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Last active December 28, 2017 14:04
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Request path protocol spike
defprotocol JsonApiClient.RequestPath do
@moduledoc """
The `JsonApiClient.RequestPath` protocol provides a single function to be implemented that maps
a given Elixir term to a string representation of an url path.
@doc """
Converts `term` to a string representation of a given path.
@spec to_path(term()) :: String.t
def to_path(term)
defimpl JsonApiClient.RequestPath, for: BitString do
def to_path(term) when is_binary(term), do: String.replace_leading(term, "/", "")
defimpl JsonApiClient.RequestPath, for: JsonApiClient.Resource do
alias JsonApiClient.Resource
def to_path(%Resource{type: type, id: id}) do
[type, id]
|> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1)
|> Enum.join("/")
defimpl JsonApiClient.RequestPath, for: List do
alias JsonApiClient.Resource
alias JsonApiClient.RequestPath.BitString, as: BitStringImpl
alias JsonApiClient.RequestPath.JsonApiClient.Resource, as: ResourceImpl
def to_path([]), do: ""
def to_path(term) when is_list(term) do
|> Enum.map_join("/", fn
%Resource{} = r -> ResourceImpl.to_path(r)
t when is_binary(t) -> BitStringImpl.to_path(t)
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