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Created October 9, 2013 09:26
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Why Vim?
vim as Language
Getting Things Done
Searching Your Text
Moving Around Your Text
Changing Text
Deleting Text
Undo and Redo
Repeating Actions
Copy and Paste
Making Things Repeatable
Text Objects
Using Visual Mode
Using Macros
Remove Whitespace at End of Line
Change File Type
Wrapping Content
Why Vim
I believe people should use vim for the following three reasons:
It's ubiquitous.
You don't have to worry about learning a new editor on various boxes.
It's scalable.
You can use it just to edit config files or it can become your entire
writing platform.
It's powerful.
Because it works like a language vim takes you from frustrated to
demigod very quickly.
In short, I believe you should consider competence with vim the way you
consider competence with your native language, or basic maths, etc. So much in
technology starts with knowing your editor.
Kana the Wizard says there are five (5) levels to vim mastery:
Kana the Wizard
Level 0: not knowing about vim
Level 1: knows vim basics
Level 2: knows visual mode
Level 3: knows various motions
Level 4: not needing visual mode
I don't know about that, but I thought it was worth mentioning. He's a wizard,
after all. My approach to showing you vim is based around four main areas:
this is a basic pitch/prep to get you up and running and thinking the
right way.
Getting Stuff Done:
this is the meat. Bring a fork. And probably a napkin. You seem messy.
this is where I show you how to become one of "those people" with vim.
Frequent Requests:
this is where I give you the tricks to do that one thing you need.
In other words, if you're already up and running you should be able to jump to
Getting Stuff Done and start knocking stuff out. If you're already solid on
those bits, then head over to the Advanced section to learn Kung Fu. And if
you're here to solve a specific "forgot how do do that one thing", check out
the Frequent Requests area.
So, setup, basic usage, ninja stuff, and then frequently asked tasks--and you
basically just go where you need to within those.
As I said, I'm not looking to turn this into the uber-vim-config piece. There
are many of those out there. But we'll talk through some basics.
First, I recommend you go with a (mostly) self-managed vim install. I used to
be into Janus, but didn't like the fact that I wasn't sure what it was doing
exactly. My favorite configs are simple and elegant, and it should be the same
with vim.
So, to that end, I use a straight ~/.vim directory under home, and a ~/.vimrc
file as my configuration.
A few key ~/.vimrc changes
Firstly, the <Esc> key for leaving insert mode is, in my opinion, rather
antiquated. Vim is about efficiency, and it's hardly efficient to leave the
home keys if you don't have to. So don't.
inoremap jk <ESC>
[ NOTE: Some like to change the <ESC> key to jj, but I don't find that as
natural as rolling from j to k. ]
Changing the leader key
The \ key seems rather out of the way as well, so I like to remap the leader
key to , as recommended by many other guides.
let mapleader = ","
Now when you're executing your sexy shortcuts that you're going to learn later,
you can do so by bringing your right middle finger down to the , key instead of
going up and right to the \ key.
Remapping CAPSLOCK
This one isn't in your conf file, but it's an important deviation from the
defaults. The CAPSLOCK key on a leopard is generally worthless to me, so I
remap it to Ctrl at an operating system level. This way my left pinky can
simply slide to the left by one key to execute Ctrl-whatever.
Then there are just a few basics that are recommended by most and make things
much easier overall.
filetype plugin indent on
syntax on
set encoding=utf-8
Remember, you can spend a lifetime optimizing your ~/.vimrc file; these are
just a few things to get you started. For full configs check out my setup or
look at the links in the references section.
Plugin management with Pathogen
[ NOTE: If you're not already familiar and comfortable with plugins, skip this
section for now and come back to it another time. ]
Getting off of Janus
What I liked most about Janus was the way it managed your plugins for you, but
I do that through Pathogen. Basically, all you have to do with this config is:
Install Pathogen.
git clone your plugins into ~/.vim/bundle
Add execute pathogen#infect() to your ~/.vimrc
Done and done. Now you can play with any plugins you want using the method
above and you won't have to worry about how they get loaded.
Leveraging GitHub for backup and portability
One thing I do with my Vim setup is I keep my entire ~/.vim directory within a
git repository stored here. What this does is give me the ability to go to a
shiny new box and say git clone and have
my entire vim environment exactly the way I want it.
You may want to do the same.
Simply clone to your new box and then symlink ~/.vimrc to ~/.vim/vimrc and
you're done.
Vim as Language
Arguably the most brilliant thing about vim is that as you use it you begin to
think in it. vim is set up to function like a language, complete with nouns,
verbs, and adverbs.
Keep in mind that the terms I'm going to use here are not technically correct,
but should help you understand better how vim works. Again, this guide is not
meant to replace a full book or the help--it's mean to help you get what
doesn't come easily from those types of resources.
Verbs are the actions we take, and they can be performed on nouns. Here are
some examples:
d: delete
c: change
y: yank (copy)
v: visually select (V for line vs. character)
Modifiers are used before nouns to describe the way in which you're going to do
something. Some examples:
i: inside
a: around
NUM: number (e.g.: 1, 2, 10)
t: searches for something and stops before it
f: searches for that thing and lands on it
/: find a string (literal or regex)
In English, nouns are objects you do something to. They are objects. With vim
it's the same. Here are some vim nouns:
w: word
s: sentence
): sentence (another way of doing it)
p: paragraph
}: paragraph (another way of doing it)
t: tag (think HTML/XML)
b: block (think programming)
Nouns as motion
You can also use nouns as motions, meaning you can move around your content
using them as the size of your jump. We'll see examples of this below in the
moving section.
Building sentences (commands) using this language
Ok, so we have the various pieces, so how would you build a sentence using
them? Well, just like English, you combine the verbs, modifiers, and nouns in
(soon to be) intuitive ways.
For the notation below, just remember RGB (red, green, blue, which I still
remember as "roy-gee-biv") is VMN (verb, modifier, noun):
# Delete two words
# Change inside sentence (delete the current one and enter insert mode)
# Yank inside paragraph (copy the paragraph you're in)
# Change to open bracket (change the text from where you are to the next open
Remember, the "to" here was an open bracket, but it could have been anything.
And the syntax for "to" was simply t, so I could have said dt. or yt; for
"delete to the next period", or "copy to the next semicolon".
Isn't that beautiful? Using this thought process turns your text editing into
an intuitive elegance, and like any other language the more you use it the more
naturally it will come to you.
Getting Things Done
Now that we've handled some fundamentals, let's get tangible and functional.
Searching Your Text
One of the first things you need to be able to do with an editor is find text
you're looking for. vim has extremely powerful search capabilities, and we'll
talk about some of them now.
Searching by string
One of most basic and powerful ways to search in vim is to enter the "/"
command, which takes you to the bottom of your window, and then type what
you're looking for and press ENTER.
# Search for include
That'll light up all the hits, as seen below:
Once you've done your search, you can press "n" to go to the next instance of
the result, or "N" to go to the previous one. You can also start by searching
backward by using "?" instead of "/".
Jumping to certain characters
One thing that's brutally cool about vim is that from anywhere you can search
for and jump to specific characters. In this article, for example, because I'm
editing HTML, I can always jump to the "<" character to be at the end of the
# Jump forward and land on the < character
# Jump forward and land right before the < character
You can think of this as "find" for the first one, which lands right on it, and
"to" for the second one, which lands right before it.
What's really sick, though is that you can use these as nouns for commands. So
just a second ago while editing this sentence I did:
vimjumps # Change to the next "<"
This works for whatever character, e.g. periods, open brackets, parenthesis,
regular letters--whatever. So you can just look forward in your text and jump
to things or you can know that it's somewhere up there and just got to it
wherever it is.
[ NOTE: You can use the ";" to move forward to the next instance of what you
searched for--whether you used "t" or "f" to search for it. Also, a comma ","
does the same, but backward. ]
A search reference
/{string}: search for string
t: jump up to a character
f: jump onto a character
*: search for other instances of the word under your cursor
n: go to the next instance when you've searched for a string
N: go to the previous instance when you've searched for a string
;: go to the next instance when you've jumped to a character
,: go to the previous instance when you've jumped to a character
Moving around in your text
Getting around within your text is critical to productivity. With vim this is
both simple and elegant, as it leverages the core principal of vim as language
that we talked about above. First, some basics.
Basic motions
We start with use of the home row. Typists are trained to keep their right hand
on the j, k, l, and ";" keys, and this is the starting point for using vim as
j: move down one line
k: move up one line
h: move left one character
l: move right one character
This is a bit strange at first, and it just takes a few minutes of practice to
get functional with, but it'll quickly become so natural that you'll be doing
it in Microsoft Word and Outlook (it doesn't work there, by the way).
So your right index and middle fingers move you up and down lines, and your
index and ring fingers move you left and right by one character.
Moving within the line
You can easily move within the line you're on.
0: move to the beginning of the line
$: move to the end of the line
Moving by word
You can also move by word:
w: move forward one word
b: move back one word
e: move to the end of your word
When you use uppercase you ignore ignore some delimiters within a string that
may break it into two words.
W: move forward one big word
B: move back one big word
This uppercasing of a given command having different and more powerful effects
is something we'll see frequently.
Moving by sentence or paragraph
): move forward one sentence
}: move forward one paragraph
Moving within the screen
H: move to the top of the screen
M: move to the middle of the screen
L: move to the bottom of the screen
gg: go to the top of the file
G: go to the bottom of the file
^U: move up one screen
^D: move down one screen
Other motions
:$line_numberH: move to a given line number
M: move to the middle of the screen
L: move to the bottom of the screen
^E: scroll up one line
^Y: scroll down one line
^U: move up one screen
^D: move down one screen
^F: move down a page
^B: move up a page
So let's package that all up into one place:
Motion command reference
j: move down one line
k: move up one line
h: move left one character
l: move right one character
0: move to the beginning of the line
$: move to the end of the line
w: move forward one word
b: move back one word
e: move to the end of your word
): move forward one sentence
}: move forward one paragraph
:line_number: move to a given line number
H: move to the top of the screen
M: move to the middle of the screen
L: move to the bottom of the screen
^E: scroll up one line
^Y: scroll down one line
gg: go to the top of the file
G: go to the bottom of the file
^U: move up half a page
^D: move down half a page
^F: move down a page
^B: move up a page
[ NOTE: I map my CAPSLOCK to Ctrl so I can use it for these various Ctrl-based
movements, among other things. ]
Changing Text
Ok, so we've done a bunch of moving within our text; now let's make some
changes. The first thing to remember is that the motions will always be with
us--they're part of the language (they're modifiers in the vocabulary above).
Understanding modes
The first thing we need to grasp is the concept of modes. It's a bit
counterintuitive at first but it becomes second nature once you grok it. Most
guides start with this bit, but I find it a bit obtuse to lead with, and I
think the transition point from Normal to Insert is a great place to introduce
You start in Normal Mode. One of the most annoying things about vim for
beginners is that you can't just open it up and start typing. Well, you
can, but things go sideways pretty quick if you do.
Normal Mode is also known as Command Mode, as it's where you're usually
entering commands. Commands can be movements, deletions, or commands that
do these things and then enter into Insert Mode.
Insert Mode is where you make changes to your file, and there are tons of
ways of entering Insert Mode from Normal Mode. Again, don't worry, this all
becomes ridiculously simple with a bit of practice.
Visual Mode is a way to select text. It's a lot like Normal Mode, except
your movements change your highlighting. You can select text both
character-wise or line-wise, and once in one of those modes your movements
select more text.
The purpose of Visual Mode is to then perform some operation on all the
content you have highlighted, which makes it very powerful.
Ex Mode is a mode where you drop down to the bottom, where you get a ":"
prompt, and you can enter commands. More on that later. Just know that you
can run some powerful command-line stuff from there.
There are some other modes as well, but we won't mess with them here as they
tend to live outside primer territory.
Remembering your language
Let's recall our language: Verb, Modifier, Noun. So we're assuming we're
starting in Normal Mode, and we're going to switch into Insert Mode in order to
change something.
Our verb is going to start us off, and we have a few options. We can change
(c), insert (i), or append (a), and we can do variations on these, as seen
Basic change/insert options
i: insert before the cursor
a: insert after the cursor
I: insert at the beginning of the line
A: insert at the end of the line
o: open a new line below the current one
O: open a new line above the current one
r: replace the one character under your cursor
R: replace the character under your cursor, but just keep typing afterwards
cm: change whatever you define as a movement, e.g. a word, or a sentence,
or a paragraph.
C: change the current line from where you're at
S: change the entire current line
# Change inside sentence
# Go to the beginning of the line and enter insert mode
# Start typing right after the cursor
As you can see, there are lots of ways to start entering text. There are also
some shortcuts (shown above as well) for doing multiple things at once, such as
deletion and entering Insert Mode.
# Delete the line from where you're at, and enter insert mode
# Delete the entire line you're on, and enter insert mode
Deleting text
Now that we know how to change text, let's see how to do straight deletes. As
you're probably getting now, it's very similar--just a different action to
start things off.
Basic deletion options
x: delete the character under the cursor
X: delete the character before the cursor
dm: delete whatever you define as a movement, e.g. a word, or a sentence,
or a paragraph.
dd: delete the current line
D: delete to the end of the line
J: join the current line with the next one (delete what's between)
Simple enough.
Undo and Redo
You can't have a text editor without undo and redo. As you've probably noticed,
vim does its best to make the keys for the actions feel intuitive, and undo and
redo are not exceptions.
u: undo your last action.
Ctrl-r: redo the last action
Both commands can be used repeatedly, until you either go all the way back to
the last save, or all the way forward to your current state.
Repeating Actions
One of the most powerful commands in all of vim is the period ".", which seems
strange, right? Well, the period "." allows you to do something brilliant--it
lets you repeat whatever it is that you just did.
Using the "." to repeat your last action
Many tasks you do will make a lot of sense to repeat. Going into insert mode
and adding some text, for example. You can do it once and then just move around
and add it again with just the "." Here are a couple of other examples.
# delete a word
# delete five more words
Whoa. And wait until you see it combined with Visual Mode.
Copy and Paste
Another text editor essential is being able to quickly copy and paste text, and
vim is masterful at it.
Copying text
vim does copying a bit different than one might expect. The command isn't c, as
one might expect. If you'll remember, c is already taken for "change". vim
instead uses y for "yank" as it's copy command and shortcut.
y: yank (copy) whatever's selected
yy: yank the current line
Remember, just like with any other copy you're not messing with the source
text--you're just making the destination.
Cutting text
Cutting text is simple: it's the same as deleting. So whatever syntax you're
using for that, you're actually just pulling that deleted text into a buffer
and preparing it to be pasted.
Pasting text
Pasting is fairly intuitive--it uses the p command as its base. So, if you
delete a line using dd, you can paste it back using p.
One thing to remember about pasting is that it starts right after your cursor,
and either pastes characters/words or lines or columns--based on what you
copied (yanked). Also remember that you can undo any paste with the universal
undo command "u".
# Switching lines of text
This is a quick trick you can use to swap the position of two lines of text.
The first part deletes the line you're on, and the second part puts it back
above where it used to be.
We'd be in pretty bad shape if we couldn't spellcheck, and vim does it quite
well. First we need to set the option within our conf file.
# Somewhere in your ~/.vimrc
set spell spellang=en_us
Finding misspelled words
When you have set spell enabled within your conf file, misspelled words are
automatically underlined for you. You can also enable or disable this by
running :set spell and :set nospell.
Either way, once you've got some misspellings you can then advance through them
and take action using the following commands:
# Go to the next misspelled word
# Go to the last misspelled word
# When on a misspelled word, get some suggestions
# Mark a misspelled word as correct
# Mark a good word as misspelled
I like to add a couple of shortcuts to my ~/.vimrc file related to spelling.
The first just makes it easy to "fix" something:
# Fix spelling with <leader>f
nnoremap <leader>f 1z=
This one gets rid of spellchecking when I don't want to see it--like when I'm
in creative mode. I can then re-toggle it with the same command.
# Toggle spelling visuals with <leader>s
nnoremap <leader>s :set spell!
Another powerful feature of vim is its ability to do powerful substitutions.
They're done by specifying what you're looking for first, then what you're
changing it to, then the scope of the change.
The basic setup is the :%s
# Change "foo" to "bar" on every line
:%s /foo/bar/g
# Change "foo" to "bar" on just the current line
:s /foo/bar/g
[ NOTE: Notice the lack of the % before the "s" ]
There are many other options, but these are the basics.
Brilliant. So we've covered a number of basics that any text editor should have, and how vim handles those tasks. Now let's look at some more advanced stuff--keeping in mind that this is advanced for a primer, not for Kana the Wizard.
Making Things Repeatable
We talked a bit ago about being able to repeat things quickly using the period
".". Well, certain types of commands are better for this than others, and it's
important to know the difference.
In general, the idea with repetition using the period "." (or as Drew Neil
calls it--the dot command) is that you want to have a discreet movement action
combined with a repeatable command captured in the ".".
So let's say that you're adding a bit of text to the end of multiple lines, but
you're only doing it where the line contains a certain string. You can
accomplish that like so:
# Search for the string
Now, whenever you press the "n" key you'll teleport to the next instance of
"delinquent". So, starting at the first one, we're going to append some text.
# Append some text to the end of the line
Ok, so we've done that once now. But there are 12 other places it needs to be
done. The "." allows us to simply re-execute that last command, and because we
also have a search saved we can combine them.
# Go to the next instance and append the text to the line
Remember, the idea is to ideally combine a motion with the stored command, so
you can jump around and re-execute it as desired.
Text Objects
Text Objects are truly spectacular. They allow you to perform actions (verbs)
against more complex targets (nouns). So, rather than selecting a word and
deleting it, or going to the beginning of a sentence and deleting it, you can
instead perform actions on these...objects...from wherever you are within them.
Hard to explain; let me give you some examples.
Word Text Objects
Let's look first at some word-based objects.
iw: inside word
aw: around word
These are targets (nouns), so we can delete against them, change against them,
# Delete around a word
[ NOTE: The difference between "inside" and "around" an object is whether it
gets the spaces next to it as well. ]
Sentence Text Objects
is: inside sentence
as: around sentence
Those work pretty much the same as with word objects, so imagine you're knee
deep into a sentence that you decide suddenly you hate. Instead of moving to
the beginning of it and figuring out how to delete to the end, you can simply:
# Change inside a sentence
This nukes the entire sentence and puts you in Insert Mode at the beginning of
your new one.
More object types
There are also a number of other object types, which I'll mention briefly.
paragraphs: ip and ap
single quotes: i' and a'
double quotes: i" and a"
I use these constantly when editing code or HTML. Remember the key is that you
don't even have to be inside the section in question; you just tell it ci" and
it'll delete everything inside the double quotes and drop you inside them in
Insert Mode. It's wicked cool.
The same works for a few other types of items, including parenthesis, brackets,
braces, and tags (think HTML). Think about editing an HTML link, where there is
the URL within double quotes, and then the link text within tags; this is
handled elegantly by vim by doing two commands: ci" and then cit.
A text object reference
Here a list of the objects for your reference:
words: iw and aw
sentences: is and as
paragraphs: ip and ap
single quotes: i' and a'
double quotes: i" and a"
back ticks: i` and a`
parenthesis: i( and a(
brackets: i[ and a[
braces: i{ and a{
tags: it and at
FWIW, the ones I use the most are word, double quote, and tag.
Using Visual Mode
Many tricks of the vim wizard can attract attention, but few create as many pleasurable expletives as skillful use of Visual Mode.
Perhaps the best thing to say about Visual Mode is that it magnifies the power
of everything you've learned so far. It does this by allowing you to apply
commands to the text that's currently highlighted.
So let's start with how to enter Visual Mode and light up some text. You enter
Visual Mode with the "v" key, and there are three different options.
character-based: v
line-based: V
paragraphs: Ctrl-v
Character-based visual select
Starting with character-based (using v to enter from Normal Mode), you can use
this to select characters, sets of characters, words, etc. I use this far less
frequently than line-based (V), but I still use it often.
The main thing to understand here is that now that you're in Visual Mode, your
motions are changing what's being highlighted. This means you can do motions
like w or ) to expand your selection. The highlighted area is then going to
become the target for an action.
Line-based visual select
You enter this mode by pressing the V key from Normal Mode, and from here you
then take the actions we'll discuss in a moment.
Column-based visual select
Another option is to select text vertically, which is great for pulling columns
of data.
Actions you can perform on visually selected text
It's really your choice, but the most common operations are simply deletion,
copy, and paste. Just think of it as highlighting with your mouse--back when
you used such things.
# Enter visual mode, select two more words of text, and copy them
Then you simply go where you want to put them and type p to paste them there.
Or you can do some line-based action.
# Enter line-based visual mode and delete a couple of lines below
You can also use text objects, which is seriously sick.
# Visually select an entire paragraph
# Visually select an entire paragraph then paste it down below
Don't panic about how big that command is. Remember, it's language. You can
rattle off:
I want to go to the store.
...without any problem, and it's the same with:
Copy the paragraph, move down two lines, and paste it.
Combining visual mode with repetition
Another wicked thing you can do with Visual Mode is apply the . command to
execute a stored action against the selection. Let's take the text below for
If we want to prepend a colon in front of every line, you can simply put one in
front of foo, visually select all the lines below it, and then hit the . key.
Not feeling it yet? How about this: your file is 60,000 lines, each with a line
like the above, and you have to append the ":" to each of them. What do you do?
# Add the colon to the whole file
Ease up, killer. Here are the steps:
Go to the beginning of the first line and insert a colon
Go down one line and go to the beginning of the line
Visually select all the way down the end of the file
Add the colon to the selection
Done. For the entire file. And remember, you're not going to have to remember
to type "ALPHABET AMPERSAND GOBBLYGOOK 25"--no, it's just going to come to you,
like falling off a bike. Trust me.
Using Macros
People think macros are scary. They're really not. They really come down to one
thing: recording EVERYTHING you do and then doing it again when you replay.
Here's a simple reference:
qa: start recording a macro named "a"
q: stop recording
@a: play back the macro
Simple, right? You can have multiple macros stored in multiple registers, e.g.
"a", "b", "c", whatever. And then you just play them back with @a or @c or
Why macros
You may be asking:
If visual selection and repetition with the dot command are so powerful,
why use macros at all?"
Great question, and the answer is complexity. Macros can do just about anything
you can do, so check out this workflow:
Search within the line for "widget"
Go to the end of the word and add "-maker"
Go to the beginning of the line and add a colon
Go to the end of the line and add a period.
Delete any empty spaces at the end of the line.
That's a lot of work, and if your file is 60K lines like the last one, it's
going to be somewhat painful. Try doing that in Microsof Word, for example.
With vim, however, you simply perform those actions once and then replay it on
each line.
[ NOTE: You can actually replay a macro on a visual selection by executing
:normal @a (or whatever your macro register is) which will temporarily switch
you into normal mode, for each line, and then execute the macro there. ]
Let's go through a few tasks that get asked about a lot and/or just save a
considerable amount of time.
Remove whitespace from at end of a line
Based on the type of file you're in, you might have some line drama. Here's how
to delete those iannoying Ctrl-M characters from the end of your lines.
# Delete the Ctrl-M characters from the end of files
Changing File Type
set ft=unix
set ft=html
set ft=dos
[ NOTE: To show the current filetype, run or put :set filetype into your
~/.vimrc ]
Wrapping Content
Using the Surround Plugin you can do some seriously epic stuff in terms of
wrapping text with markup.
cs"': for the word you're on, change the surrounding quotes from double to single
cs'<q>: do the same, but change the single quotes to <q>
ds": delete the double quotes around something
ysiw[: surround the current word with brackets
ysiw<em>: emphasize the current word (it works with text objects!)
Visual Mode: select anything, and then type S. You'll be brought to the
bottom of the window. Now type in what you want to wrap that with, such
as <a href="/images">, and then press enter.
1 The one book I recommend on vim is Drew Neil's Practical Vim: Edit Text
at the Speed of Thought. It's a must-own for any serious vim
2 I highly recommend Your Problem with vim is that you don't grok vi. It
gives a phenomenal overview of vim in general as well as a number of
nifty tricks.
3 If you haven't read Steve Losh's Coming Home to Vim, I highly recommend
4 Definitely check out Kana the Wizard's True Power of Vim.
5 Also check out Drew's They're a great way to see vim power
in action.
6 For a concise command resource, check out the Vim Quick Reference.
7 Definitely don't forget the Vim Wiki; it's a great resource as well.
8 If you're interested in vimscript, definitely check out Steve Losh's
Learn Vimscript the Hard Way. It's the best resource on Vimscript by
9 Finally, the help is seriously excellent, if a bit dense, and you should
absolutely read it all the way through if you're serious about vim.
A vim Primer
A tcpdump Primer
An lsof Primer
An Encoding Primer
An HTTP Primer
A Git Primer
A Collection of Less Commonly Used Unix Commands
9 Enhancements to Shell and Vim Productivity
Information Security Interview Questions
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