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Last active April 3, 2020 15:16
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  • Save getify/eb5bb0c50de7484c4ae6e5e4dbd634be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"destructuring + restructuring": merging objects with defaults using destructuring instead of `extend(..)`
// most common approach, using extend(..)
var defaults = {
url: "http://some.base.url/api",
method: "post",
headers: [
"Content-Type: text/plain"
// ************************
var settings = {
url: "http://some.other.url/",
data: 42,
callback: function(resp) { /* .. */ }
// underscore extend(..)
ajax( _.extend({},defaults,settings) );
// or: ajax( Object.assign({},defaults,settings) );
// instead, IMO better using destructuring and defaults
var defaults = ajaxOptions(); // with no arguments, returns the defaults as an object if necessary
// ************************
var settings = {
url: "http://some.other.url/",
data: 42,
callback: function(resp) { /* .. */ }
ajax( ajaxOptions( settings ) ); // with an argument, mixes in the settings w/ the defaults
// ************************
function ajaxOptions({
url = "http://some.base.url/api",
method = "post",
headers: [
headers0 = "Content-Type: text/plain",
] = []
} = {}) {
return {
url, method, data, callback,
headers: [
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