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Created October 18, 2017 12:55
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// @flow
/* beautify preserve:start */
type StatProperty = AudioProperty | VideoProperty;
type AV = 'audio' | 'video';
const TEST_TIMEOUT_MS = 15000;
const MOSQuality: {[rating: string]: QualityRating } = {
Excellent: 5,
Good: 4,
Fair: 3,
Poor: 2,
Bad: 1,
type BandwidthCalculatorProps = {
subscriber: TestSubscriber,
pollingInterval?: number,
windowSize?: number
type Timestamp = number;
type Snapshot = { // $FlowFixMe
audio: AudioStats,
video: VideoStats,
timestamp: Timestamp
type PerSecondStatsProps = {
packetsPerSecond: number,
bitsPerSecond: number,
packetsLostPerSecond: number,
packetLossRatioPerSecond: number
type PerSecondStats = {
audio: PerSecondStatsProps,
video: PerSecondStatsProps,
windowSize: number,
elapsedTimeMs?: number
type Resolution = '1280x720' | '640x480' | '320x240';
/* beautify preserve:ende */
const max = (numbers: number[]): number => Math.max.apply(undefined, numbers);
const min = (numbers: number[]): number => Math.min.apply(undefined, numbers); // $FlowFixMe
const pluck = <A>(arr: Array<{ [string]: A}>, property: string): A[] => {[string]: A}): A => a[property]);
const sum = (values: number[]): number => values.reduce((acc: number, a: number): number => acc + a, 0);
const analyzeStats = (results: PerSecondStats, subscriber: TestSubscriber): QualityRating => {
// if (!subscriber || ! return MOSQuality.Bad;
if (subscriber && && {
const videoBw = / 1000;
const videoPLRatio =;
const frameRate = ( && || '30';
const { width, height }: TestVideoDimensions =; // $FlowFixMe
const resolution: Resolution = `${width}x${height}`;
if (resolution === '1280x720') {
const aVideoLimits = {
'1280x720-30': [250, 350, 600, 1000],
'1280x720-15': [150, 250, 350, 800],
'1280x720-7': [120, 150, 250, 400],
if (videoBw > aVideoLimits[3] && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Excellent;
} else if (videoBw > aVideoLimits[2] && videoBw <= aVideoLimits[3] && videoPLRatio < 0.02) {
return MOSQuality.Good;
} else if (videoBw > aVideoLimits[2] && videoBw <= aVideoLimits[3] && videoPLRatio > 0.02 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Fair;
} else if (videoBw > aVideoLimits[1] && videoBw <= aVideoLimits[2] && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Fair;
} else if (videoBw > aVideoLimits[0] && videoPLRatio > 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Poor;
} else if (videoBw > aVideoLimits[0] && videoBw <= aVideoLimits[1] && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Poor;
} else if (videoBw < aVideoLimits[0] || videoPLRatio > 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Bad;
return MOSQuality.Bad;
} else if (resolution === '640x480') {
switch (frameRate) {
case '30':
if (videoBw > 600 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Excellent;
} else if (videoBw > 250 && videoBw <= 600 && videoPLRatio < 0.02) {
return MOSQuality.Good;
} else if (videoBw > 250 && videoBw <= 600 && videoPLRatio > 0.02 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Fair;
} else if (videoBw > 150 && videoBw <= 250 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Fair;
} else if (videoPLRatio > 0.1 && videoBw > 150) {
return MOSQuality.Poor;
} else if (videoBw > 120 && videoBw <= 150 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Poor;
} else if (videoBw < 120 || videoPLRatio > 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Bad;
return MOSQuality.Bad;
case '15':
if (videoBw > 400 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Excellent;
} else if (videoBw > 200 && videoBw <= 400 && videoPLRatio < 0.02) {
return MOSQuality.Good;
} else if (videoBw > 150 && videoBw <= 200 && videoPLRatio > 0.02 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Fair;
} else if (videoBw > 120 && videoBw <= 150 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Fair;
} else if (videoPLRatio > 0.1 && videoBw > 120) {
return MOSQuality.Poor;
} else if (videoBw > 75 && videoBw <= 120 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Poor;
} else if (videoBw < 75 || videoPLRatio > 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Bad;
return MOSQuality.Bad;
case '7':
if (videoBw > 200 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Excellent;
} else if (videoBw > 150 && videoBw <= 200 && videoPLRatio < 0.02) {
return MOSQuality.Good;
} else if (videoBw > 120 && videoBw <= 150 && videoPLRatio > 0.02 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Fair;
} else if (videoBw > 75 && videoBw <= 120 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Fair;
} else if (videoPLRatio > 0.1 && videoBw > 50) {
return MOSQuality.Poor;
} else if (videoBw > 50 && videoBw <= 75 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Poor;
} else if (videoBw < 50 || videoPLRatio > 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Bad;
return MOSQuality.Bad;
return MOSQuality.Bad;
} else if (resolution === '320x240') {
switch (frameRate) {
case '30':
if (videoBw > 300 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Excellent;
} else if (videoBw > 200 && videoBw <= 300 && videoPLRatio < 0.02) {
return MOSQuality.Good;
} else if (videoBw > 120 && videoBw <= 200 && videoPLRatio > 0.02 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Fair;
} else if (videoBw > 120 && videoBw <= 200 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Fair;
} else if (videoPLRatio > 0.1 && videoBw > 120) {
return MOSQuality.Poor;
} else if (videoBw > 100 && videoBw <= 120 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Poor;
} else if (videoBw < 100 || videoPLRatio > 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Bad;
return MOSQuality.Bad;
case '15':
if (videoBw > 200 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Excellent;
} else if (videoBw > 150 && videoBw <= 200 && videoPLRatio < 0.02) {
return MOSQuality.Good;
} else if (videoBw > 120 && videoBw <= 150 && videoPLRatio > 0.02 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Fair;
} else if (videoBw > 120 && videoBw <= 150 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Fair;
} else if (videoPLRatio > 0.1 && videoBw > 120) {
return MOSQuality.Poor;
} else if (videoBw > 100 && videoBw <= 120 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Poor;
} else if (videoBw < 100 || videoPLRatio > 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Bad;
return MOSQuality.Bad;
case '7':
if (videoBw > 150 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Excellent;
} else if (videoBw > 100 && videoBw <= 150 && videoPLRatio < 0.02) {
return MOSQuality.Good;
} else if (videoBw > 100 && videoBw <= 150 && videoPLRatio > 0.02 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Fair;
} else if (videoBw > 75 && videoBw <= 100 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Fair;
} else if (videoPLRatio > 0.1 && videoBw > 75) {
return MOSQuality.Poor;
} else if (videoBw > 50 && videoBw <= 75 && videoPLRatio < 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Poor;
} else if (videoBw < 50 || videoPLRatio > 0.1) {
return MOSQuality.Bad;
return MOSQuality.Bad;
return MOSQuality.Bad;
return MOSQuality.Bad;
const audioBw = / 1000;
const audioPLRadio =;
if (audioBw > 30 && audioPLRadio < 0.5) {
return MOSQuality.Excellent;
} else if (audioBw > 25 && audioPLRadio < 5) {
return MOSQuality.Good;
return MOSQuality.Bad;
const calculatePerSecondStats = (statsBuffer: Snapshot[], seconds: number): PerSecondStats => { // $FlowFixMe
const stats = { windowSize: seconds, audio: {}, video: {} };
['video', 'audio'].forEach((type: AV) => {
stats[type] = {
packetsPerSecond: (sum(pluck(pluck(statsBuffer, type), 'packetsReceived'))) / seconds,
bitsPerSecond: (sum(pluck(pluck(statsBuffer, type), 'bytesReceived')) * 8) / seconds,
packetsLostPerSecond: (sum(pluck(pluck(statsBuffer, type), 'packetsLost'))) / seconds,
stats[type].packetLossRatioPerSecond = (
stats[type].packetsLostPerSecond / stats[type].packetsPerSecond
return stats;
const getSampleWindowSize = (samples: Snapshot[]): number => {
const times: Timestamp[] = Snapshot): number => s.timestamp);
return (max(times) - min(times)) / 1000;
class BandwidthCalculator {
intervalId: number;
pollingInterval: number;
windowSize: number;
subscriber: TestSubscriber;
start: (PerSecondStats => void) => void;
end: Unit;
constructor(config: BandwidthCalculatorProps) {
this.pollingInterval = config.pollingInterval || 500;
this.windowSize = config.windowSize || 2000;
this.subscriber = config.subscriber;
this.start = this.start.bind(this);
this.end = this.end.bind(this);
start(reportFunction: PerSecondStats => void) {
const statsBuffer: Snapshot[] = [];
const last = {
audio: {},
video: {},
this.intervalId = setInterval(() => {
this.subscriber.getStats((error: Error | null, stats: Stats | void) => {
const snapshot = {};
const nowMs = new Date().getTime();
if (!stats) {
/* eslint-disable flowtype/no-weak-types */
['audio', 'video'].forEach((type: AV) => { // $FlowFixMe
snapshot[type] = Object.keys(stats[type]).reduce((acc: Object, key: StatProperty): AudioStats | VideoStats => {
// $FlowFixMe
const delta = stats[type][key] - (last[type][key] || 0); // $FlowFixMe
last[type][key] = stats[type][key];
return Object.assign({}, acc, { [key]: delta });
}, { [type]: {} });
/* eslint-enable flowtype/no-weak-types */
// get a snapshot of now, and keep the last values for next round
snapshot.timestamp = stats.timestamp;
const filteredBuffer = statsBuffer.filter((s: Snapshot): boolean => (nowMs - s.timestamp) < this.windowSize);
const sampleWindowSize = getSampleWindowSize(statsBuffer);
if (sampleWindowSize !== 0) {
}, this.pollingInterval);
end() {
type TestConfig = { subscriber: TestSubscriber };
const performQualityTest = (config: TestConfig): Promise<QualityRating> =>
new Promise((resolve: Promise.resolve<QualityRating>, reject: Promise.reject<Error>) => {
const startMs = new Date().getTime();
let testTimeout;
let currentStats;
const bandwidthCalculator = new BandwidthCalculator({ subscriber: config.subscriber });
const cleanupAndReport = () => {
if (!currentStats) { // $FlowFixMe
reject(new Error('Failed to calculate network statistics'));
} else {
currentStats.elapsedTimeMs = new Date().getTime() - startMs;
const quality: QualityRating = analyzeStats(currentStats, config.subscriber);
bandwidthCalculator.end(); // $FlowFixMe
// bail out of the test after 30 seconds
setTimeout(cleanupAndReport, TEST_TIMEOUT_MS);
bandwidthCalculator.start((stats: PerSecondStats) => {
currentStats = stats; // $FlowFixMe
resolve(analyzeStats(currentStats, config.subscriber));
export default performQualityTest;
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