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Last active January 10, 2024 20:22
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Sample Review App Post Deploy script
namespace :heroku do
desc 'review app postdeploy script'
task :review_app_setup do
require 'dnsimple'
require 'platform-api'
clutter_domain = ''.freeze
# Environment variables are provided when specified in app.json
# Heroku app names are default "<name>-pr-<pull request ID>"
heroku_app_name = ENV['HEROKU_APP_NAME']
dnsimple_account_id = ENV['DNSIMPLE_ACCOUNT_ID']
# Extract out "pr-<pull request ID>" from default name
pr_number = heroku_app_name.match(/.*(pr-\d+)/).captures.first
subdomain = "account-#{pr_number}"
type = { type: 'CNAME' }
dnsimple_client = access_token: ENV['DNSIMPLE_ACCESS_TOKEN']
heroku_client = PlatformAPI.connect_oauth ENV['HEROKU_PLATFORM_TOKEN']
# Configure Custom Domain in Heroku
hostname = [subdomain, clutter_domain].join('.')
heroku_client.domain.create(heroku_app_name, hostname: hostname)
heroku_domain =, hostname)["cname"]
# Create CNAME record in DNSimple
opts = type.merge({ name: subdomain, content: heroku_domain })
# Query DNSimple to see if we already have a record.
resp = dnsimple_client.zones.zone_records dnsimple_account_id, clutter_domain, { filter: { name_like: subdomain } }
# If no record found, create a new one
if resp.total_entries == 0
dnsimple_client.zones.create_zone_record dnsimple_account_id, clutter_domain, opts
# On changes or redeploy of the review app, update the record to the new heroku domain
elsif resp.total_entries == 1
record_id =[0].id
client.zones.update_zone_record dnsimple_account_id, clutter_domain, record_id, opts
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