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Last active September 23, 2022 08:15
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Vose's alias method for weighted randoms
(ns weighted-rand
(:import clojure.lang.PersistentQueue))
(defprotocol Rand
(nextr [_ rng]))
;; Vose's alias method
(deftype Vose [n ^ints alias ^doubles prob]
;; returns the index of the chosen weight
(nextr [_ rng] ;; not using the rng for now
(let [i (rand-int n)
p (aget prob i)]
(if (or (= p 1.0)
(< (rand) p))
(aget alias i)))))
(defn ^:private make-vose [dist]
(let [N (count dist)
alias (int-array N)
prob (double-array N)]
(if (zero? N)
(->Vose N alias prob)
(let [^doubles ps (->> dist
(map (partial * N))
(into-array Double/TYPE))
[small large] (loop [i 0
[small large] [PersistentQueue/EMPTY
ps (seq ps)]
(if (seq ps)
(let [p (first ps)]
(if (< p 1)
(recur (inc i)
[(conj small i) large]
(rest ps))
(recur (inc i)
[small (conj large i)]
(rest ps))))
[small large]))
[small large] (loop [small small
large large]
(if (and (seq small) (seq large))
(let [l (first small)
g (first large)
small (pop small)
large (pop large)]
(aset-double prob l (aget ps l))
(aset-int alias l g)
(let [pg (- (+ (aget ps g) (aget ps l))
(aset-double ps g pg)
(if (< pg 1)
(recur (conj small g) large)
(recur small (conj large g)))))
[small large]))]
(doseq [g (concat large small)]
(aset-double prob g 1))
(->Vose N alias prob)))))
(defn from-weights [ws]
(let [N (count ws)
tot (reduce + 0.0 ws)
dist (if (zero? tot)
(repeat N (/ 1 tot))
(map #(/ % tot) ws))]
(make-vose (vec dist))))
(let [ws [1 2 1 3 3]
rng (from-weights ws)
chosen (repeatedly 1000000 #(nextr rng nil))
accuracy (mapv (comp float
#(/ % 100000)
(frequencies chosen))
(range (count ws)))]
;; [0.99675 2.00506 0.99976 3.00213 2.9963]
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