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Last active July 5, 2018 14:58
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static class CacheOp implements Op<Double> {
private final AtomicDouble ref;
public CacheOp(int i) {
ref = new AtomicDouble(i);
public CacheOp() {
public String name() {
return "cache";
public int arity() {
return 1;
public Op<Double> get() {
return new CacheOp();
public Double apply(Double[] ts) {
return ref.getAndSet(ts[0]);
public String toString() {
return name();
public void reset() {
static final ISeq<Op<Double>> operations = ISeq.of(MathOp.ADD, MathOp.SUB, MathOp.MUL, MathOp.MAX, MathOp.MIN, MathOp.DIV, new CacheOp());
static final ISeq<Op<Double>> terminals = ISeq.of(Var.of("x", 0));
final static int seqLength = 3;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Engine<ProgramGene<Double>, Double> engine = Engine.builder(NumCollector::error, Codec.of(
seqLength + 1,
ch -> ch.getRoot().size() <= seqLength * 2
&& ch.getTerminals().stream().filter(op -> op instanceof Var).count() > 0,
)), gt -> gt.toSeq().map(Chromosome::getGene)
.alterers(new SingleNodeCrossover<>(),
new Mutator<>(),
new MathTreePruneAlterer<>(0.5))
Genotype<ProgramGene<Double>> p =
ProgramGene<Double> g = p.getGene();
//reset all cache instances to zero.
g.breadthFirstStream().forEach(pg -> {
if (pg.getValue() instanceof CacheOp) {
((CacheOp) pg.getValue()).reset();
.forEach(s -> System.out.printf("gene:%s\n", s));
AtomicInteger c = new AtomicInteger();
Random rnd = RandomRegistry.getRandom();
range(0, seqLength)
.map(i -> rnd.nextInt(100))
.forEach(i -> {
long eval = round(Program.eval(g, (double) i));
System.out.printf("n:%s, predict:%s, actual:%s\n", i, eval, c.addAndGet(i));
static Random rnd = RandomRegistry.getRandom();
private static double error(final ISeq<Tree<Op<Double>, ?>> programs) {
Tree<Op<Double>, ?> g = programs.get(0);
Set<CacheOp> caches = g.breadthFirstStream()
.filter(s -> s.getClass().equals(CacheOp.class))
.map(x -> (CacheOp) x)
return range(0, 3)
.mapToDouble(b -> {
//reset all cache instances to zero.
AtomicInteger c = new AtomicInteger();
double ret = range(0, seqLength)
.mapToDouble(i -> {
int r = rnd.nextInt(1000);
double eval = Program.eval(g, (double) r);
final int i2 = c.addAndGet(r);
final double err = pow(i2 - eval, 2) * 10 * (seqLength - i);
return err;
return ret;
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