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Created March 12, 2012 19:08
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Javascript Implementation of the A* Algorithm for Pathfinding
Pathfinding using the A* Algorigthm: By Greg Felber
This function is used to determine the quickest path from a starting node to a target node via a connected
series of nodes.
The A* Algorithm begins by checking to see the visible waypoints of the starting node. These connected nodes
will be known as its neighbors. Each neighbors cost "F" will be calculated by summing the distance between
the starting node to the best point, "G", and the best point to the target node, "H". The neighbor with the lowest
cost is selected as the best node and added to the array of closed nodes and removed from the list of open nodes
(meaning it can't be used as a best node again). The previous best node is set as the best nodes parent (if its the
first iteration, the starting node will be the best nodes parent).
This process is repeated until the best node is the target node. Once this happens, the "parent" value will
be traversed starting with the target node, until the starting node is reached. This series of parent nodes will be
the quickest path from the starting node to the target node
//Variables on a given AI_AutoWayPoint
var G : float; //distance from the starting node to the best node
var H : float; //hurestic distance from the best node to the destination
var F : float; //total cost
var myParent : AI_AutoWayPoint; //The previous best node
static function AStar(startingNode : AI_AutoWayPoint, targetNode : AI_AutoWayPoint) : Array
var openNodes = Array(); //Nodes that haven't been visited yet
var closedNodes = Array(); //Nodes that have already been visited
//Start from the starting node
var bestNode : AI_AutoWayPoint = startingNode;
//Keep getting best node until the destination point is reached
while(bestNode != targetNode)
//Grab all visible neighbors of the current best node
var openIndex : int;
//iterate through all the neihbors of the current best node
for (var newNode : AI_AutoWayPoint in bestNode.GetComponent(AI_AutoWayPoint).connected)
//if a node inside bestNode is not in the openNodes array calculate its G, H and F values
if (!containsNode(openNodes, newNode))
if (!containsNode(closedNodes, newNode))
//Distance from the starting node to the neighbor
newNode.GetComponent(AI_AutoWayPoint).G = bestNode.GetComponent(AI_AutoWayPoint).G + Vector3.Distance(bestNode.transform.position, newNode.transform.position);
//Distance from the neighbor to the target node
newNode.GetComponent(AI_AutoWayPoint).H = Vector3.Distance(targetNode.transform.position, newNode.transform.position);
//Total Cost
newNode.GetComponent(AI_AutoWayPoint).F = newNode.GetComponent(AI_AutoWayPoint).G + newNode.GetComponent(AI_AutoWayPoint).H;
newNode.GetComponent(AI_AutoWayPoint).myParent = bestNode;
if (bestNode.GetComponent(AI_AutoWayPoint).G + Vector3.Distance(bestNode.transform.position, newNode.transform.position) < newNode.GetComponent(AI_AutoWayPoint).G)
if (!containsNode(closedNodes, newNode))
newNode.GetComponent(AI_AutoWayPoint).G = bestNode.GetComponent(AI_AutoWayPoint).G + Vector3.Distance(bestNode.transform.position, newNode.transform.position);
newNode.GetComponent(AI_AutoWayPoint).myParent = bestNode;
var lowF : float = 10000.0;
//Loop through the open nodes around the starting target
for (var i = 0; i < openNodes.length; i++)
//if the node has already been visited, don't bother checking it
if (containsNode(closedNodes, openNodes[i]))
//get the node within open list that has the lowest F value
if (openNodes[i].GetComponent(AI_AutoWayPoint).F < lowF)
lowF = openNodes[i].GetComponent(AI_AutoWayPoint).F;
bestNode = openNodes[i];
openIndex = i;
//lowest cost is chosen
if (openNodes.length > 0)
var path = Array();
var currentNode : AI_AutoWayPoint = targetNode;
var timeout : int = 0;
//retrieve the parents of each of the nodes, beginning with the final node to retrieve the shortest path
while (currentNode != startingNode)
currentNode = currentNode.GetComponent(AI_AutoWayPoint).myParent;
path = path.reverse();
return path;
Checks to see if a waypoint is contained within a given array
static function containsNode(A : Array, searchValue : AI_AutoWayPoint) : boolean
for (var j = 0; j < A.length; j++)
if (A[j] == searchValue)
return true;
return false;
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