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Last active June 27, 2016 15:01
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  • Save gffhcks/b762544b2b50aa06f8d10f8a81151502 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gffhcks/b762544b2b50aa06f8d10f8a81151502 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to install a lot of common developer tools, and a few common developer distractions
# NOTE: For mas to work with free App Store apps, you MUST do this:
# Go to System Preferences/App Store, select 'Save Password' for Free Downloads.
# NOTE: The current version of 'mas' in homebrew does not prompt for passwords.
read -p "Mac App Store username: " masuser
read -s -p "Mac App Store password: " maspass
echo ""
# TODO: Add a cron to update brew every 24 hours (maybe around lunchtime)
# TODO: Casks for the following apps:
# Box Sync
# Docker for mac
NC='\033[0m' # No Color
# Show hidden files
echo -e "${RED}Forcing OSX to always show hidden files${NC}"
defaults write -g AppleShowAllFiles -bool true
# Pull dotfiles
echo -e "${RED}Cloning dotfiles${NC}"
git clone --bare git@github-personal:gffhcks/dotfiles.git $HOME/.cfg
/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME checkout
# Install Homebrew
echo -e "${RED}Installing homebrew${NC}"
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
# Install brew packages
echo -e "${RED}Installing homebrew packages${NC}"
brew install \
ag \
android-platform-tools \
chruby \
colordiff \
coreutils \
direnv \
git \
go \
jq \
lastpass-cli \
mas \
python \
python3 \
ruby-build \
ruby-install \
shellcheck \
vim \
# Load dotfiles
echo -e "${RED}Reloading ~/.bashrc${NC}"
source ~/.bashrc
# As of 6/27/16, latest version provided by ruby-install is the same as system.
# Don't waste time compiling what's already there.
# echo -e "${RED}Installing latest ruby into chruby${NC}"
# ruby-install ruby
# Fix for arrow keys and backspace in mac vim
# TODO: Handle this better. Don't duplicate the line if it's found.
touch ~/.vimrc
cat "set backspace=indent,eol,start" >>~/.vimrc
echo -e "${RED}Installing Caskroom${NC}"
brew tap caskroom/cask
echo -e "${RED}Installing Casks${NC}"
brew cask install \
atom \
dropbox \
elasticwolf \
flash \
google-drive \
hipchat \
iterm2 \
silverlight \
skype \
sourcetree \
spotifree \
spotify \
spotify-notifications \
steam \
sublime-text \
vagrant \
virtualbox \
# Run Spotifree to set up in systray
open /Applications/
# Run Spotify Notifications to set up in systray
open /Applications/Spotify\
# Run Box to set up syncing
open /Applications/Box\
echo -e "${RED}Installing Lifesize Cloud${NC}"
cd ~/Downloads
open ./LifesizeCloud-10.2.0-162-signed.pkg
cd ~
# Make GitHub directory
mkdir -p ~/GitHub
# TODO: Handle 'mas signin' better when mas gets updated to prompt for passwords
# TODO: 'mas install' restarts the download/install process even for things that are already there.
# Consider using 'mas list' to check if something is installed first.
echo -e "${RED}Installing apps from the App Store${NC}"
mas signin $masuser $maspass
mas install 406056744 # Evernote
mas install 784801555 # Microsoft OneNote
mas install 823766827 # OneDrive
mas install 568494494 # Pocket
mas install 425955336 # Skitch - Snap. Mark up. Share.
mas install 803453959 # Slack
mas install 425424353 # The Unarchiver
mas install 410628904 # Wunderlist: To-Do List & Tasks
mas install 497799835 # Xcode
# Accept Xcode license
sudo xcodebuild -license
echo -e "${RED}Installing Python Virtualenvwrapper${NC}"
pip install virtualenvwrapper
read -p 'Done. Press ENTER to continue'
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