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Created January 20, 2016 09:18
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, RankNTypes #-}
module Hutton where
import Test.QuickCheck
-- Hutton's razor
data Expr = Val Integer
| Expr `Add` Expr
deriving Show
-- interpreter (i.e. semantics)
eval :: Expr -> Integer
eval (Val n) = n
eval (m `Add` n) = eval m + eval n
-- constructive induction
--eval' :: Expr -> (Integer -> Integer) -> Integer
eval' :: Expr -> ({-forall k .-} (Integer -> k) -> k)
eval' (m `Add` n) c = eval' m c''
where c'' em = eval' n (c . (em +))
eval' (m `Add` n) c = eval' n (c . (eval m +))
where c'' em = eval' n (c . (em +))
eval' (m `Add` n) c = eval' n (c . (eval m +))
eval' (m `Add` n) c = c' (eval n)
where c' = c . (eval m +)
eval' (m `Add` n) c = c' (eval n)
where c' = c . (eval m +)
eval' (m `Add` n) c = c (eval m + eval n)
eval' (Val n) c = c n
--eval' e c = c (eval e) -- (OWK)
-- eval e = eval' e (\x->x)
data CONT = HALT
| ADD Integer CONT
-- constructive induction
eval'' :: Expr -> (CONT -> Integer)
eval'' (m `Add` n) st = eval'' m (NEXT n st)
eval'' (m `Add` n) st = exec (NEXT n st) (eval m)
eval'' (m `Add` n) st = eval'' n (ADD (eval m) st)
where exec (NEXT y c) n = eval'' y (ADD n c )
eval'' (m `Add` n) st = eval'' n (ADD (eval m) st)
eval'' (m `Add` n) st = exec (ADD (eval m) st) (eval n)
eval'' (m `Add` n) st = exec st (eval m + eval n)
where exec (ADD n c) m = exec c (m + n)
eval'' (m `Add` n) st = exec st (eval (m `Add` n))
eval'' (Val n) st = (exec st) n
eval'' e st = (exec st) (eval e) -- (OWK)
exec :: CONT -> (Integer -> Integer)
exec HALT n = n
exec (NEXT y c) n = eval'' y (ADD n c) --next y (exec c)
--where next y c n = eval'' y (ADD n c)
exec (ADD n c) m = exec c (n + m)
prop_eval :: Expr -> (Integer -> Integer) -> Property
prop_eval e c = eval' e c === c (eval e)
--prop_eval'' :: Expr -> (CONT Integer) -> Property
--prop_eval'' e = eval'' e HALT === exec HALT (eval e)
test = quickCheck prop_eval
instance Arbitrary Expr where
arbitrary = frequency [ (3, Val <$> arbitrary)
, (2, Add <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary) ]
instance Show (Integer -> Integer) where
show _ = "<some continuation>"
--comp ast = \inp -> interpr ast inp
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