplish similar tasks in JS.

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