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Created May 10, 2016 15:07
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Most of the code behind
(ns forty-two-doubles.core
(:require [clojure.walk :as walk]
[clojure.string :as string]
#?(:clj [com.gfredericks.doubles :refer [parse-double]])
[forty-two-doubles.four :as four #?@(:cljs [:include-macros true])]
[plumbing.core :as p]))
(defn positive-infinity?
#?(:clj (= x Double/POSITIVE_INFINITY)
:cljs (and (not (js/isFinite x))
(< 0.0 x))))
(defn negative-infinity?
#?(:clj (= x Double/NEGATIVE_INFINITY)
:cljs (and (not (js/isFinite x))
(< x 0.0))))
(defn NaN?
#?(:clj (Double/isNaN x)
:cljs (js/isNaN x)))
(defn finite?
[^double x]
(not (or (Double/isNaN x)
(Double/isInfinite x)))
(js/isFinite x)))
(defn nonzero-finite?
(and (finite? x) (not (zero? x))))
(defn distance
[^double x]
{:pre [(finite? x)]}
(+ (Math/abs (Math/getExponent x))
(* 2000
(- 66 (Long/numberOfTrailingZeros
(last (parse-double x))))))
(cond (zero? x)
(neg? x)
(inc (distance (- x)))
(loop [a 0
x x]
(< x 0.5)
(recur (inc a) (* x 2))
(<= 1 x)
(recur (inc a) (/ x 2))
(loop [ret 0
x x]
(if (zero? x)
(+ a (* 2000 ret))
(recur (inc ret) (mod (* 2 x) 1)))))))))
(defn derived-exprs*
[pairs-by-expr-size already-expressed? expr-size]
(for [left-size (range 1 (inc (quot expr-size 2)))
[left-val left-expr] (four/shuffle (pairs-by-expr-size left-size))
[right-val right-expr] (four/shuffle (pairs-by-expr-size (- expr-size
[op op-name flip?] [[+ '+ (zero? (four/rand-int 2))]
[- '- false]
[- '- true]
[* '* (zero? (four/rand-int 2))]
[/ '/ false]
[/ '/ true]]
:let [[left-val left-expr right-val right-expr]
(if flip?
[right-val right-expr left-val left-expr]
[left-val left-expr right-val right-expr])]
:when (not (= ['/ 0.0] [op-name right-val]))
:let [val (op left-val right-val)]
:when (finite? val)
:when (not (already-expressed? val))]
[val (vary-meta (list op-name left-expr right-expr)
assoc ::val val)])))
(defn derived-exprs
"Returns a lazy-seq of [x expr]."
((fn self [pairs-by-expr-size already-expressed? expr-size]
(let [more-pairs (derived-exprs* pairs-by-expr-size already-expressed? expr-size)]
(concat more-pairs
(self (assoc pairs-by-expr-size expr-size more-pairs)
(into already-expressed? (map first more-pairs))
(inc expr-size)))))))
{1 (for [x (four/shuffle a-sorted-set)] [x x])}
a-sorted-set 2))
(defn lazy-shuffle
[window-size coll]
(let [[xs more] (split-at window-size coll)]
(if (seq more)
((fn self [vec more]
(if (empty? more)
(let [[x & more] more
idx (four/rand-int window-size)]
(cons (get vec idx)
(self (assoc vec idx x) more))))))
(vec (four/shuffle xs))
(four/shuffle xs))))
(defn expr-replace
[expr replacement-map]
(walk/postwalk (fn [x] (if-let [[_ v] (find replacement-map x)]
(defn help-me-express-this
"Returns either
[:expressed expr]
[:closer derived-number derived-expr derived-name full-expr new-number-to-express]."
[number-to-express set-of-numbers-I-have]
(if (set-of-numbers-I-have number-to-express)
[:expressed number-to-express]
(let [current-distance (distance number-to-express)
a-gensym (gensym)
firstish (fn [pairs]
(let [[pair & more-pairs] (drop-while (comp not second) pairs)]
(when-let [[idx ret] pair]
;; looking at at least 1000 to make sure we
;; get the best option
(->> (cons pair (take (max (* 2 (inc idx)) 400) more-pairs))
(map second)
(filter identity)
(apply min-key (fn [ret]
(-> ret
(or (throw (ex-info "WTF"
{:ret ret}))))))))))]
(map vector (range)
(for [[expressable expr] (->> set-of-numbers-I-have
(lazy-shuffle 100)
;; gotta timeout somehow
(take 1000000)
(concat (for [x set-of-numbers-I-have]
[x x])))
;; flow control is fun
:let [_ (if (= number-to-express expressable)
(throw (ex-info "" {::ret [:expressed expr]})))
num number-to-express]
[simpler-num works? ret]
[(let [simpler-num (- num expressable)]
[simpler-num (= num (+ expressable simpler-num))
(list '+ a-gensym simpler-num)])
(let [simpler-num (- expressable num)]
[simpler-num (= num (- expressable simpler-num))
(list '- a-gensym simpler-num)])
(let [simpler-num (+ num expressable)]
[simpler-num (= num (- simpler-num expressable))
(list '- simpler-num a-gensym)])
(when (not= expressable 0.0)
(let [simpler-num (/ num expressable)]
[simpler-num (= num (* expressable simpler-num))
(list '* a-gensym simpler-num)]))
(when (not= num 0.0)
(let [simpler-num (/ expressable num)]
(when (not= simpler-num 0.0)
[simpler-num (= num (/ expressable simpler-num))
(list '/ a-gensym simpler-num)])))
(when (not= expressable 0.0)
(let [simpler-num (* num expressable)]
[simpler-num (= num (/ simpler-num expressable))
(list '/ simpler-num a-gensym)]))]
:let [new-distance (and simpler-num
(finite? simpler-num)
(distance simpler-num))]]
(and works?
(finite? simpler-num)
(< new-distance current-distance)
(let [name (gensym)]
(if (number? expr)
[:closer-reused-num expressable a-gensym ret simpler-num]
[:closer-new-num expressable expr a-gensym ret simpler-num])
assoc ::distance new-distance))))))
(throw (ex-info "Can't express!" {:num number-to-express}))))
(catch #?(:clj clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo :cljs js/Error) e
(or (::ret (ex-data e))
(throw e))))))
(defn rename-bindings
(let [[new-bindings replacement]
(reduce (fn [[new-bindings replacement next-num] [name expr]]
(if (symbol? expr)
[new-bindings (assoc replacement name (get replacement expr)) next-num]
(if (number? expr)
[new-bindings (assoc replacement name expr) next-num]
(let [sym (symbol (str \x next-num))
expr' (expr-replace expr replacement)
replacement' (assoc replacement name sym)]
[(conj new-bindings [sym expr']) replacement' (inc next-num)]))))
[[] {} 1]
(partition 2 (second let-expr)))]
`(~'let [~@(apply concat new-bindings)] ~(expr-replace (last let-expr) replacement))))
(defn special-cases
[base special-case]
{:pre [(nonzero-finite? base)]}
(letfn [(f [current-base current-name bindings next-local-id]
(let [next-num (* current-base current-base)
expr (list '* current-name current-name)]
(if (positive-infinity? next-num)
[bindings expr]
(let [next-name (symbol (str "x" next-local-id))]
(recur next-num next-name (conj bindings [next-name expr]) (inc next-local-id))))))
(make-inf []
(if (< (* base base) 2.0)
(f 2.0 'x1 [['x1 (list '+ (list '/ base base) (list '/ base base))]] 2)
(f base base [] 1)))]
(case special-case
:+∞ (let [[bindings expr] (make-inf)]
`(~'let [~@(apply concat bindings)] ~expr))
:-∞ (let [[bindings expr] (make-inf)
name1 (symbol (str "x" (inc (count bindings))))]
`(~'let [~@(apply concat bindings) ~name1 ~expr] (~'- ~base ~name1)))
:NaN (let [[bindings expr] (make-inf)
name1 (symbol (str "x" (inc (count bindings))))]
`(~'let [~@(apply concat bindings) ~name1 ~expr]
(~'- ~name1 ~name1)))
:-0 (if (neg? base)
`(~'let [~'x1 (~'- ~base ~base)]
(~'/ ~'x1 ~base))
`(~'let [~'x1 (~'- ~base ~base)
~'x2 (~'- ~'x1 ~base)]
(~'/ ~'x1 ~'x2))))))
(defn neg-zero?
[^double x]
(and (zero? x)
(< (/ 1 x) 0)))
(defn interpret
"Returns a new expression where every relevant sub-expression has had
::val metadata added."
([expr] (interpret expr {}))
([expr locals]
(cond (number? expr) expr
(symbol? expr) (vary-meta expr assoc ::val (get locals expr))
(seq? expr)
(case (first expr)
(+ - * /)
(let [args (map #(interpret % locals) (rest expr))
get-val #(if (number? %)
% (::val (meta %)))
_ (when-not (every? get-val args)
(throw (ex-info "HOOOW" {:args args :locals locals})))
val (apply (case (first expr) + + - - * * / /)
(map get-val args))]
(vary-meta (cons (first expr) args)
assoc ::val val))
(let [[_ bindings body-expr] expr
[new-bindings out-locals]
(reduce (fn [[new-bindings out-locals] [n expr]]
(let [expr' (interpret expr out-locals)]
[(conj new-bindings [n expr'])
(assoc out-locals n (::val (meta expr')))]))
[[] locals]
(partition 2 bindings))
new-body-expr (interpret body-expr out-locals)]
(vary-meta `(~'let [~@(apply concat new-bindings)] ~new-body-expr)
assoc ::val (if (number? new-body-expr)
(::val (meta new-body-expr))))))
(throw (ex-info "Unknown expr" {:expr expr})))))
(defn get-meta-val
(if (number? expr) expr (::val (meta expr))))
(defn =doubles?
"Like =, but only works on two doubles, considers two NaNs to be equal, and
doesn't consider 0 to equal -0."
[x y]
(if (= x y)
(= (neg-zero? x) (neg-zero? y))
(and (NaN? x) (NaN? y))))
(defn express*
[x bound-nums]
(if-let [sym (bound-nums x)]
[[] sym]
(let [ret (help-me-express-this x (apply sorted-set (keys bound-nums)))]
(case (first ret)
[[] (second ret)]
(let [[_ used-number used-name full-expr new-number-to-express] ret
full-expr (expr-replace full-expr {used-name (bound-nums used-number)})
[new-bindings expr] (express* new-number-to-express bound-nums)
new-number-name (gensym)]
[(concat new-bindings
[[new-number-name (expr-replace expr bound-nums)]])
(expr-replace full-expr {new-number-to-express new-number-name})])
(let [[_ derived-number derived-expr derived-name full-expr new-number-to-express] ret
bound-nums2 (assoc bound-nums derived-number derived-name)
[new-bindings expr] (express* new-number-to-express bound-nums2)
derived-expr' (expr-replace derived-expr bound-nums)
new-number-name (gensym)]
[(concat [[derived-name derived-expr']]
[[new-number-name (expr-replace expr bound-nums2)]])
(expr-replace full-expr {new-number-to-express new-number-name})])))))
(def leaf? (some-fn symbol? number?))
(defn flatten-exprs
[[_let bindings expr]]
(let [flatten-expr (fn flatten-expr [expr]
(if (leaf? expr)
[[] expr]
(assert (= 3 (count expr)))
(assert (symbol? (first expr)))
(let [[b1 expr1] (flatten-expr (second expr))
[b2 expr2] (flatten-expr (last expr))
name1 (gensym)
name2 (gensym)]
[(-> b1
(into b2)
(coll? expr1)
(conj [name1 expr1])
(coll? expr2)
(conj [name2 expr2])))
(list (first expr)
(if (coll? expr1)
(if (coll? expr2)
bindings (reduce (fn [bindings [n expr]]
(let [[new-bindings expr] (flatten-expr expr)]
(-> bindings
(into new-bindings)
(conj [n expr]))))
(partition 2 bindings))
[yet-more-bindings expr] (flatten-expr expr)]
`(~'let [~@(apply concat (into bindings yet-more-bindings))] ~expr)))
(defn remove-redundant-exprs
"Sometimes flatten-exprs reveals redundant expressions."
(let [[_let bindings expr] (interpret let-expr)
[bindings replacements]
(reduce (fn [[out-bindings replacements val->sym] [n v]]
(let [val (get-meta-val v)]
(if-let [sym (val->sym val)]
[out-bindings (assoc replacements n sym)
[(conj out-bindings [n (expr-replace v replacements)])
(assoc val->sym val n)])))
[[] {} {}]
(partition 2 bindings))]
`(~'let [~@(apply concat bindings)]
~(expr-replace expr replacements))))
(defn express
[x base]
{:post [(=doubles? x (-> % meta ::val))]}
(positive-infinity? x)
(special-cases base :+∞)
(negative-infinity? x)
(special-cases base :-∞)
(NaN? x)
(special-cases base :NaN)
(neg-zero? x)
(special-cases base :-0)
(four/with-seed (hash (str x))
(let [[new-bindings expr] (express* x {base 'x0})
x0->42 #(expr-replace % {'x0 base})
new-bindings (for [[k v] new-bindings]
[k (x0->42 v)])]
(-> `(~'let [~@(apply concat new-bindings)] ~(x0->42 expr))
;; running rename-bindings an extra time here because it
;; also removes right-hand-side-number-literals from the
;; let bindings and remove-redundant-exprs seems to need
;; that.
(defn print-aligned
(let [max-len-first (->> line-pairs (map first) (map count) (apply max))]
(doseq [[s1 s2] line-pairs
:let [spacing (apply str (repeat (- max-len-first (count s1)) \space))]]
(println s1 spacing s2))))
(defn num->str
#?(:clj (pr-str x)
:cljs (if (neg-zero? x)
(let [s (pr-str x)]
(if (re-matches #"-?\d+" s)
(str s ".0")
(defn expr->js
([expr] (expr->js expr false))
([expr parens?]
(cond (number? expr)
(num->str expr)
(symbol? expr)
(str expr)
(assert (= 3 (count expr)))
(let [[op arg1 arg2] expr]
(str (if parens? "(" "")
(expr->js arg1 true)
" " op " "
(expr->js arg2 true)
(if parens? ")" "")))))))
(defn expr->clj
"Like pr-str, but prints numbers with decimal points even in cljs."
(cond (number? expr)
(num->str expr)
(symbol? expr)
(str expr)
(str "(" (string/join " " (map expr->clj expr)) ")")))
(defn print-clj
[[_let bindings expr]]
(if (empty? bindings)
(println (expr->clj expr) ";;" (num->str (get-meta-val expr)))
(let [bindings (partition 2 bindings)
name-length (->> bindings (map first) (map str) (map count) (apply max))
binding-prefixes (cons "(let [" (repeat " "))
binding-suffixes (concat (repeat (dec (count bindings)) "")
(for [[prefix [n v] suffix] (map vector binding-prefixes bindings binding-suffixes)]
[(str prefix n " " (expr->clj v) suffix)
(str ";; " n " = " (num->str (get-meta-val v)))])
[[(str " " (expr->clj expr) ")") (str ";; " (num->str (get-meta-val expr)))]])))))
(defn print-js
[[_let bindings expr]]
(println "(function(){")
(concat (for [[n v] (partition 2 bindings)]
[(str " var " n " = " (expr->js v) ";")
(str "// " n " = " (num->str (get-meta-val v)))])
[[(str " return " (expr->js expr) ";")
(str "// " (num->str (get-meta-val expr)))]]))
(println "}())"))
(defn print-ruby
[[_let bindings expr]]
(println "(lambda do")
(concat (for [[n v] (partition 2 bindings)]
[(str " " n " = " (expr->js v))
(str "# " n " = " (num->str (get-meta-val v)))])
[[(str " return " (expr->js expr))
(str "# " (num->str (get-meta-val expr)))]]))
(println "end).call()"))
(defn print-java
[[_let bindings expr]]
(println "(new java.util.concurrent.Callable<Double>(){")
(println " public Double call(){")
(concat (for [[n v] (partition 2 bindings)]
[(str " double " n " = " (expr->js v) ";")
(str "// " n " = " (num->str (get-meta-val v)))])
[[(str " return " (expr->js expr) ";")
(str "// " (num->str (get-meta-val expr)))]]))
(println " }")
(println " }).call()"))
(defn print-python
[[_let bindings expr]]
(println "def num_from_42s():")
(concat (for [[n v] (partition 2 bindings)]
[(str " " n " = " (expr->js v))
(str "# " n " = " (num->str (get-meta-val v)))])
[[(str " return " (expr->js expr))
(str "# " (num->str (get-meta-val expr)))]])))
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