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Created September 17, 2013 19:18
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE urlrewrite PUBLIC "-// UrlRewrite 4.0//EN"
Configuration file for UrlRewriteFilter
The rule means that requests to /test/status/ will be redirected to /rewrite-status
the url will be rewritten.
<to type="redirect">%{context-path}/rewrite-status</to>
The outbound-rule specifies that when response.encodeURL is called (if you are using JSTL c:url)
the url /rewrite-status will be rewritten to /test/status/.
The above rule and this outbound-rule means that end users should never see the
url /rewrite-status only /test/status/ both in thier location bar and in hyperlinks
in your pages.
in your web.xml add...
Redirect one url
<to type="redirect">/very/new/page.html</to>
Redirect a directory
<to type="redirect">/very/newdir/$1</to>
Clean a url
eg, /products/1234 will be passed on to /products/index.jsp?product_id=1234 without the user noticing.
Browser detection
<condition name="user-agent">Mozilla/[1-4]</condition>
eg, will pass the request for /some/page.html on to /some/page-for-old-browsers.html only for older
browsers whose user agent srtings match Mozilla/1, Mozilla/2, Mozilla/3 or Mozilla/4.
Centralised browser detection
<condition name="user-agent">Mozilla/[1-4]</condition>
<set type="request" name="browser">moz</set>
eg, all requests will be checked against the condition and if matched
request.setAttribute("browser", "moz") will be called.
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