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Created February 21, 2011 21:44
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Node+cluster on Amazon EC2 Quickstart
#First you'll need to Signup for AWS/EC2 and generate a key pair. Google it, there should be plenty of
#Next, create an instance using the AWS Management Console and log into it using your key pair.
#You can find the AMI's here
#I picked a 64bit 10.04 LTS AMI in US-East.
#Install node's perquisites (or those that aren't the default ubuntu LTS ami):
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev
#Grab that latest node tarball -
tar xzf node-v0.4.1.tar.gz
cd node-v0.4.1
#install node in the home directory, we should probably have created a non-sudo user for this
./configure --prefix=~/local
make install
#put node in your path
export PATH=$PATH:/home/ubuntu/local/bin
source ~/.bashrc
#Setup npm, this makes life much easier
mkdir ~/git
cd ~/git
git clone
cd npm/
make install
#setup nvm for easily switching between node versions as things change so quickly
npm install nvm
#install 'cluster' -
npm install cluster
#setup hello world example
mkdir ~/git/sandbox
cd ~/git/sandbox
#<edit cluster.js> to contain cluster example:
var cluster = require('cluster')
, http = require('http');
var server = http.createServer(function(req, res){
console.log('%s %s', req.method, req.url);
var body = 'Hello World';
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Length': body.length });
#Test it!
node cluster.js
#Using the domain you ssh'd into earlier, browse to http://<domain>:3000, you should see hello world
#From the EC2 instance, login into the cluster admin interface:
telnet 0 8888
#type help()
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