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Last active November 6, 2019 05:33
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Code to read S-band data and retrieve KDP field using lp_phase_proc algorithm (Giangrande et al., 2012) using PyART gatefilter version
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import dates
import pyart
import glob
import pandas as pd
from scipy import ndimage, interpolate
import copy
import as cm
import skfuzzy as fuzz
%matplotlib inline
## Copy pasted function definitions from cmac.... Please jump tp line 266 (actual code starts there)
def cum_score_fuzzy_logic(radar, mbfs=None,
if mbfs is None:
second_trip = {'velocity_texture': [[0, 0, 1.8, 2], 1.0],
'cross_correlation_ratio': [[.5, .7, 1, 1], 0.0],
'normalized_coherent_power': [[0, 0, .5, .6], 3.0],
'height': [[0, 0, 5000, 8000], 1.0],
'sounding_temperature': [[-100, -100, 100, 100], 0.0],
'signal_to_noise_ratio': [[15, 20, 1000, 1000], 1.0]}
rain = {'differential_phase_texture': [[0, 0, 80, 90], 1.0],
'cross_correlation_ratio': [[0.94, 0.96, 1, 1], 1.0],
'normalized_coherent_power': [[0.4, 0.5, 1, 1], 1.0],
'height': [[0, 0, 5000, 6000], 0.0],
'sounding_temperature': [[0, 3, 100, 100], 2.0],
'signal_to_noise_ratio': [[8, 10, 1000, 1000], 1.0]}
snow = {'differential_phase_texture': [[0, 0, 80, 90], 1.0],
'cross_correlation_ratio': [[0.85, 0.9, 1, 1], 1.0],
'normalized_coherent_power': [[0.4, 0.5, 1, 1], 1.0],
'height': [[0, 0, 25000, 25000], 0.0],
'sounding_temperature': [[-100, -100, 0, 1.], 2.0],
'signal_to_noise_ratio': [[8, 10, 1000, 1000], 1.0]}
no_scatter = {'differential_phase_texture': [[90, 90, 400, 400], 0.0],
'cross_correlation_ratio': [[0, 0, 0.1, 0.2], 0.0],
'normalized_coherent_power': [[0, 0, 0.1, 0.2], 0.0],
'height': [[0, 0, 25000, 25000], 0.0],
'sounding_temperature': [[-100, -100, 100, 100], 0.0],
'signal_to_noise_ratio': [[-100, -100, 8, 10], 6.0]}
melting = {'differential_phase_texture': [[20, 30, 80, 90], 0.0],
'cross_correlation_ratio': [[0.6, 0.7, .94, .96], 4.],
'normalized_coherent_power': [[0.4, 0.5, 1, 1], 0],
'height': [[0, 0, 25000, 25000], 0.0],
'sounding_temperature': [[-1., 0, 3.5, 5], 2.],
'signal_to_noise_ratio': [[8, 10, 1000, 1000], 0.0]}
mbfs = {'multi_trip': second_trip, 'rain': rain, 'snow': snow,
'no_scatter': no_scatter, 'melting': melting}
flds = radar.fields
scores = {}
for key in mbfs.keys():
if verbose:
print('## Doing', key)
this_score = np.zeros(
flds[list(flds.keys())[0]]['data'].shape).flatten() * 0.0
for MBF in mbfs[key].keys():
this_score = fuzz.trapmf(
mbfs[key][MBF][0]) * mbfs[key][MBF][1] + this_score
this_score = this_score.reshape(
scores.update({key: ndimage.filters.median_filter(
this_score, size=[3, 4])})
if hard_const is not None:
# hard_const = [[class, field, (v1, v2)], ...]
for this_const in hard_const:
if verbose:
print('## Doing hard constraining', this_const[0])
key = this_const[0]
const = this_const[1]
fld_data = radar.fields[const]['data']
lower = this_const[2][0]
upper = this_const[2][1]
const_area = np.where(np.logical_and(fld_data >= lower,
fld_data <= upper))
if verbose:
print('## ', str(const_area))
scores[key][const_area] = 0.0
stacked_scores = np.dstack([scores[key] for key in scores.keys()])
#sum_of_scores = stacked_scores.sum(axis = 2)
#norm_stacked_scores = stacked_scores
max_score = stacked_scores.argmax(axis=2)
gid = {}
gid['data'] = max_score
gid['units'] = ''
gid['standard_name'] = 'gate_id'
strgs = ''
i = 0
for key in scores.keys():
strgs = strgs + str(i) + ':' + key + ','
i = i + 1
gid['long_name'] = 'Classification of dominant scatterer'
gid['notes'] = strgs[0:-1]
gid['valid_max'] = max_score.max()
gid['valid_min'] = 0.0
if ret_scores is False:
rv = (gid, scores.keys())
rv = (gid, scores.keys(), scores)
return rv
def get_melt(radar, melt_cat=None):
if melt_cat is None:
cat_dict = {}
for pair_str in radar.fields['gate_id']['notes'].split(','):
{pair_str.split(':')[1]: int(pair_str.split(':')[0])})
melt_cat = cat_dict['melting']
melt_locations = np.where(radar.fields['gate_id']['data'] == melt_cat)
kinda_cold = np.where(radar.fields['sounding_temperature']['data'] < 0)
fzl_sounding = radar.gate_altitude['data'][kinda_cold].min()
if len(melt_locations[0] > 1):
fzl_pid = radar.gate_altitude['data'][melt_locations].min()
fzl = (fzl_pid + fzl_sounding) / 2.0
fzl = fzl_sounding
if fzl > 5000:
fzl = 3500.0
if fzl < 1000:
fzl = radar.gate_altitude['data'].min()
return fzl
def _fix_rain_above_bb(gid_fld, rain_class, melt_class, snow_class):
new_gid = copy.deepcopy(gid_fld)
for ray_num in range(new_gid['data'].shape[0]):
if melt_class in new_gid['data'][ray_num, :]:
max_loc = np.where(
new_gid['data'][ray_num, :] == melt_class)[0].max()
rain_above_locs = np.where(
new_gid['data'][ray_num, max_loc:] == rain_class)[0] + max_loc
new_gid['data'][ray_num, rain_above_locs] = snow_class
return new_gid
def do_my_fuzz(radar, rhv_field, ncp_field,
tex_start=2.0, tex_end=2.1,
custom_mbfs=None, custom_hard_constraints=None,
verbose=True): # NEEDS DOCSTRING
if verbose:
print('## CMAC calculation using fuzzy logic:')
second_trip = {'velocity_texture': [[tex_start, tex_end, 130., 130.], 4.0],
rhv_field: [[.5, .7, 1, 1], 0.0],
ncp_field: [[0, 0, .5, .6], 1.0],
'height': [[0, 0, 5000, 8000], 0.0],
'sounding_temperature': [[-100, -100, 100, 100], 0.0],
'signal_to_noise_ratio': [[5, 10, 1000, 1000], 1.0]}
rain = {'velocity_texture': [[0, 0, tex_start, tex_end], 1.0],
rhv_field: [[0.97, 0.98, 1, 1], 1.0],
ncp_field: [[0.4, 0.5, 1, 1], 1.0],
'height': [[0, 0, 5000, 6000], 0.0],
'sounding_temperature': [[2., 5., 100, 100], 2.0],
'signal_to_noise_ratio': [[8, 10, 1000, 1000], 1.0]}
snow = {'velocity_texture': [[0, 0, tex_start, tex_end], 1.0],
rhv_field: [[0.65, 0.9, 1, 1], 1.0],
ncp_field: [[0.4, 0.5, 1, 1], 1.0],
'height': [[0, 0, 25000, 25000], 0.0],
'sounding_temperature': [[-100, -100, .5, 4.], 2.0],
'signal_to_noise_ratio': [[8, 10, 1000, 1000], 1.0]}
no_scatter = {'velocity_texture': [[tex_start, tex_end, 330., 330.], 2.0],
rhv_field: [[0, 0, 0.1, 0.2], 0.0],
ncp_field: [[0, 0, 0.1, 0.2], 0.0],
'height': [[0, 0, 25000, 25000], 0.0],
'sounding_temperature': [[-100, -100, 100, 100], 0.0],
'signal_to_noise_ratio': [[-100, -100, 5, 10], 4.0]}
melting = {'velocity_texture': [[0, 0, tex_start, tex_end], 0.0],
rhv_field: [[0.6, 0.65, .9, .96], 2.0],
ncp_field: [[0.4, 0.5, 1, 1], 0],
'height': [[0, 0, 25000, 25000], 0.0],
'sounding_temperature': [[0, 0.1, 2, 4], 4.0],
'signal_to_noise_ratio': [[8, 10, 1000, 1000], 0.0]}
if custom_mbfs is None:
mbfs = {'multi_trip': second_trip, 'rain': rain, 'snow': snow,
'no_scatter': no_scatter, 'melting': melting}
mbfs = custom_mbfs
if custom_hard_constraints is None:
hard_const = [['melting', 'sounding_temperature', (10, 100)],
['multi_trip', 'height', (10000, 1000000)],
['melting', 'sounding_temperature', (-10000, -2)],
['rain', 'sounding_temperature', (-1000, -5)],
['melting', 'velocity_texture', (3, 300)]]
hard_const = custom_hard_constraints
gid_fld, cats = cum_score_fuzzy_logic(radar, mbfs=mbfs, verbose=verbose,
rain_val = list(cats).index('rain')
snow_val = list(cats).index('snow')
melt_val = list(cats).index('melting')
return _fix_rain_above_bb(gid_fld, rain_val, melt_val, snow_val), cats
def gen_clutter_field_from_refl(radar, corrected_field, uncorrected_field, diff_dbz=-12.0, max_h=2000.0):
Generate a Py-ART field with clutter flagging using
differences in reflectivity. A cludge for when you
have a clutter corrected field but no field with the
radar : Radar
A radar object to create the clutter field from
corrected_field : String
Field name for a field which has had gates with clutter in them reduced some how
uncorrected_field : String
Field name for raw reflectivity field
diff_dbz : float
Difference in dBZ below which a gate is considered clutter. Defaiults to -12dBZ
max_h : float
Height (in m) above which all gates are considered to be clutter free.
clutter_field : Dict
A field dictionary whith an entry 'data' where clutter is flagged as '1' and clutter
free is flagged as '0'
new_grid = radar.fields[corrected_field]['data'] - radar.fields[uncorrected_field]['data']
clutter = np.zeros(new_grid.shape,
possible_contamination = new_grid < -12.0
clutter[possible_contamination] = 1
z = radar.gate_altitude['data']
clutter[(z - z.min()) > 2000.] = 0
clutter_field = {'data': clutter,
'standard_name': 'clutter_mask',
'long_name': 'Clutter mask',
'comment': '0 is good, 1 is clutter',
'valid_min': 0,
'valid_max': 1,
'units': 'unitless'}
return clutter_field
file = '/Users/sharm261/Desktop/mount/May_19_2013_all_stuff/KTLX_data/KTLX20130519_212339_V06'
radar =
norm_coherent_power['data'] = norm_coherent_power['data']*0.+1.
radar.fields['normalized_coherent_power'] = norm_coherent_power
sounding = pd.read_csv('/Users/sharm261/Desktop/MPEX_soundings/research.Purdue_sonde.20130519205303.skewT.txt',delimiter='\t')
sounding.columns = ['Time','Temp (C)', 'vir T', 'RH', 'Pressure (hPa)', 'geo hght', 'RDF elev','RDF azimuth' ,'wind dir',
'wind speed (kts)','slant range','slant flags' ,'lat','lon','raw temp','geometric height (m)', 'rec time (s)','hght stat']
hght = np.array(sounding['geometric height (m)']).squeeze()
temp = np.array(sounding['Temp (C)']).squeeze()
z_dict, temp_dict = pyart.retrieve.map_profile_to_gates(temp, hght, radar)
snr = pyart.retrieve.calculate_snr_from_reflectivity(radar)
velocity_texture = pyart.retrieve.calculate_velocity_texture(radar)
phidp_texture = pyart.retrieve.texture_of_complex_phase(radar)
radar.add_field('sounding_temperature', temp_dict, replace_existing=True)
radar.add_field('height', z_dict, replace_existing=True)
radar.add_field('signal_to_noise_ratio', snr, replace_existing=True)
radar.add_field('velocity_texture', velocity_texture, replace_existing=True)
my_fuzz, _ = do_my_fuzz(radar,rhv_field='cross_correlation_ratio',ncp_field='normalized_coherent_power')
radar.add_field('gate_id', my_fuzz,replace_existing=True)
filter = pyart.filters.GateFilter(radar)
filter.exclude_below('reflectivity', 20)
filter = pyart.correct.despeckle_field(radar, 'reflectivity', size=30, gatefilter=filter)
corrected_reflectivity = copy.deepcopy(radar.fields['reflectivity'])
corrected_reflectivity['data'] =, corrected_reflectivity['data'])
radar.add_field('corrected_reflectivity', corrected_reflectivity, replace_existing=True)
new_clutter_field = gen_clutter_field_from_refl(radar, 'corrected_reflectivity','reflectivity')
radar.add_field('ground_clutter', new_clutter_field, replace_existing=True)
if 'ground_clutter' in radar.fields.keys():
# Adding fifth gate id, clutter.
clutter_data = radar.fields['ground_clutter']['data']
gate_data = radar.fields['gate_id']['data']
radar.fields['gate_id']['data'][clutter_data == 1] = 5
notes = radar.fields['gate_id']['notes']
radar.fields['gate_id']['notes'] = notes + ',5:clutter'
radar.fields['gate_id']['valid_max'] = 5
cat_dict = {}
for pair_str in radar.fields['gate_id']['notes'].split(','):
cmac_gates = pyart.correct.GateFilter(radar)
cmac_gates.include_equal('gate_id', cat_dict['rain'])
cmac_gates.include_equal('gate_id', cat_dict['melting'])
cmac_gates.include_equal('gate_id', cat_dict['snow'])
from cmac.cmac_processing import fix_phase_fields
phidp, kdp = pyart.correct.phase_proc_lp_gf(
radar, gatefilter=cmac_gates, debug=True,
nowrap=50, fzl=15000,coef=0.914,low_z=25)
phidp_filt, kdp_filt = fix_phase_fields(
copy.deepcopy(kdp), copy.deepcopy(phidp), radar.range['data'],
radar.add_field('corrected_differential_phase', phidp,
radar.add_field('filtered_corrected_differential_phase', phidp_filt,
radar.add_field('corrected_specific_diff_phase', kdp,
radar.add_field('filtered_corrected_specific_diff_phase', kdp_filt,
display = pyart.graph.RadarMapDisplay(radar)
xsect = pyart.util.cross_section_ppi(radar, [350,345])
xmax = 140
fzl = 4.2
display = pyart.graph.RadarDisplay(xsect)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13,16))
ax = fig.add_subplot(411)
display.plot('reflectivity', 0, vmin=0, vmax=70.,cmap='pyart_NWSRef')
ax = fig.add_subplot(412)
display.plot('reflectivity', 1, vmin=0, vmax=70.,cmap='pyart_NWSRef')
ax = fig.add_subplot(413)
display.plot('kdp', 0, vmin=-.5, vmax=3.,cmap=cm.gist_stern)
ax = fig.add_subplot(414)
display.plot('kdp', 1, vmin=-.5, vmax=3.,cmap=cm.gist_stern)
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