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Created February 14, 2020 17:19
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pt 1. tell you more about unizen, team project, motivating you for the role
- 20p company
- 6p engineering team
- downtown austin
- serves educational tech market
- digital transformation cuase / academic mission
- digital content (digital versions of textbooks)
- unizen provides solutions that helps universities profide OERs
- shopping experience for faculty, etc
- two products:
- unizen order tools (white labeled marketplace experience)
- unizen engage - delivers the content in a student experience
- unizen data platform (CGP) - solves probs in edu space to transform data from the tools into analytics that feed into student success
- GCP and Unizin are entering a partnership to create solutions for academia
- problem 1 - in any course, students are using 10-15 different software platforms
- data from these tools is going to come in some data schema, some kind of dimensional schema - two kinds of data
- real time event stream (johnny started a course)
- context data (more descriptive data)
- dimensional data (context data) - flat files, batch ETLs (airflow)
- Unizin common data model
- large data dictionary
- loading schema for SIS and for LMS
- some fields are required (PK and FKs), some are optional (i.e. verteran status)
- postgres to enforce relational constraints
- event stream data
- webservice that can be posted to
- simple auth mechanism, schema validation
- event then gets parsed or analyzed and qualified for ETL processing
- these events get put onto pub/sub (SQS) topics
- flask applications listen to these applications and process this data
- eventually this lands on an event store (BigQuery)
- hydrates a data lake
- RStudio and Jupyter to get the community (their customers?) working with the data
- learning analytics
- code can be migrated between different instances and the code is transferrable
- LMS (learning management system) gives a lot of data, and the SIS (student information system)
- SPAs in react
- backend with django
- deployed in kubernetes
- CI/CD with ansible and helm and argo?
- deployed into AWS
pt 2. hear from you about what you're looking for
Questions to ask and responses:
What are these strategic challenges? Commercial providers wouldn't have their interests well-served
- Community of practicioners, annual summit in April that's Unizin summit of universities for members and non-members
- First is data interoperability standards - IMF Global, membership org, mix of edu orgs and vendor community
- Unizin has shepherded a behavioral standard (called caliper) that is more in line with institutional stds for research, as well as a common data model
- Even though standards exist, it can be challenging to get the vendor community to adopt them
- Vendor agreements (they work with commercial publishers) - pearson, mcgraw hill, mcmillan
- Unizin aggregates demand (faculty who wants stuff)
- UDP as core enterprise infra for higher ed institutions
- All of them have DW, but the problems solved by those solutions are not the same types of problems that need to be solved in the learning space
- The paradigm we've taken for UDP is much more scalable and modern and opinionated system designed to address the needs of learning analytics practicioners
- Budgets come from IT budgets of the universities (because the CIOs generally vouch for them)
- This is a pain point because univs need cross functional teams to manage their data
How much autonomy does Unizin have to make desicions for themselves?
- "We are independent" - not sure what this means (they receive public investment instead of capital investment)
- They report to the board their strategic progress
- None of the institutions they serve are in Austin btw - they didn't want them to be too close
What does the partnership look like with GCP?
- They are in the forging process right now
- Working with 'google for education' as well as 'google cloud'
- Selling GCP to the public sector and higher ed
- GCP views Unizin as a tech partner who brings together a solution that brings value to a data laeke
- Predicting 4 and 6y gradiuation rates
- Retention rates
- Summer melt
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