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Created September 12, 2018 20:46
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Authentication/cleanup hook for acme certbot to authenticate a domain via DNS-01 challenge and using hexonet API (ISP API)
""" This is a 15 minutes hack so don't expect any fancies from it
The ispapi is this one:
Just pass it as --manual-auth-hook and --manual-cleanup-hook
or put in the reneal config as manual_auth_hook and manual_cleanup_hook
import ispapi
import sys
import os
import re
import time
api = ispapi.connect(
url = '',
entity = '54cd', # production
password = YOUR PASSWORD
# certbot keeps the FQDN here
domain ='[^.]+\.[^.]+$', os.environ['CERTBOT_DOMAIN']).group(0)
#check if we have the domain (we do but not all, so you can skip it)
response ={
'Command': "QueryDomainList", 'limit' : 5, 'domain': domain
code = response.code()
description = response.description()
print "%s: response code %s, description: %s\n%s"%(domain, code, description, response.as_list())
if code == 200:
# ok, check if we have the zone ready
response = {
'Command': "StatusDNSZone",
'dnszone': domain + '.'
code = response.code()
description = response.description()
print "%s: response code %s, description: %s\n%s"%(domain, code, description, response.as_list())
if code == 200:
if os.environ.has_key('CERTBOT_AUTH_OUTPUT'):
# we are in delete mode
print "deleting"
response ={
'Command': 'UpdateDNSZone',
'dnszone': domain + '.',
'delrr0': '_acme-challenge.'+os.environ['CERTBOT_DOMAIN']+'. %'
# add the record
print "adding"
response ={
'Command': 'UpdateDNSZone',
'dnszone': domain + '.',
'addrr0': '_acme-challenge.'+os.environ['CERTBOT_DOMAIN']+'. 30 IN TXT '+os.environ['CERTBOT_VALIDATION']
code = response.code()
description = response.description()
print "%s: response code %s, description: %s\n%s"%(domain, code, description, response.as_list())
# let it settle a bit
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