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Created February 3, 2023 21:52
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[ins] In [1]: import ibis

[ins] In [2]: from ibis import _

[ins] In [3]: con = ibis.duckdb.connect("/home/gil/data/imdb.ddb")

[ins] In [4]: ratings = con.tables.ratings

[ins] In [5]: basics = con.tables.basics

[ins] In [6]: ratings =
         ...:     ratings.tconst,
         ...:     avg_rating=ratings.averageRating.cast("float"),
         ...:     num_votes=ratings.numVotes.cast("int"),
         ...: )

[ins] In [7]: basics = basics.filter([basics.titleType == "movie", basics.isAdult == "0"]).select(
         ...:     "tconst", "primaryTitle", "startYear"
         ...: )

[ins] In [8]: topfilms = (
         ...:     ratings.join(basics, "tconst")
         ...:     .order_by([_.avg_rating.desc(), _.num_votes.desc()])
         ...:     .filter(_.num_votes > 100_000)
         ...: )

[ins] In [9]: topfilms.execute(limit=10)
       tconst  avg_rating  num_votes                                   primaryTitle startYear
0   tt0111161         9.3    2651547                       The Shawshank Redemption      1994
1   tt0068646         9.2    1838044                                  The Godfather      1972
2   tt0468569         9.0    2623735                                The Dark Knight      2008
3   tt0167260         9.0    1827464  The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King      2003
4   tt0108052         9.0    1343647                               Schindler's List      1993
5   tt0071562         9.0    1259465                          The Godfather Part II      1974
6   tt0050083         9.0     782903                                   12 Angry Men      1957
7   tt0110912         8.9    2029684                                   Pulp Fiction      1994
8  tt15097216         8.9     199495                                       Jai Bhim      2021
9   tt1375666         8.8    2325417                                      Inception      2010

[ins] In [10]: con2 = ibis.postgres.connect(port=5438, user="postgres", password="postgres")

[ins] In [11]: con2.execute(topfilms, limit=10)
       tconst  avg_rating  num_votes                                   primaryTitle startYear
0   tt0111161         9.3    2651547                       The Shawshank Redemption      1994
1   tt0068646         9.2    1838044                                  The Godfather      1972
2   tt0468569         9.0    2623735                                The Dark Knight      2008
3   tt0167260         9.0    1827464  The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King      2003
4   tt0108052         9.0    1343647                               Schindler's List      1993
5   tt0071562         9.0    1259465                          The Godfather Part II      1974
6   tt0050083         9.0     782903                                   12 Angry Men      1957
7   tt0110912         8.9    2029684                                   Pulp Fiction      1994
8  tt15097216         8.9     199495                                       Jai Bhim      2021
9   tt1375666         8.8    2325417                                      Inception      2010

[ins] In [12]: con3 = ibis.sqlite.connect("/home/gil/data/databog/imdb.db")

[ins] In [13]: con3.execute(topfilms, limit=10)
       tconst  avg_rating  num_votes                                   primaryTitle startYear
0   tt0111161         9.3    2651547                       The Shawshank Redemption      1994
1   tt0068646         9.2    1838044                                  The Godfather      1972
2   tt0468569         9.0    2623735                                The Dark Knight      2008
3   tt0167260         9.0    1827464  The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King      2003
4   tt0108052         9.0    1343647                               Schindler's List      1993
5   tt0071562         9.0    1259465                          The Godfather Part II      1974
6   tt0050083         9.0     782903                                   12 Angry Men      1957
7   tt0110912         8.9    2029684                                   Pulp Fiction      1994
8  tt15097216         8.9     199495                                       Jai Bhim      2021
9   tt1375666         8.8    2325417                                      Inception      2010
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