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Created July 19, 2017 20:33
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sawtooth / bitcoin compact signature generation
(ns sawtooth-signing
(:import org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey
(def ^{:doc "generates an in-memory priv key representation from the .wif"}
(let [MAINNET (MainNetParams/get)]
(fn [s]
(-> (DumpedPrivateKey/fromBase58 MAINNET s)
(defn priv->pub
"Returns the compressed format public key (65 bytes) from the uncompressed hex (130 bytes)"
[^ECKey private-key]
(let [uncompressed (.getPublicKeyAsHex private-key)]
(str "03" (subs uncompressed 2 66))))
(defn sign
"sign a byte array and return a hex representation of the bitcoin 'compact signature'"
[^ECKey pk ^bytes data]
(let [h (Sha256Hash/of data)
sig (.sign pk h)
arr (byte-array 64)]
(System/arraycopy (Utils/bigIntegerToBytes (.-r sig) 32) 0 arr 0 32)
(System/arraycopy (Utils/bigIntegerToBytes (.-s sig) 32) 0 arr 32 32)
(.encode Utils/HEX arr)))
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