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Created October 6, 2015 15:28
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Schema Bijections
;; example use at the bottom
(ns user
(:require [schema.core :as s]
[camel-snake-kebab.core :as csk]
[plumbing.core :refer [for-map map-keys map-vals]]))
(defn key->keyword
(cond (keyword? k) k
(s/optional-key? k) (:k k)
:else (throw (ex-info "WTF? in key->keyword" {:k k}))))
(defn key-fmap
[f k]
(cond (keyword? k) (f k)
(s/optional-key? k) (s/optional-key (f (:k k)))
:else (throw (ex-info "WTF?" {:k k}))))
(defmulti jsonify-schema*
"Returns [json-schema to-json from-json], where json-schema
is a variant of the given schema that describes how it looks
in json, and to-json and from-json are conversion functions."
(fn [schema opts] (type schema)))
(defmethod jsonify-schema* :default
[schema opts]
(let [jsonify-schema* #(jsonify-schema* % opts)]
(cond (and (map? schema) (not (record? schema)))
(cond (every? #(or (keyword? %)
(and (s/optional-key? %)
(keyword? (:k %))))
(keys schema))
(let [recursion-by-internal-key
(->> schema
(map-keys key->keyword)
(map-vals jsonify-schema*))
(for-map [k (keys recursion-by-internal-key)]
k (-> k name (cond-> (:key-fn opts) ((:key-fn opts)))))
(for-map [[k v] key-to-json] v k)
(for-map [[k _v] schema]
(let [k2 (key-fmap key-to-json k)]
(cond-> k2 (string? k2) (s/required-key)))
(first (recursion-by-internal-key (key->keyword k))))
(fn to-json [m]
(for-map [[k v] m
:let [[_sch to] (get recursion-by-internal-key k)
;; I think this kind of checking can be handled
;; by schema proper once we rewrite this stuff in
;; a more integrated way
k' (or (key-to-json k)
(throw (ex-info "Value does not match schema!"
{:schema schema :value m})))]]
k' (to v)))
(fn from-json [m]
(for-map [[k v] m
:let [k' (or (key-from-json k)
(throw (ex-info "Value does not match schema!"
{:schema json-schema :value m})))
[_sch _to from] (get recursion-by-internal-key k')]]
k' (from v)))]
[json-schema to-json from-json])
(= 1 (count schema))
(let [[[key-schema val-schema]] (seq schema)
[key-json-schema key-to-json key-from-json] (jsonify-schema* key-schema)
[val-json-schema val-to-json val-from-json] (jsonify-schema* val-schema)]
;; this will go poorly if key-json-schema doesn't end
;; up being String here, but I think we'll be fine for
;; now
[{key-json-schema val-json-schema}
(fn to-json [m]
(for-map [[k v] m]
(key-to-json k)
(val-to-json v)))
(fn from-json [m]
(for-map [[k v] m]
(key-from-json k)
(val-from-json v)))]))
(vector? schema)
(assert (= 1 (count schema)) "Don't support tuple schemas yet")
(let [[el-schema] schema
[el-json-schema el-to-json el-from-json] (jsonify-schema* el-schema)]
[[el-json-schema] #(mapv el-to-json %) #(mapv el-from-json %)]))
(= s/Keyword schema)
[s/Str name keyword]
(= java.util.UUID schema)
#(java.util.UUID/fromString %)]
[schema identity identity])))
(defn pluralable-query-param
"Creates a collection schema for the given schema, to be used as a query parameter
where multiple values might be supplied (which causes ring to deliver either a string
or a vector of strings); the associated conversion functions will ensure that after
parsing from json it is always a vector of values."
(-> [schema]
(vary-meta assoc :type ::pluralable-query-param)))
(defmethod jsonify-schema* ::pluralable-query-param
[schema opts]
(let [[sch to from] (jsonify-schema* (first schema) opts)]
[(s/either sch [sch])
(fn to-json
(cond-> (mapv to xs)
(= 1 (count xs))
(fn from-json
(-> x-or-xs
(cond-> (not (vector? x-or-xs)) (vector))
(->> (mapv from))))]))
(defn jsonify-schema
"Wrapper for jsonify-schema* that supplies default options and wraps exceptions
thrown in the conversion functions."
([schema] (jsonify-schema schema {:key-fn csk/->camelCase}))
([schema opts]
(letfn [(wrap-errors [func]
(fn [x]
(try (func x)
(catch Throwable t
(throw (ex-info "Schema bijection error!"
{:schema schema :data x}
(let [[sch to from] (jsonify-schema* schema opts)]
[sch (wrap-errors to) (wrap-errors from)]))))
;; Example usage:
(def User
{:first-name s/Str
:last-name s/Str
:id s/Uuid})
(let [[json-schema to-json from-json] (jsonify-schema User)]
(def UserJSON json-schema)
(def User->JSON to-json)
(def User<-JSON from-json))
;; => {#schema.core.RequiredKey{:k "firstName"} java.lang.String,
;; #schema.core.RequiredKey{:k "id"} #"[0-9a-f]{8}-(?:[0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}",
;; #schema.core.RequiredKey{:k "lastName"} java.lang.String}
;; readability of ^that could be better
(def the-donald {:id #uuid "2d6f4693-8af4-47eb-8c13-7b8671dc26e1"
:first-name "Donald"
:last-name "Trump"})
(User->JSON the-donald)
;; => {"firstName" "Donald",
;; "id" "2d6f4693-8af4-47eb-8c13-7b8671dc26e1",
;; "lastName" "Trump"}
;; round-trips:
(-> the-donald User->JSON User<-JSON (= the-donald))
;; => true
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w01fe commented Oct 7, 2015

key->keyword is s/explicit-schema-key.

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