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Created March 20, 2018 15:05
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solution to an excercise from Computer Science Programming Basics with Ruby by Frieder, Frider and Grossman
# "The three witches in Hamlet can brew any potion provided they have the right ingredients.
# Suppose that five ingredients are necessary in making a health potion => eye of newt (eon),
# toe of frog (tof), wool of bat (wob), adder's fork (af), and tooth of wolf (tow). Four
# reactions can occur between these ingredients:
# 4 eon + 2 wob = 3 af + 4 tow
# 3 tow + 1 tof = 2 eon
# 1 wob + 2 af = 1 tof
# 4 tof + 7 tow + 2 af = 1 health potion
# Assuming you can control the order of reactions, write a program that can calculate the
# maximum number of health potions one can brew with a given amount of ingredients. Here
# is example output => If I have 34 eon, 59 tof, 20 wob, 5 af, and 20 tow, I can make seven
# health potions."
# Excerpt From => Ophir Frieder, Gideon Frieder, and David Grossman.
# "Computer Science Programming Basics with Ruby." iBooks.
def max_potions(ingredients, memo={})
reactions = []
# 4 eon + 2 wob = 3 af + 4 tow
if ingredients[:eon] >= 4 && ingredients[:wob] >= 2
:eon => ingredients[:eon] - 4,
:tof => ingredients[:tof],
:wob => ingredients[:wob] - 2,
:af => ingredients[:af] + 3,
:tow => ingredients[:tow] + 4,
:hp => ingredients[:hp]
# 3 tow + 1 tof = 2 eon
if ingredients[:tow] >= 3 && ingredients[:tof] >= 1
:eon => ingredients[:eon] + 2,
:tof => ingredients[:tof] - 1,
:wob => ingredients[:wob],
:af => ingredients[:af],
:tow => ingredients[:tow] - 3,
:hp => ingredients[:hp]
# 1 wob + 2 af = 1 tof
if ingredients[:wob] >= 1 && ingredients[:af] >= 2
:eon => ingredients[:eon],
:tof => ingredients[:tof] + 1,
:wob => ingredients[:wob] - 1,
:af => ingredients[:af] - 2,
:tow => ingredients[:tow],
:hp => ingredients[:hp]
# 4 tof + 7 tow + 2 af = 1 health potion
if ingredients[:tof] >= 4 && ingredients[:tow] >= 7 && ingredients[:af] >= 2
:eon => ingredients[:eon],
:tof => ingredients[:tof] - 4,
:wob => ingredients[:wob],
:af => ingredients[:af] - 2,
:tow => ingredients[:tow] - 7,
:hp => ingredients[:hp] + 1
# if no reactions are possible, return
# the number of health potions made
return ingredients[:hp] if reactions.empty?
# try every possible reaction for this set
# of ingredients and determine the maxiumum
maximum = 0
reactions.each do |reaction|
key = reaction.hash
# retrieve this node's value if already visited
if memo.include?(key)
result = memo[key]
else # calculate and save the node's value
result = max_potions(reaction, memo)
memo[key] = result
# update the maximum as necessary
maximum = result if result > maximum
return maximum
ingredients = {
:eon => 34,
:tof => 59,
:wob => 20,
:af => 5,
:tow => 20,
:hp => 0
puts max_potions(ingredients) # 7
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