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Created November 17, 2010 22:20
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adding "queueing" to LABjs dynamically, to be able to simulate the $LAB chain dynamically with a for-loop
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>LABjs Demo</title>
<script src="/js/queue.LAB.js"></script>
// adding `false` in the queue will signifiy an empty .wait() in the $LAB chain
$LAB.queue("", false);
$LAB.queue("", false);
if (_is_IE) $LAB.queue("/js/ie-only.js");
<!-- other stuff -->
<!-- more stuff -->
// other stuff
<!-- still more stuff -->
/*! LAB.js v1.2.0 (c) Kyle Simpson MIT License */
// add some boilerplate "queue" behavior for use with LABjs
$LAB._queue = [];
$LAB.queue = function() {
return this;
$LAB.executeQueue = function() {
var $L = $LAB;
for (var i=0, len=$LAB._queue.length; i<len; i++) {
if (typeof $LAB._queue[0] == "string") {
$L = $L.script($LAB._queue[0]);
else if ($LAB._queue[0] === false) {
$L = $L.wait();
else {
$L = $L.wait($LAB._queue[0]);
$LAB._queue.shift(); // remove first element from the _queue
$LAB._queue = [];
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rmaksim commented Nov 22, 2010

$LAB.queue = function() {
Array.prototype.push.apply($LAB._queue,arguments); // !!!
return this; // !!!

if (typeof $LAB._queue[0] == "string") {
$L = $L.script($LAB._queue[0]); // !!! [0] instead of [i]

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getify commented Nov 22, 2010

@rmaksim -- good catches... this was a hastily written snippet while I was giving my #jqsummit talk. :) I've updated the code accordingly.

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