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Last active September 5, 2016 19:25
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module Particle exposing (..)
import Array
import Task
import Html.App as App
import Window exposing (Size, resizes)
import Color exposing (Color, black, white, rgba)
import Element exposing (Element, toHtml)
import Collage exposing (Form, collage, move, rect, filled, circle)
import AnimationFrame exposing (times)
import Mouse exposing (Position, moves)
import Time exposing (Time)
import Random exposing (Generator, generate, list, float)
import Basics.Extra exposing (never)
type Msg
= Move Position
| Frame Time
| Resize Size
| Add (List Float)
type alias Particle =
{ x: Float
, y: Float
, dx: Float
, dy: Float
, color: Color
, radius: Float
type alias ParticleField =
{ particles: List Particle
, size: Size
, lastPosition: Position
initField : ParticleField
initField =
{ particles = []
, size = {width=600, height=600}
, lastPosition = {x=0, y=0}
floatList : Generator (List Float)
floatList =
list 5 (float 0 1)
subscriptions : ParticleField -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
[ moves Move
, times Frame
, resizes Resize
drawParticle : Particle -> Form
drawParticle particle =
(particle.x, particle.y)
(filled particle.color (circle particle.radius))
draw : ParticleField -> Element
draw {particles, size} =
|> drawParticle
-- |> (::) (filled white (rect (toFloat size.width) (toFloat size.height)))
|> collage size.width size.height
split : Int -> List a -> List (List a)
split =
split' acc num origin =
if List.length origin == 0 then
split' (List.take num origin :: acc) num (List.drop num origin)
split' []
randomColor : Float -> Float -> Color
randomColor m n =
m' = m * 205 |> round
n' = n * 205 |> round
if (m' + n') % 2 == 0 then
rgba (50 + m') (50 + n') 0 (0.25 + ((m + n) / 8))
rgba 0 (50 + m') (50 + n') (0.25 + ((m + n) / 8))
createParticle : Position -> Size -> List Float -> Particle
createParticle {x,y} {width, height} l =
arr = Array.fromList l
sget i = Array.get i arr |> Maybe.withDefault 0
{ x = (toFloat x) - (toFloat width / 2)
, y = (toFloat y) * (-1) + (toFloat height / 2)
, dx = -1.5 + (sget 0) * 3
, dy = 1 + (sget 1 + (1 - sget 4)) * 3
, color = randomColor (sget 2) (sget 3)
, radius = 1 + (sget 4) * 21
addParticles : List Float -> ParticleField -> ParticleField
addParticles numbers field =
newParticles =
|> split 5
|> (createParticle field.lastPosition field.size)
{field | particles = newParticles ++ field.particles |> List.take 200 }
updatePositions : ParticleField -> ParticleField
updatePositions field =
{ field | particles
= field.particles
|> (\p -> {p | x = p.x - p.dx, y = p.y - p.dy})
update : Msg -> ParticleField -> (ParticleField, Cmd Msg)
update msg field =
case msg of
Move newPosition ->
({field | lastPosition = newPosition}, generate Add floatList)
Frame t ->
updatePositions field ! []
Resize newSize ->
{field | size = newSize} ! []
Add numbers ->
addParticles numbers field ! []
main : Program Never
main =
{ init = (initField, Task.perform never Resize Window.size)
, view = draw >> toHtml
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
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