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Georg Henzler ghenzler

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~ Copyright 2021 Adobe
~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// *** Max Nodes for Session Save
// Breaklet Config
def breakForDurationInSec = 60
def basePath = "/content/nodetest"
def nodesToSavePerCommitMultiplier = 1000
def primaryType = "nt:unstructured"
// Hostile Health Check
// !!! Be careful, this creates a long-running health check blocking one
// thread of the HC thread pool. Unregister the hostile health check by
// creating a file "hc-unregister" in the current working dir (usually the
// dir next to crx-quickstart folder) and running the HC one more time
ghenzler / breaklet-deep-group-hierarchies.groovy
Created September 9, 2018 16:24
Increases continuously the group levels from user to ACE
// *** Deep Group Hierarchies
// Breaklet Config
def breakForDurationInSec = 60
def componentsOnTestPage = 50
def groupHierarchiesPerIteration = 10
ghenzler / breaklet-max-sling-inheritance-levels.groovy
Created September 9, 2018 16:21
Checks how many script inheritance levels are possible
// *** Max Inheritance Levels
// Breaklet Config
def breakForDurationInSec = 80
def componentsOnTestPage = 50
def inheritanceLevelsPerIteration = 10
ghenzler / breaklet-max-childnodes-wait-for-events.groovy
Created September 9, 2018 16:16
Creates many child nodes and waits for events
// *** Max Child Nodes (Wait for Events)
// Breaklet Config
def breakForDurationInSec = 60
def basePath = "/content/nodetest"
def nodesToCreatePerIteration = 1000
def primaryType = "nt:unstructured" // "oak:Unstructured" => not orderable, "nt:unstructured" => orderable
ghenzler / breaklet-max-childnodes-with-composum-and-CRXDE.groovy
Created September 9, 2018 16:13
iteratively creates child nodes under same parent and displays them with chrome headless in CRXDE and Composium
// *** Max Child Nodes
//. UI Test (CRXDE and Composum)
// Breaklet Config
def breakForDurationInSec = 120
def basePath = "/content/nodetest"
def nodesToCreatePerIteration = 1000
// *** Max Components On Page
// Breaklet Config
def breakForDurationInSec = 300
def pathToEdit = "/content/we-retail/language-masters/en/about-us"
def componentToAdd = "weretail/components/content/text"
def compsPerIteration = 50
// *** Deep Group Hierarchies
// *** with functionality fragments
// Breaklet Config
def breakForDurationInSec = 60
def componentsOnTestPage = 10
def funcFragmentsPerIteration = 5


The Idea

Breaklets are a way to check limits of a platform/aspect/tool. Breaklets

  • ... iteratively make things worse
  • ... run until either
    • a threshold is reached