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Created April 18, 2021 02:25
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Exploration of building a module graph 'quickly' using esbuild and enhanced-resolve
import {
} from 'enhanced-resolve';
import { build, ImportKind, Loader } from 'esbuild';
import * as Fs from 'fs';
import Module from 'module';
import * as Path from 'path';
import { invariant } from '../invariant';
interface ResolvedEdge {
fromId: string;
toId: string;
kind: ImportKind;
interface UnresolvedEdge {
fromId: string;
fromContext: string;
toSpec: string;
kind: ImportKind;
interface File {
id: string;
content: string;
export interface BuildGraphOptions {
conditionNames?: string[];
define?: Record<string, string>;
fs?: FileSystem;
ignoreModules?: string[];
resolveExtensions?: string[];
rootDir?: string;
async function buildGraph(
entrypoint: string[],
options: BuildGraphOptions = {}
) {
const fileSystem = new CachedInputFileSystem(options.fs ?? Fs, 4000);
const resolver = ResolverFactory.createResolver({
pnpApi: null,
// TODO: Configurable condition names
conditionNames: options.conditionNames ?? ['import', 'require', 'default'],
useSyncFileSystemCalls: false,
// TODO: Configurable file extensions
extensions: options.resolveExtensions ?? [
const rootDir = options.rootDir ?? process.cwd();
/** Dependencies that we will ignore */
const ignoreEdge = new Set(Module.builtinModules);
/** Queue of unresolved edges needing to be resolved */
const unresolvedEdgeQueue: UnresolvedEdge[] = [];
/** Edges that have already been recognized */
// TODO: Is it worth trying to dedupe edges?
// const seenEdge = new MapMapSet<string, ImportKind, string>();
/** Queue of files needing to be parsed */
const unparsedFileQueue: string[] = [];
/** Files that have been seen */
const seenFiles = new Set<string>();
const edges = new Set<ResolvedEdge>();
const files = new Map<string, File>();
const readFile = (fileName: string): Promise<string> => {
return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
return fileSystem.readFile(
{ encoding: 'utf8' },
(err, result) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
return resolve(result as string);
const resolve = (
spec: string,
fromId: string
): Promise<{ resolved: string | false | undefined; ctx: ResolveContext }> => {
const ctx: ResolveContext = {};
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
resolver.resolve({}, fromId, spec, ctx, (err, resolved) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
return resolve({ ctx, resolved });
// We can't let this throw because nothing will register a catch handler.
const parseFile = async (fileName: string): Promise<void> => {
try {
const sourceContent = await readFile(fileName);
const loader = loaderForPath(fileName);
if (!loader) {
// We can't figure out a loader so let's just treat it as a leaf node
files.set(fileName, { content: sourceContent, id: fileName });
const buildResult = await build({
bundle: true,
define: {
// TODO: Dynamic env vars
'proess.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify('development'),
format: 'esm',
metafile: true,
platform: 'neutral',
plugins: [
name: 'capture-edges',
setup: (build) => {
build.onResolve({ filter: /.*/ }, (args) => {
if (!ignoreEdge.has(args.path)) {
fromId: fileName,
fromContext: args.resolveDir,
kind: args.kind,
toSpec: args.path,
// Mark everythign as external. We're only using esbuild to transform
// on a file-by-file basis and capture dependencies.
return { external: true };
// sourcemap: true,
// sourcesContent: true,
stdin: {
contents: sourceContent,
resolveDir: Path.dirname(fileName),
loader: loaderForPath(fileName),
sourcefile: fileName,
// TODO: Dynamic target
target: 'node14',
treeShaking: true,
write: false,
const content = buildResult.outputFiles[0].text;
files.set(fileName, { content, id: fileName });
} catch (err) {
console.error('parseFile error', err);
// We can't let this throw because nothing will register a catch handler.
const resolveEdge = async (edge: UnresolvedEdge): Promise<void> => {
try {
const { resolved } = await resolve(edge.toSpec, edge.fromContext);
// TODO: We need special handling for `false` files and proper error handling
// for files that failed to resolve.
invariant(resolved, 'All files must successfully resolve (for now)');
// Record the resolved edge.
// TODO: Make sure we don't record the same logical edge twice.
fromId: edge.fromId,
toId: resolved,
kind: edge.kind,
} catch (err) {
console.error('resolveEdge error', err);
const promises = new Set<Promise<unknown>>();
const track = (op: Promise<unknown>) => {
op.finally(() => promises.delete(op));
for (const entrypointSpec of entrypoint) {
fromId: '<root>',
fromContext: rootDir,
toSpec: entrypointSpec,
kind: 'entry-point',
while (unparsedFileQueue.length || unresolvedEdgeQueue.length) {
while (unparsedFileQueue.length) {
const unparsedFile = unparsedFileQueue.shift()!;
if (!seenFiles.has(unparsedFile)) {
while (unresolvedEdgeQueue.length) {
const unresolvedEdge = unresolvedEdgeQueue.shift()!;
while (promises.size) {
await Promise.race(promises);
return { edges, files };
function loaderForPath(fileName: string): Loader | undefined {
const ext = Path.extname(fileName).slice(1);
switch (ext) {
case 'js':
case 'mjs':
case 'cjs':
return 'js';
case 'jsx':
case 'ts':
case 'tsx':
case 'json':
case 'css':
return ext;
// class MapMapSet<K, K2, V> {
// private items = new Map<K, Map<K2, Set<V>>>();
// add(key: K, subkey: K2, value: V) {
// let itemValues = this.items.get(key);
// if (!itemValues) {
// itemValues = new Map();
// this.items.set(key, itemValues);
// }
// let subkeyValues = itemValues.get(subkey);
// if (!subkeyValues) {
// subkeyValues = new Set();
// itemValues.set(subkey, subkeyValues);
// }
// subkeyValues.add(value);
// return this;
// }
// has(key: K, subkey: K2, value: V): boolean {
// return this.items.get(key)?.get(subkey)?.has(value) === true;
// }
// }
if (require.main === module)
(async () => {
const graph = await buildGraph(['./src/dev'], {});
'Found %d modules with %d edges',
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