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Created February 22, 2016 15:50
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Stack Trace
in vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/UnitOfWork.php at line 1189 -
public function isScheduledForInsert($entity)
return isset($this->entityInsertions[spl_object_hash($entity)]);
at ErrorHandler ->handleError ('2', 'spl_object_hash() expects parameter 1 to be object, string given', '/home/cake/Desktop/Carmando/Final/CMS_Test/CMS/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/UnitOfWork.php', '1189', array('entity' => 'AUDI'))
at spl_object_hash ('AUDI')
in vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/UnitOfWork.php at line 1189 +
at UnitOfWork ->isScheduledForInsert ('AUDI')
in vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/EntityManager.php at line 677 +
at EntityManager ->contains ('AUDI')
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bridge/Doctrine/Form/ChoiceList/IdReader.php at line 118 +
at IdReader ->getIdValue ('AUDI')
at call_user_func (array(object(IdReader), 'getIdValue'), 'AUDI')
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/ChoiceList/ArrayChoiceList.php at line 210 +
at ArrayChoiceList ->flatten (array('makename' => 'AUDI'), array(object(IdReader), 'getIdValue'), array(), array(), null)
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/ChoiceList/ArrayChoiceList.php at line 205 +
at ArrayChoiceList ->flatten (array(array('makename' => 'AUDI'), array('makename' => 'FORD'), array('makename' => 'OPEL'), array('makename' => 'RENAULT'), array('makename' => 'VW')), array(object(IdReader), 'getIdValue'), array(), array(), array(null))
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/ChoiceList/ArrayChoiceList.php at line 97 +
at ArrayChoiceList ->__construct (array(array('makename' => 'AUDI'), array('makename' => 'FORD'), array('makename' => 'OPEL'), array('makename' => 'RENAULT'), array('makename' => 'VW')), array(object(IdReader), 'getIdValue'))
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/ChoiceList/Factory/DefaultChoiceListFactory.php at line 37 +
at DefaultChoiceListFactory ->createListFromChoices (array(array('makename' => 'AUDI'), array('makename' => 'FORD'), array('makename' => 'OPEL'), array('makename' => 'RENAULT'), array('makename' => 'VW')), array(object(IdReader), 'getIdValue'))
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/ChoiceList/Factory/PropertyAccessDecorator.php at line 104 +
at PropertyAccessDecorator ->createListFromChoices (array(array('makename' => 'AUDI'), array('makename' => 'FORD'), array('makename' => 'OPEL'), array('makename' => 'RENAULT'), array('makename' => 'VW')), array(object(IdReader), 'getIdValue'))
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bridge/Doctrine/Form/ChoiceList/DoctrineChoiceLoader.php at line 96 +
at DoctrineChoiceLoader ->loadChoiceList (array(object(IdReader), 'getIdValue'))
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/ChoiceList/LazyChoiceList.php at line 74 +
at LazyChoiceList ->getChoices ()
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/ChoiceList/Factory/DefaultChoiceListFactory.php at line 87 +
at DefaultChoiceListFactory ->createView (object(LazyChoiceList), array(), array('Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType', 'createChoiceLabel'), array('Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType', 'createChoiceName'), null, null)
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/ChoiceList/Factory/PropertyAccessDecorator.php at line 232 +
at PropertyAccessDecorator ->createView (object(LazyChoiceList), array(), array('Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType', 'createChoiceLabel'), array('Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType', 'createChoiceName'), null, null)
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/Extension/Core/Type/ChoiceType.php at line 496 +
at ChoiceType ->createChoiceListView (object(LazyChoiceList), array('block_name' => null, 'disabled' => false, 'label' => null, 'label_format' => null, 'translation_domain' => null, 'auto_initialize' => true, 'trim' => true, 'required' => true, 'read_only' => false, 'max_length' => null, 'pattern' => null, 'property_path' => null, 'mapped' => true, 'by_reference' => true, 'virtual' => null, 'method' => 'POST', 'action' => '', 'post_max_size_message' => 'The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file.', 'error_mapping' => array(), 'cascade_validation' => false, 'invalid_message' => 'This value is not valid.', 'invalid_message_parameters' => array(), 'allow_extra_fields' => false, 'extra_fields_message' => 'This form should not contain extra fields.', 'csrf_protection' => true, 'csrf_field_name' => '_token', 'csrf_message' => 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.', 'csrf_provider' => object(CsrfTokenManager), 'intention' => null, 'multiple' => false, 'expanded' => false, 'empty_value' => object(Exception), 'attr' => array(), 'data_class' => null, 'empty_data' => '', 'error_bubbling' => false, 'label_attr' => array(), 'inherit_data' => false, 'compound' => false, 'validation_groups' => null, 'constraints' => array(), 'csrf_token_manager' => object(CsrfTokenManager), 'csrf_token_id' => null, 'choices_as_values' => true, 'choices' => null, 'class' => 'MyTestBundle:SpareParts\CarType', 'em' => object(EntityManager), 'query_builder' => object(QueryBuilder), 'loader' => null, 'id_reader' => object(IdReader), 'choice_loader' => object(DoctrineChoiceLoader), 'choice_value' => array(object(IdReader), 'getIdValue'), 'choice_list' => object(LazyChoiceList), 'property' => null, 'choice_label' => array('Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType', 'createChoiceLabel'), 'choice_name' => array('Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType', 'createChoiceName'), 'choice_attr' => null, 'preferred_choices' => array(), 'group_by' => null, 'placeholder' => null, 'choice_translation_domain' => false))
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/Extension/Core/Type/ChoiceType.php at line 170 +
at ChoiceType ->buildView (object(FormView), object(Form), array('block_name' => null, 'disabled' => false, 'label' => null, 'label_format' => null, 'translation_domain' => null, 'auto_initialize' => true, 'trim' => true, 'required' => true, 'read_only' => false, 'max_length' => null, 'pattern' => null, 'property_path' => null, 'mapped' => true, 'by_reference' => true, 'virtual' => null, 'method' => 'POST', 'action' => '', 'post_max_size_message' => 'The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file.', 'error_mapping' => array(), 'cascade_validation' => false, 'invalid_message' => 'This value is not valid.', 'invalid_message_parameters' => array(), 'allow_extra_fields' => false, 'extra_fields_message' => 'This form should not contain extra fields.', 'csrf_protection' => true, 'csrf_field_name' => '_token', 'csrf_message' => 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.', 'csrf_provider' => object(CsrfTokenManager), 'intention' => null, 'multiple' => false, 'expanded' => false, 'empty_value' => object(Exception), 'attr' => array(), 'data_class' => null, 'empty_data' => '', 'error_bubbling' => false, 'label_attr' => array(), 'inherit_data' => false, 'compound' => false, 'validation_groups' => null, 'constraints' => array(), 'csrf_token_manager' => object(CsrfTokenManager), 'csrf_token_id' => null, 'choices_as_values' => true, 'choices' => null, 'class' => 'MyTestBundle:SpareParts\CarType', 'em' => object(EntityManager), 'query_builder' => object(QueryBuilder), 'loader' => null, 'id_reader' => object(IdReader), 'choice_loader' => object(DoctrineChoiceLoader), 'choice_value' => array(object(IdReader), 'getIdValue'), 'choice_list' => object(LazyChoiceList), 'property' => null, 'choice_label' => array('Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType', 'createChoiceLabel'), 'choice_name' => array('Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType', 'createChoiceName'), 'choice_attr' => null, 'preferred_choices' => array(), 'group_by' => null, 'placeholder' => null, 'choice_translation_domain' => false))
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/ResolvedFormType.php at line 157 +
at ResolvedFormType ->buildView (object(FormView), object(Form), array('block_name' => null, 'disabled' => false, 'label' => null, 'label_format' => null, 'translation_domain' => null, 'auto_initialize' => true, 'trim' => true, 'required' => true, 'read_only' => false, 'max_length' => null, 'pattern' => null, 'property_path' => null, 'mapped' => true, 'by_reference' => true, 'virtual' => null, 'method' => 'POST', 'action' => '', 'post_max_size_message' => 'The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file.', 'error_mapping' => array(), 'cascade_validation' => false, 'invalid_message' => 'This value is not valid.', 'invalid_message_parameters' => array(), 'allow_extra_fields' => false, 'extra_fields_message' => 'This form should not contain extra fields.', 'csrf_protection' => true, 'csrf_field_name' => '_token', 'csrf_message' => 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.', 'csrf_provider' => object(CsrfTokenManager), 'intention' => null, 'multiple' => false, 'expanded' => false, 'empty_value' => object(Exception), 'attr' => array(), 'data_class' => null, 'empty_data' => '', 'error_bubbling' => false, 'label_attr' => array(), 'inherit_data' => false, 'compound' => false, 'validation_groups' => null, 'constraints' => array(), 'csrf_token_manager' => object(CsrfTokenManager), 'csrf_token_id' => null, 'choices_as_values' => true, 'choices' => null, 'class' => 'MyTestBundle:SpareParts\CarType', 'em' => object(EntityManager), 'query_builder' => object(QueryBuilder), 'loader' => null, 'id_reader' => object(IdReader), 'choice_loader' => object(DoctrineChoiceLoader), 'choice_value' => array(object(IdReader), 'getIdValue'), 'choice_list' => object(LazyChoiceList), 'property' => null, 'choice_label' => array('Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType', 'createChoiceLabel'), 'choice_name' => array('Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType', 'createChoiceName'), 'choice_attr' => null, 'preferred_choices' => array(), 'group_by' => null, 'placeholder' => null, 'choice_translation_domain' => false))
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/Extension/DataCollector/Proxy/ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy.php at line 112 +
at ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy ->buildView (object(FormView), object(Form), array('block_name' => null, 'disabled' => false, 'label' => null, 'label_format' => null, 'translation_domain' => null, 'auto_initialize' => true, 'trim' => true, 'required' => true, 'read_only' => false, 'max_length' => null, 'pattern' => null, 'property_path' => null, 'mapped' => true, 'by_reference' => true, 'virtual' => null, 'method' => 'POST', 'action' => '', 'post_max_size_message' => 'The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file.', 'error_mapping' => array(), 'cascade_validation' => false, 'invalid_message' => 'This value is not valid.', 'invalid_message_parameters' => array(), 'allow_extra_fields' => false, 'extra_fields_message' => 'This form should not contain extra fields.', 'csrf_protection' => true, 'csrf_field_name' => '_token', 'csrf_message' => 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.', 'csrf_provider' => object(CsrfTokenManager), 'intention' => null, 'multiple' => false, 'expanded' => false, 'empty_value' => object(Exception), 'attr' => array(), 'data_class' => null, 'empty_data' => '', 'error_bubbling' => false, 'label_attr' => array(), 'inherit_data' => false, 'compound' => false, 'validation_groups' => null, 'constraints' => array(), 'csrf_token_manager' => object(CsrfTokenManager), 'csrf_token_id' => null, 'choices_as_values' => true, 'choices' => null, 'class' => 'MyTestBundle:SpareParts\CarType', 'em' => object(EntityManager), 'query_builder' => object(QueryBuilder), 'loader' => null, 'id_reader' => object(IdReader), 'choice_loader' => object(DoctrineChoiceLoader), 'choice_value' => array(object(IdReader), 'getIdValue'), 'choice_list' => object(LazyChoiceList), 'property' => null, 'choice_label' => array('Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType', 'createChoiceLabel'), 'choice_name' => array('Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType', 'createChoiceName'), 'choice_attr' => null, 'preferred_choices' => array(), 'group_by' => null, 'placeholder' => null, 'choice_translation_domain' => false))
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/ResolvedFormType.php at line 154 +
at ResolvedFormType ->buildView (object(FormView), object(Form), array('block_name' => null, 'disabled' => false, 'label' => null, 'label_format' => null, 'translation_domain' => null, 'auto_initialize' => true, 'trim' => true, 'required' => true, 'read_only' => false, 'max_length' => null, 'pattern' => null, 'property_path' => null, 'mapped' => true, 'by_reference' => true, 'virtual' => null, 'method' => 'POST', 'action' => '', 'post_max_size_message' => 'The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file.', 'error_mapping' => array(), 'cascade_validation' => false, 'invalid_message' => 'This value is not valid.', 'invalid_message_parameters' => array(), 'allow_extra_fields' => false, 'extra_fields_message' => 'This form should not contain extra fields.', 'csrf_protection' => true, 'csrf_field_name' => '_token', 'csrf_message' => 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.', 'csrf_provider' => object(CsrfTokenManager), 'intention' => null, 'multiple' => false, 'expanded' => false, 'empty_value' => object(Exception), 'attr' => array(), 'data_class' => null, 'empty_data' => '', 'error_bubbling' => false, 'label_attr' => array(), 'inherit_data' => false, 'compound' => false, 'validation_groups' => null, 'constraints' => array(), 'csrf_token_manager' => object(CsrfTokenManager), 'csrf_token_id' => null, 'choices_as_values' => true, 'choices' => null, 'class' => 'MyTestBundle:SpareParts\CarType', 'em' => object(EntityManager), 'query_builder' => object(QueryBuilder), 'loader' => null, 'id_reader' => object(IdReader), 'choice_loader' => object(DoctrineChoiceLoader), 'choice_value' => array(object(IdReader), 'getIdValue'), 'choice_list' => object(LazyChoiceList), 'property' => null, 'choice_label' => array('Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType', 'createChoiceLabel'), 'choice_name' => array('Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType', 'createChoiceName'), 'choice_attr' => null, 'preferred_choices' => array(), 'group_by' => null, 'placeholder' => null, 'choice_translation_domain' => false))
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/Extension/DataCollector/Proxy/ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy.php at line 112 +
at ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy ->buildView (object(FormView), object(Form), array('block_name' => null, 'disabled' => false, 'label' => null, 'label_format' => null, 'translation_domain' => null, 'auto_initialize' => true, 'trim' => true, 'required' => true, 'read_only' => false, 'max_length' => null, 'pattern' => null, 'property_path' => null, 'mapped' => true, 'by_reference' => true, 'virtual' => null, 'method' => 'POST', 'action' => '', 'post_max_size_message' => 'The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file.', 'error_mapping' => array(), 'cascade_validation' => false, 'invalid_message' => 'This value is not valid.', 'invalid_message_parameters' => array(), 'allow_extra_fields' => false, 'extra_fields_message' => 'This form should not contain extra fields.', 'csrf_protection' => true, 'csrf_field_name' => '_token', 'csrf_message' => 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.', 'csrf_provider' => object(CsrfTokenManager), 'intention' => null, 'multiple' => false, 'expanded' => false, 'empty_value' => object(Exception), 'attr' => array(), 'data_class' => null, 'empty_data' => '', 'error_bubbling' => false, 'label_attr' => array(), 'inherit_data' => false, 'compound' => false, 'validation_groups' => null, 'constraints' => array(), 'csrf_token_manager' => object(CsrfTokenManager), 'csrf_token_id' => null, 'choices_as_values' => true, 'choices' => null, 'class' => 'MyTestBundle:SpareParts\CarType', 'em' => object(EntityManager), 'query_builder' => object(QueryBuilder), 'loader' => null, 'id_reader' => object(IdReader), 'choice_loader' => object(DoctrineChoiceLoader), 'choice_value' => array(object(IdReader), 'getIdValue'), 'choice_list' => object(LazyChoiceList), 'property' => null, 'choice_label' => array('Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType', 'createChoiceLabel'), 'choice_name' => array('Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType', 'createChoiceName'), 'choice_attr' => null, 'preferred_choices' => array(), 'group_by' => null, 'placeholder' => null, 'choice_translation_domain' => false))
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/Form.php at line 1063 +
at Form ->createView (object(FormView))
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/Form.php at line 1066 +
at Form ->createView ()
in src/MyTestBundle/Controller/SpareParts/SideMenuController.php at line 310 +
at SideMenuController ->ersatzteileAction (object(Request))
at call_user_func_array (array(object(SideMenuController), 'ersatzteileAction'), array(object(Request)))
in app/bootstrap.php.cache at line 3110 +
at HttpKernel ->handleRaw (object(Request), '1')
in app/bootstrap.php.cache at line 3072 +
at HttpKernel ->handle (object(Request), '1', true)
in app/bootstrap.php.cache at line 3223 +
at ContainerAwareHttpKernel ->handle (object(Request), '1', true)
in app/bootstrap.php.cache at line 2442 +
at Kernel ->handle (object(Request))
in web/app_dev.php at line 28 +
at require ('/home/cake/Desktop/MyTest/Final/CMS_Test/CMS/web/app_dev.php')
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Resources/config/router_dev.php at line 40
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