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Last active November 20, 2021 00:06
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unified generators
;; Example usages at the bottom of the file
(defn productions
"Returns a sequence of values by repeatedly calling `produce!` until it
returns `fin`. The sequence can be used lazily/caching or reducible/non-caching.
The arity-2 variant's `produce!` takes no arguments and returns a value
or the terminator.
The arity-3 variant takes an initial state `s`, and its `produce!` function
takes the state and returns the next state or terminator. Each state will appear
in the sequence."
([produce! fin]
(seq [_]
((fn step-fn []
(let [val (produce!)]
(if (identical? fin val)
(cons val (lazy-seq (step-fn))))))))
(reduce [_ rf init]
(loop [res init]
(let [v (produce!)]
(if (identical? fin v)
(let [res (rf res v)]
(if (reduced? res)
(recur res)))))))))
([s produce! fin]
(seq [_]
((fn step-fn [s]
(if (identical? fin s)
(cons s (lazy-seq (step-fn (produce! s))))))
(reduce [_ rf init]
(loop [acc init
s s]
(if (identical? fin s)
(let [acc (rf acc s)]
(if (reduced? acc)
(recur acc (produce! s))))))))))
;;;; two arity
;; (defn faster-line-seq
;; [^BufferedReader rdr]
;; (productions #(or (.readLine rdr) ::eos) ::eos))
;;;; three-arity w/ internal state
;; user> (vec (productions 10 (fn [i]
;; (if (> i 5) (dec i) :fin)) :fin))
;; [10 9 8 7 6 5]
;; this arity is useful for expressing things like paginating API calls
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cgrand commented Sep 19, 2016

Your proposal suffers from the same termination "issue" you pointed out in Michal's proposal. Except you solved it by merging the predicate in the "api" fn. Same solution could have been applied:

(= numbers
     (comp (take-while some?) (mapcat :page))
     #(some-> % :next api)
     (api :start)))

nil being fin here.

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In the iterate* + take-while the terminator ends up being produced then filtered by take-while. In this proposal the terminator never appears in the sequence, it just avoids production.

I think the arity-2 is uncontroversial, but wrt to the state carrying arity: expressing the unfolding in layers using iterate + transducer obscures nature of the job.

; arity 3
  (fn [result]
    (if (good? result)
      (api (:next result))

; arity 2
(productions #(or (read-fressian rdr) ::eos) ::eos)

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Small typo on line 25, it should be clojure.lang.IReduceInit

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arichiardi commented Dec 21, 2016

@ghadishayban I tried and it looks like if I do (take 2 (productions ....)) it continues over and over without actually realizing only just two batches.
I will try to investigate the problem.

EDIT: as customary, it was on my side

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ghadishayban commented Apr 16, 2017

new version

(defn supply
  "Produces a sequence of values by repeatedly calling `f` for side-effects
    until it returns `fin`. The sequence can be used lazily/caching or
   reducible/non-caching. Not guaranteed to produce any values"
  [f fin]
    (seq [_]
      ((fn step []
         (let [v (f)]
           (if (identical? v fin)
             (cons v (new clojure.lang.LazySeq step)))))))
    (reduce [_ rf init]
      (loop [res init]
        (let [v (f)]
          (if (identical? v fin)
            (let [res (rf res v)]
              (if (reduced? res)
                (recur res)))))))

;; differences from scheme unfold
;; even initial value is lazy
;; predicate sense reversed
;; internal state == produced value, no special mapper-fn
;; no tail-gen
(defn series
  "Produces a sequence of values.

   `f` is a function that given a value, returns the next value.
   `continue?` is a predicate that determines whether to produce
    the next value. `f` called with no arguments produces the
    initial value. Always produces at least one value."
  [f continue?]
    (seq [_]
      ((fn step [seed]
         (cons seed
               (when (continue? seed)
                 (lazy-seq (step (f seed))))))
    (reduce [_ rf init]
       (loop [seed (f)
             ret (rf init seed)]
        (if (reduced? ret)
          (if (continue? seed)
            (let [next (f seed)]
               (recur next (rf ret next)))


;; supply
(supply #(or (.readLine ^BufferedReader rdr) ::eof) ::eof)

;; series
(let [api (fn ([]
	        (GET "/initial"))
	        (GET (next-link response))))]
	(series api next-link))

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