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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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ghiboz Tools v1
macroScript GhibozTools category:"ghiboz"
rollout GhibozTools "ghiboz tools"
group "Materials 255 :"
--spinner _SRad "radius" range:[0,30,10] scale:0.0001
--button _About "About Button"
button _Btn255 "Color Selected Objects"
toolTip:"Set ambient, diffuse and specular to 255 255 255"
group "Rename Mat:"
button _BtnRename "Rename Selected Objects"
toolTip: "Rename the materials of the selected objects to the diffuse texture"
group "Smooth:"
button _BtnWeld "Weld vertices"
toolTip:"Weld vertices of selected objects between 0.0001 m"
button _BtnSmooth "Smooth"
toolTip:"Smooth selected objects with an angle of 45°"
on _About pressed do
MessageBox "this is a demo\nto show"
-- events
on _Btn255 pressed do
for o in selection do
if( isKindOf o GeometryClass ) then -- weld only in geometry objects
if classof o.baseObject == Editable_Mesh then
mymat = o.material
if classof o.material == Multimaterial do
print "multimaterial"
for singleMat in o.material.materialList do
if (singleMat != undefined) then
singleMat.ambient = color 255 255 255
singleMat.diffuse = color 255 255 255
singleMat.specular = color 255 255 255
if classof o.material == Standardmaterial do
print "standardmaterial"
singleMat = o.material
if (singleMat != undefined) then
singleMat.ambient = color 255 255 255
singleMat.diffuse = color 255 255 255
singleMat.specular = color 255 255 255
MessageBox "Operation done!"
on _btnRename pressed do
for o in selection do
if( isKindOf o GeometryClass ) then -- weld only in geometry objects
if classof o.baseObject == Editable_Mesh then
mymat = o.material
if classof o.material == Multimaterial do
print "multimaterial"
for singleMat in o.material.materialList do
if (singleMat != undefined) then
newName = singleMat.maps[2].filename
newNameAr = filterString newName "\\"
newName = newNameAr[newNameAr.count]
newName = substituteString newName "" ""
newName = substituteString newName ".dds" ""
print newName
print "..................................." = newName
if classof o.material == Standardmaterial do
print "standardmaterial"
singleMat = o.material
if (singleMat != undefined) then
newName = singleMat.maps[2].filename
print newName
newNameAr = filterString newName "\\"
newName = newNameAr[newNameAr.count]
newName = substituteString newName "" ""
newName = substituteString newName ".dds" ""
print newName
print "..................................." = newName
MessageBox "Operation done!"
on _BtnWeld pressed do
for o in selection do
if( isKindOf o GeometryClass ) then -- weld only in geometry objects
if classof o.baseObject == Editable_Mesh then
meshOp.weldVertsByThreshold o.mesh o.mesh.verts 0.0001
MessageBox "Operation done!"
on _BtnSmooth pressed do
for o in selection do
if( isKindOf o GeometryClass ) then -- weld only in geometry objects
if classof o.baseObject == Editable_Mesh then
meshOp.autoSmooth o.mesh o.mesh.faces 45.0
MessageBox "Operation done!"
createdialog GhibozTools width:200
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