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Created June 9, 2016 19:02
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A defn-like macro powered by clojure.spec
(ns user.defn+spec
(:require [clojure.spec :as s]))
(defn non-&-sym? [x] (and (symbol? x) (not= '& x)))
(s/def ::arglist
(s/cat :normal-args (s/* (s/cat :name non-&-sym?
:spec-form (s/? (s/cat :- #{:-}
:spec ::s/any))))
:varargs (s/? (s/cat :& #{'&}
:name non-&-sym?
:spec-form (s/? (s/cat :- #{:-}
:spec ::s/any))))))
(s/fdef kw->sym :args (s/cat :kw simple-keyword?) :ret simple-symbol?)
(defn kw->sym [kw] (symbol (str kw)))
(s/fdef parse-arglist
::args (s/cat :arglist ::arglist)
:ret (s/tuple ::s/any ::s/any))
(defn parse-arglist
"Returns [spec-form destructuring-form]."
(let [{:keys [normal-args varargs]} (s/conform ::arglist arglist)
`(s/cat ~@(mapcat (fn [{:keys [name], {:keys [spec]} :spec-form}]
(let [name-kw (keyword (str name))]
[name-kw `(s/spec ~spec)]))
~@(when varargs
[(-> varargs :name str keyword)
`(s/* ~(-> varargs :spec-form :spec (or ::s/any)))]))
normal-arg-names (->> normal-args
(map :name)
(map kw->sym))
destructuring-form (cond-> {:keys (vec normal-arg-names)}
(assoc (:name varargs) :more))]
[spec-form destructuring-form]))
;; commenting this out because I get a stack overflow otherwise
(s/fdef defn+spec
:args (s/cat :name symbol?
:fntails (s/* (s/cat :arglist ::arglist
:body (s/* ::s/any)))))
(defmacro defn+spec
"A primitive variant of defn where args can be decorated with specs (via :-)
and there can be multiple bodies with the same arity, in which case the
first one for which the args match the specs is used."
[name & fntails]
(let [forms (map (comp parse-arglist first) fntails)
impl-names (take (count fntails) (map #(keyword (str "clause-" %)) (range)))
or-spec `(s/or ~@(interleave impl-names (map first forms)))
conformed-name (gensym "conformed_")]
`(let [arglist-spec# ~or-spec]
(defn ~name
[& args#]
(let [~conformed-name (s/conform arglist-spec# args#)]
(if (= :clojure.spec/invalid ~conformed-name)
(throw (ex-info ~(str "Bad args to " name)
{:args args#
:explain (s/explain-data arglist-spec# args#)}))
(case (first ~conformed-name)
~@(mapcat (fn [[_ & body] impl-name [_ destructuring-form]]
`(let [~destructuring-form (second ~conformed-name)]
(defn+spec thomas
([a :- integer?, b :- boolean?]
[:int-and-bool a b])
([a b]
[:any-two-args a b])
([a b c :- integer? d & more]
[:four-args-1-int+varargs a b c d "here's the varargs ->" more])
([a b c d]
[:any-four-args a b c d]))
(thomas 42)
;; throws "Bad args to thomas:
;; {:args (42),
;; :explain
;; {:clojure.spec/problems
;; {[:clause-0 :b]
;; {:in [],
;; :pred (spec boolean?),
;; :reason "Insufficient input",
;; :val (),
;; :via []},
;; [:clause-1 :b]
;; {:in [],
;; :pred (spec nil),
;; :reason "Insufficient input",
;; :val (),
;; :via []},
;; [:clause-2 :b]
;; {:in [],
;; :pred (spec nil),
;; :reason "Insufficient input",
;; :val (),
;; :via []},
;; [:clause-3 :b]
;; {:in [],
;; :pred (spec nil),
;; :reason "Insufficient input",
;; :val (),
;; :via []}}}}
(thomas 1 2) => [:any-two-args 1 2]
(thomas 42 true) => [:int-and-bool 42 true]
(thomas "one" "two" "three" "four") => [:any-four-args "one" "two" "three" "four"]
(thomas "one" "two" 3 "four" "five" "six") => [:four-args-1-int+varargs "one" "two" 3 "four" "here's the varargs ->" ["five" "six"]]
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