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Last active January 25, 2016 15:11
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Quick start

This API allows organization owners to add users to, delete users from or modify users in their organization.

The endpoint is <org><org_owner>/api/v1/organization/<org>/users.

Create a user

The parameters sent (via POST; * means they're compulsory) are:

  • username (*) - username for the new user
  • email (*) - email for the new user
  • password (*) - password for the new user
  • api_key (*) - the organization's owner Api key (can also be specified as a URL param).
  • soft_geocoding_limit - if set to true, the user will be allowed to exceed the geocoding limit imposed. If not specified, it's set to false by default.
  • quota_in_bytes - amount of quota from the organization assigned to the new user. If not specified, the default quota for new users specified for the organization is used.


curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST --data '{"user":"org-sub", "email":"", "password":"secret!", "api_key":"1a9eda3a51e43f8aa52e1fbcb949aaddee3b1d9f"}'

If the request is succesful, a representation of the new user (with code 200) is returned like:

  "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "username": "org-user",

Update a user

The user to be updated should be specified via their username like: <org><org_owner>/api/v1/organization/<org>/users/<org_user>

The parameters sent (via PUT; * means they're compulsory) are:

  • email - new email for the user
  • password - new password for the user
  • api_key (*) - the organization's owner Api key (can also be speficied as a URL param).
  • soft_geocoding_limit - if set to true, the user will be allowed to exceed the geocoding limit imposed by a small amount.
  • quota_in_bytes - amount of quota from the organization to be assigned to the user.


curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT --data '{"email":"", "password":"new_secret!", "api_key":"1a9eda3a51e43f8aa52e1fbcb949aaddee3b1d9f"}'

If the request is succesful, a representation of the new user (with code 200) is returned like:

  "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "username": "org-user",

Show a user's information

The user to be shown should be specified via their username like: <org><org_owner>/api/v1/organization/<org>/users/<org_user>

The parameters sent (via GET; * means they're compulsory) are:

  • api_key (*) - the organization's owner Api key.


curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET

If the request is succesful, a representation of the new user (with code 200) is returned like:

  "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "username": "org-user",

Delete a user

The user to be deleted should be specified via their username like: <org><org_owner>/api/v1/organization/<org>/users/<org_user>

The parameters sent (via DELETE; * means they're compulsory) are:

  • api_key (*) - the organization's owner Api key (can also be speficied as a URL param).


curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X DELETE --data '{"api_key":"1a9eda3a51e43f8aa52e1fbcb949aaddee3b1d9f"}'

If the request is succesful, a string saying "User deleted" (with code 200) is returned.

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