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gfredericks /
Last active February 11, 2023 01:22
Some of the sources for my Clojure/conj 2018 slides

What Are All These Class Files Even About?, and Other Stories

Latex Prelude

gfredericks / with-local-redefs.clj
Last active November 30, 2022 15:30
thread-local version of with-redefs
(defn with-local-redefs-fn
[a-var its-new-value func]
(cast clojure.lang.IFn @a-var)
(alter-meta! a-var
(fn [m]
(if (::scope-count m)
(update-in m [::scope-count] inc)
(assoc m
::scope-count 1
::thread-local-var (doto (clojure.lang.Var/create @a-var)
gfredericks / lazy-flatten-merge-by-test.clj
Last active September 23, 2020 01:23
This function I wrote one time
(ns user.test
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
[clojure.test.check.results :as results]
[clojure.test.check.generators :as gen]
[ :as prop]
[clojure.test.check.clojure-test :refer [defspec]]))
(def gen-lazy-flatten-merge-by-keyfn
(gen/elements [identity - #(mod % 17)]))
gfredericks / sneaky_NaNs.clj
Created June 17, 2015 00:55
Encoding strings as a collection of NaNs.
(ns sneaky-NaNs
"Secret codez.")
(defn char->NaN
(-> c
(bit-or 0x7ff8000000000000)
gfredericks / frobnicate.clj
Last active March 1, 2019 11:35
Self-contained clojure file with deps
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#! top-of-file comments can be written using more #! lines, which
#! is a valid comment in both clojure and bash
":";# alternately this works too
#! The construction below uses cross-language syntactic hackery to
#! specify the -Sdeps arg in a part of the file that's interpreted
#! by clojure as clojure syntax (i.e., not a line comment), so it
gfredericks / clojure-spec-quine.clj
Last active April 8, 2018 19:51
A clojure.spec quine
(s/def ::quine
((fn [x]
(s/cat :the-def #{'s/def}
:the-quine #{::quine}
:the-spec (s/spec
(s/cat :x #{x}
:x' (s/spec
(s/cat :quote #{'quote}
:x #{x}))))))
'(fn [x]
gfredericks / bijections.clj
Created March 19, 2018 17:07
Half a draft of bijections in clojure
(ns user.bijections
(:refer-clojure :exclude [-> comp update])
(:require [clojure.core :as core]
[clojure.set :as set])
(:import (java.util UUID)))
;; Motivation:
;; - avoid the edge cases inherent in allowing multiple
gfredericks / defn+spec.clj
Created June 9, 2016 19:02
A defn-like macro powered by clojure.spec
(ns user.defn+spec
(:require [clojure.spec :as s]))
(defn non-&-sym? [x] (and (symbol? x) (not= '& x)))
(s/def ::arglist
(s/cat :normal-args (s/* (s/cat :name non-&-sym?
:spec-form (s/? (s/cat :- #{:-}
:spec ::s/any))))
:varargs (s/? (s/cat :& #{'&}
gfredericks / files.rb
Created October 18, 2017 11:29
Script for generating a compact bare git repo with 2^N files in it.
# Creates a git repo with 2^N files. N is the only arg. Creates a
# bare repo called "files".
require 'digest/sha1'
require 'zlib'
def filename(id)
gfredericks / gen_bigints.clj
Last active April 26, 2017 14:28
Proposed distribution for a bigint generator in test.check.
;; goals:
;; - unbounded distribution (arbitrarily large bigints can be generated,
;; even for small `size`)
;; - but respects `size` -- with larger `size`, larger numbers are likely
;; to be generated
;; - has a roughly 0.1% chance of generating an integer larger than
;; Double/MAX_VALUE (2^1024)
;; sizing background: