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使用flag包做命令行参数解析 官方的example已经比较全面,可以满足一般的使用 根据官方example,使用方法可以总结为下面三步: 1. 定义全局变量来保存命令行参数值 2. 在init()函数中定义参数名与变量的关系 3. 在main()中执行flag.Parse() [Go 命令行解析 flag 包之通过子命令实现看 go 命令源码]( [Go 命令行解析 flag 包之快速上手](https://mp.w
// These examples demonstrate more intricate uses of the flag package.
package main
import (
// Example 1: A single string flag called "species" with default value "gopher".
var species = flag.String("species", "gopher", "the species we are studying")
// Example 2: Two flags sharing a variable, so we can have a shorthand.
// The order of initialization is undefined, so make sure both use the
// same default value. They must be set up with an init function.
var gopherType string
func init() {
const (
defaultGopher = "pocket"
usage = "the variety of gopher"
flag.StringVar(&gopherType, "gopher_type", defaultGopher, usage)
flag.StringVar(&gopherType, "g", defaultGopher, usage+" (shorthand)")
// Example 3: A user-defined flag type, a slice of durations.
type interval []time.Duration
// String is the method to format the flag's value, part of the flag.Value interface.
// The String method's output will be used in diagnostics.
func (i *interval) String() string {
return fmt.Sprint(*i)
// Set is the method to set the flag value, part of the flag.Value interface.
// Set's argument is a string to be parsed to set the flag.
// It's a comma-separated list, so we split it.
func (i *interval) Set(value string) error {
// If we wanted to allow the flag to be set multiple times,
// accumulating values, we would delete this if statement.
// That would permit usages such as
// -deltaT 10s -deltaT 15s
// and other combinations.
if len(*i) > 0 {
return errors.New("interval flag already set")
for _, dt := range strings.Split(value, ",") {
duration, err := time.ParseDuration(dt)
if err != nil {
return err
*i = append(*i, duration)
return nil
// Define a flag to accumulate durations. Because it has a special type,
// we need to use the Var function and therefore create the flag during
// init.
var intervalFlag interval
func init() {
// Tie the command-line flag to the intervalFlag variable and
// set a usage message.
flag.Var(&intervalFlag, "deltaT", "comma-separated list of intervals to use between events")
func main() {
// All the interesting pieces are with the variables declared above, but
// to enable the flag package to see the flags defined there, one must
// execute, typically at the start of main (not init!):
// flag.Parse()
// We don't run it here because this is not a main function and
// the testing suite has already parsed the flags.
// 显示usage
func main() {
if h {
cmdName := flag.Arg(0)
switch cmdName {
case "list":
_ = list.Exec(cmdName, flag.Args()[1:])
case "install":
_ = install.Exec(cmdName, flag.Args()[1:])
// 命令行使用方法:
// ./app --parm_name1 name1 --parm_name2
// step1: 定义命令行参数以及接收参数的变量
var (
parm = flag.String("parm_name1", "default_value", "description")
parm2 = flag.Bool("parm_name2", false, "it's boolean value")
// step2:
package main
import (
func main() {
fooCmd := flag.NewFlagSet("foo", flag.ExitOnError)
fooEnable := fooCmd.Bool("enable", false, "enable")
fooName := fooCmd.String("name", "", "name")
barCmd := flag.NewFlagSet("bar", flag.ExitOnError)
barLevel := barCmd.Int("level", 0, "level")
if len(os.Args) < 2 {
fmt.Println("expected 'foo' or 'bar' subcommands")
switch os.Args[1] {
case "foo":
fmt.Println("subcommand 'foo'")
fmt.Println(" enable:", *fooEnable)
fmt.Println(" name:", *fooName)
fmt.Println(" tail:", fooCmd.Args())
case "bar":
fmt.Println("subcommand 'bar'")
fmt.Println(" level:", *barLevel)
fmt.Println(" tail:", barCmd.Args())
fmt.Println("expected 'foo' or 'bar' subcommands")
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