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Created August 24, 2010 00:17
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(defn- my-split-at
"A reimplementation of clojure.core/split-at that doesn't
compute the sequence twice."
[n coll]
(loop [nn n l [] r coll]
(if (or (zero? nn) (empty? r))
[l r]
(let [[rx & rs] r]
(dec nn)
(conj l rx)
(defn- my-next-val
(if (< (:a m) 1000000)
(assoc m :a (inc (:a m)))))
(defn process-from-ob
(loop [the-seq (take-while identity (iterate my-next-val {:a 1598})) results []]
(let [[first-part rest-part] (my-split-at 30 the-seq)
new-results (into [] (filter (fn [_] false) first-part))]
(let [concatted (concat results new-results)]
(if (empty? rest-part)
{:results (map str concatted),
:next (first rest-part)}
(recur rest-part concatted))))))
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