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Last active June 2, 2016 22:59
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-- * Stuff
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, RankNTypes, NoMonomorphismRestriction, GADTs, StandaloneDeriving, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Nameless where
import Prelude hiding (abs)
-- * Pictures
-- #+BEGIN_SRC ditaa
-- p p
-- | |
-- | |
-- +---+---+ +---+---+
-- | app | | abs |
-- +-/---\-+ +-/---\-+
-- / \ / \
-- / \ o \
-- / \ \
-- Lp Rp Rp
-- -- \x. f x
-- -- (\x . \y1 . x) y ---> \y1 . y
-- -- #+END_SRC
-- * Places
data Place = L Place | R Place | Root
data Place' pl where
L' :: Place' pl -> Place' (L pl)
R' :: Place' pl -> Place' (R pl)
Root' :: Place' Root
deriving instance Show (Place' pl)
class KnownPlace pl where
place :: Place' pl
instance KnownPlace pl => KnownPlace (L pl) where place = L' place
instance KnownPlace pl => KnownPlace (R pl) where place = R' place
instance KnownPlace Root where place = Root'
-- * Lambda Calculus has 2 features
-- Which are /abstraction/ and /application/. We get variables
-- for free from Haskell (i.e. HOAS).
class Lam rep where
abs :: KnownPlace pl => ((forall use . rep (L pl) use) -> rep d (R pl)) -> rep pl pl
app :: rep d (L pl) -> rep e (R pl) -> rep pl pl
-- * Examples
-- ** I, K combinator: ~const c _ = c~
-- Ignore second argument and return the first
exConst = abs (\x -> abs (\y -> x))
-- Identity
ixId = abs (\x -> x)
-- (Repeated) Application
ex1 = exConst `app` exConst `app` exConst
-- Self-application under lambda
exSelf = abs (\x -> x `app` x)
-- * Instantiate
-- =Concr= is a candidate representation of lambda terms that
-- can be Shown.
data Concr de pl where
Abs :: KnownPlace pl => ((forall use . Concr (L pl) use) -> Concr d (R pl)) -> Concr pl pl
App :: Concr d (L pl) -> Concr e (R pl) -> Concr pl pl
Dummy :: KnownPlace d => Concr d pl
instance Lam Concr where abs = Abs; app = App
instance Show (Concr de pl) where
show (App l r) = "(" ++ show l ++ " `app` " ++ show r ++ ")"
show (Abs f) = "abs (\\" ++ show dummy ++ " -> " ++ show (f dummy) ++ ")"
where dummy :: Concr (L pl) use
dummy = Dummy
show Dummy = short (place :: Place' de)
where short = ('d':) . clean . show
clean (' ':rest) = clean rest
clean ('\'':rest) = clean rest
clean ('(':rest) = clean rest
clean (')':rest) = clean rest
clean ('R':'o':'o':'t':rest) = clean rest
clean (c:rest) = c : clean rest
clean "" = ""
-- a little helper
root :: Lam rep => (forall pl . KnownPlace pl => rep pl pl) -> rep Root Root
root = id
-- the same one for Concr
rootConcr :: (forall pl . KnownPlace pl => Concr pl pl) -> Concr Root Root
rootConcr = root
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