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Created May 25, 2016 18:49
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## FACTS ##
- set_fact: "nginx_conf_file=production-{{ item }}"
when: "nginx_conf_file is not defined and cluster_env == 'production' and '{{ item }}' in group_names"
with_items: "{{applications}}"
- set_fact: "nginx_conf_file={{ cluster_env }}"
when: nginx_conf_file is not defined
## GO ##
# - debug: var=nginx_conf_file
# - debug: var=group_names
# - debug: var=item
# - debug: var=cluster_env
# - debug: var=nginx_certs
- name: install nginx
apt: pkg=nginx={{ nginx_version }} state=present
- restart nginx
- name: ensure the nginx dir
file: path=/etc/nginx state=directory owner=root
- name: ensure the nginx log dir
file: path=/var/log/nginx state=directory owner=nobody group=nogroup
- name: ensure the default site is removed
file: path=/etc/nginx/sites-{{ item }}/default state=absent
- enabled
- available
- restart nginx
- name: nginx.conf
template: src={{ nginx_conf_file }}.conf.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
- reload nginx
- name: SSL KEYs
template: src=certs/{{ item }}.key dest=/etc/nginx/{{ item }}.key
- reload nginx
with_items: "{{nginx_certs}}"
- name: SSL PEMs
template: src=certs/{{ item }}.pem dest=/etc/nginx/{{ item }}.pem
- reload nginx
with_items: "{{nginx_certs}}"
- name: httaccess
htpasswd: "path=/home/{{ deploy_user }}/.htpasswd name={{ basic_auth_user }} password={{ basic_auth_pass }} mode=0777"
- reload nginx
- meta: flush_handlers
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