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Last active August 13, 2016 12:02
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import Prelude
-- * Power series
-- treat power series representations of functions
-- like numbers and derivatives
-- ** Background
-- there is a video too:
-- This is very related to automatic differentiation
data P a = P a (P a)
instance Num a => Num (P a) where
P a xa + P b xb = (a + b) `P` (xa + xb)
P a xa * P b xb = (a * b) `P` (xa * P b 0 + xb * P a 0)
fromInteger = (`P` 0) . fromInteger
signum (P a _) = signum a `P` 0 -- correct?
abs (P a _) = abs a `P` 0 -- correct?
negate (P a xa) = negate a `P` negate xa
-- * =toList=
toList (P a xa) = a : toList xa
fromList [] = 0
fromList (a:xa) = P a $ fromList xa
-- * =toFunction=
-- power series expansion at x to degree n
toFunction :: Num a => Int -> P a -> (a -> a)
toFunction 0 (P a _) _ = a
toFunction n (P a xa) x = a + x * toFunction (n-1) xa x
instance (Eq a, Show a, Num a) => Show (P a) where
show (P a (P 0 _)) = show a
show (P a (P xa _)) = show a ++ "+" ++ show xa ++ "x"
-- * TODO
-- - complete numerical classes
-- - make P =Symbol= tagged (to differentiate between /x/ and /y/)
-- - =ListLike=?
-- - =IsLabel= to compute multivariate functions:
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