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Last active December 11, 2017 02:16
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File Searcher
class FileSearcher
private $sRootPath;
private $aPhpFiles = [];
public function __construct($sRootPath)
$this->sRootPath = $sRootPath;
public function scan($sPath = null)
$sPath = is_null($sPath) ? $this->sRootPath : $sPath;
$aFiles = scandir($sPath);
foreach ($aFiles as $sFile) {
$sFile = $sPath . DS . $sFile;
if (is_dir($sFile)) {
} else if (is_file($sFile) && pathinfo($sFile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) === 'php') {
$this->aPhpFiles[] = $sFile;
public function findString($aString)
$aFound = [];
foreach ($this->aPhpFiles as $sPhpFile) {
echo 'Scanning: ' . $sPhpFile . PHP_EOL;
$aLines = file($sPhpFile);
$iLine = 0;
foreach ($aLines as $sLine) {
foreach($aString as $sString) {
$iPos = strpos($sLine, $sString);
if ($iPos !== false) {
$aFound[] = "$sPhpFile:($iLine,$iPos):" . trim($sLine);
return $aFound;
private function getFiles()
return $this->aPhpFiles;
$sRootPath = getcwd();
$oFileSearcher = new FileSearcher($sRootPath);
echo "Traversing $sRootPath directory...";
$aFound = $oFileSearcher->findString(['eval(', 'eval (', 'system(', 'system (']);
$sFound = implode(PHP_EOL, $aFound);
echo 'Writing report in scan-report.txt';
file_put_contents('C:\Users\devpc\Desktop\scan-report.txt', $sFound);
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